
Chapter 295 Electrolux's understanding of the power of faith

After leaving the Pope's Palace, Tang San's mind sank into his upper dantian, his eyes dark: "Why didn't you respond at all before?"

  "Aren't you afraid of ruining Brother Tang's good deeds?" Lex winked, then coughed again, and said seriously, "But speaking of which, I didn't see anything -"

  Unlike the former Rakshasa god remnant soul, who was a rotten girl, she looked at it with gusto.

  Electrolux even suspected that if he had a physical body, the former Rakshasa God would definitely be involved!

  No, after suffering retribution, his soul must be gone.

  Of course Tang San didn't hear the last three sentences, but at this moment he frowned, feeling more and more that Electrolux was becoming more and more unruly. Could it be because he was influenced by him?

  That's not necessary!

  It's just that -

  "I don't believe that you didn't do anything in the previous process. The attributes in Bibi Dong's body are balanced. It can't be just because of dual cultivation with me." Tang San said solemnly, "Although I also obtained In order to benefit from it, qi, blood, soul power, and mental power all tend to condense into a core, and even the soul power has broken through to the sixty-fifth level..."

  Half a year ago, Tang San obtained the sixth soul ring. The power reached level sixty-two, and half a year later it was improved by one level, reaching level sixty-three.

  Now, a double cultivation session with Bibi Dong has caused the soul power to break through two levels again.

  But Tang San believed that Electrolux was definitely doing something secretly, otherwise it would be impossible to have such an attitude. Usually when he was intimate with Xiao Wu and others, this guy wouldn't say a word about it. How could he explain it like this?

  "Okay, I'll say..."

  Listening to Electrolux's explanation of the deal with Rakshasa's remnant soul, Tang San's eyes narrowed: "The source of the power of faith, the soul emanates "Yes, the power

  comes from the soul. This is the power that can only be born by intelligent creatures. Non-intelligent species cannot derive it,"

  Electrolux said calmly and seriously, "But. , the power of faith cannot be absorbed directly under normal circumstances. It will be subtly affected by the thoughts of all living beings and cannot be used directly. Most gods rely on artifacts to carry them. For example, the Poseidon of Poseidon Island uses his own artifact trident as a tool to gather faith.

  "According to the remnant soul of Rakshasa, except for the two supreme god kings, only angels and Rakshasa can avoid it

  . "

  "Rakshasa is just the opposite."

  "Because the beliefs they have absorbed are relatively pure and good and evil are very clear. Correspondingly, Shura's murderous thoughts are more complicated. This is why Shura God wants to give up his position as a god. One of them is not only because he wants to explore a wider space in the universe, but also because he is restricted by the other god kings. "

  "The core of the origin of the two god kings, life and destruction, is the law of life and destruction. With the power of faith, among the one hundred and eight worlds controlled by the gods, there are no legends related to them. "

  "In fact, among the five god kings, except for the good and evil ones, the other three are in special situations. None of them need the power of faith, but Life, Destruction and Shura are the law enforcers,

  especially Shura. Every time there is a mission, he and the gods and priests under him are responsible for dispatching it. Life and Destruction just stay in the God Realm. Responsible for preliminary ruling and judgment...

  Therefore, there are legends of Shura God in the lower world, but there are no deeds of life and destruction, because most of the god-level powerful men who violated the laws of the divine world were destroyed by the law enforcers of the Shura line. " There are very few strong men who are brought to the God Realm to accept the preliminary judgment of life and destruction." "

  And it is precisely because Shura often appears in the lower world to enforce the law that he has a reputation in the lower world, and the power of faith gathers, even in the legend. After arriving in the God Realm, they became extremely rare, which also caused subtle changes in his character."

  After hearing these secrets, Tang San thoughtfully asked, "Good and evil are special?"

  "They are indeed special, because they are both special. The first is the concept of good and evil."

  Electrolux nodded, "It can grow based on the good and evil thoughts of all living beings, and will not be affected by the good and evil thoughts of the world, and its mood is as sincere as a child... Well, to be honest, Such an existence is actually very dangerous. For example, two children control the switch button of a nuclear bomb. I seem to be able to understand why these two guys gave up their status in the God Realm and went to the Douluo series in your memory. Experience love in the world. "

  Only love can make a person truly grow.

  In Electrolux's view, the kind of perseverance honed through life and death is nothing more than cultivating a heart of stone that is only about profit.

  "If Ji Dong and Lie Yan really exist in the Five Elements Continent, then they will never reach the heights of their predecessors after inheriting the positions of good and evil in the future."

  Electrolux continued, "Because after all, they are Human emotions and desires are too complicated, and good and evil are the original origins, which are the two thoughts of good and evil of the Creator God who opened up the divine world. "

  "From this perspective, for human beings, they inherit God. The position is undesirable. Unless the predecessor god dies completely, like the Rakshasa god, he will never be as good as his predecessor in understanding the origin of the gods. Unless he finds another way and only pursues improvement and bonus in power, similar to the original work. That person, regardless of his understanding of the law, only pursues the superposition and qualitative change of energy, but in the final analysis, he uses the property left by his predecessor."

  Tang San was speechless: "Don't confuse me with him, I am better than him. Slag...oh, no, there is too much charity."   

  Electrolux: "...I have said so much, and you are only concerned about this?"

  "Let's get down to business." Tang San changed the subject, "So, the power of faith is useless to us, right? "For now, that's the case. "

  Electrolux said, "But don't think I'm at a loss. I got the information about the power of faith from the Rakshasa remnant soul, which can help you manage the Blue Silver Emperor in the future. "

  How to manage?" Tang San wondered, when can the power of faith be used as an "intelligent housekeeper"?

  "Didn't you read a lot of novels in your previous life? "Yang Shen", "Galaxy Emperor"..."

  "Stop!" Tang San interrupted Electrolux's numerous treasures and asked in confusion, "These Can it really be used as a reference? "

  " Definitely not, after all, there is no detailed description, but I found that the power of faith does have corresponding properties, and maybe it can be condensed into something similar to virtual heaven." Electrolux said. He said, "When your virtual starry sky world is completed in the future, it will be difficult to manage the whole picture with the mental power of you and me, plus the mental power of your women. It is better to directly use the power of faith to create an [Administrator]. Wouldn't it be nice to help me?"

  This suggestion sounds really good, but at this time, there is only a "map" of the starry sky in the illusory star world. It will probably take a lot of time and energy to truly open up the illusory world.

  Secondly, even if the power of faith can really be made into something similar to incense, divine body, legal body or even the way of heaven, it will probably require tens of millions of experiments.

  Tang San only had four words to comment on this: The future is promising.

  However, there is one thing that I still don't understand -

  "How do you know the nature of the power of faith? The remnant soul of Rakshasa probably doesn't know such specifics, right? Or, have you studied the power of faith? Where did you get it?"

  "Say You may not believe it, but you have the power of faith in your body, and even the power of faith from the outside world is constantly entering your body." Electrolux told a fact he saw, "This may be related to the theory that you are a martial soul. You are related to the master, and you are a powerful soul master who can rival the Pope of Wuhun Palace. The world's admiration for you and their desire to be strong have caused the power of their faith to focus on you."

  Tang San frowned. Wrinkle, worried that the power of faith would have a negative impact on, or even distort, his mind and character.

  Maybe it's already had an impact!

  For example, he doesn't feel any guilt about having a harem now!

  "Don't worry, this has absolutely nothing to do with the power of faith."

  Even though Electrolux only had his soul left, he couldn't help but twitching at the corner of his mouth, "You are an old pervert yourself, what does the power of faith have to do with you?"

  "Also? Yes, energy like the power of faith can only be absorbed by a being who has condensed the soul. It is equivalent to existing in another dimension. You can't feel it at all, and it just accumulates in your body."

  "Maybe one day you die unexpectedly. Yes, these powers of faith may be able to protect your soul from death, and you may even become the God of Faith in a unit of time of millions of years, but it is still unknown whether you will be you at that time. "

  Mortals cannot perceive faith, let alone use faith, and naturally they cannot enjoy the improvement of their own strength from the power of faith.

  But Tang San breathed a sigh of relief.

  He could still accept the double cultivation with Bibi Dong to improve his soul power. After all, Bibi Dong was stronger than him, and he was passively "collecting yin and replenishing yang", but the power of faith was different and could subtly affect people's minds.

  It is in line with the old saying: Faith is poisonous!

  Returning to Hunwu Manor, Tang San took the lead in going to the bathroom to take a bath and get rid of the smell on his body before accompanying the others to train, research, or go shopping for dinner.

  "Third brother, I heard that you chatted with the Pope all afternoon today?" Xiao Wu asked curiously while eating fatty beef, "Is it because of the throne?"

  "The main thing is to teach her the three elixirs. See Let's see the effect." Tang San felt that this was not a lie, after all, in that primitive and simple movement, Bibi Dong really condensed the soul core of the dual attributes of death and soul-eating.

  "You are the first person who dares to experiment with the Pope." Ning Rongrong covered her mouth, and then joked: "By the way, you won't even take down the Pope in the end, right?"

  Tang San didn't change his expression, but followed Ning Rong's lead. Rong Yan said: "That's not true, your men are very powerful."

  "Bah, you're so pretty!" Huo Wu winked at Tang San.

  "Haha, let's eat~"

  (End of chapter)