
 Chapter 319 The winner is the king and the loser is the bandit? No! The Dragon God is a small-minded person!

 Five thousand years into the golden calendar, the number of soul beasts has once again decreased. In order to obtain enough soul rings for the entire empire's residents to advance, the Golden Civilization began research on soul beasts, began to carve the blood of soul beasts, and established a soul beast protection organization. Severely crack down on soul beast poachers.

  "Come on, the soul beast has become a protected animal. Is this reincarnation?" Tang San laughed and continued reading - In

  the six thousand years of the Golden Calendar, the ecology of the habitats of the major soul beasts was restored. The Golden Empire searched the sea and land and found Nearly a thousand powerful 100,000-year-old soul beasts were forced to take the form of humans in order to study their method of self-condensing soul rings, so that humans could get rid of the shortcoming of needing soul beast soul rings to advance.

  In the eight thousand years of the Golden Calendar, mankind has made a major breakthrough in self-condensing soul rings. It no longer needs to be restricted by the soul rings of soul beasts. At this point, the Golden Empire has entered a new era, and the Golden Civilization has truly been born!

  In the nine thousand years of the golden calendar, the number of human titled Douluo has increased exponentially, and major titles have emerged one after another. Therefore, the empire has begun to unify the division of realms, based on the soul ring, into one-ring soul masters ~ nine-ring soul masters, collectively called: soul masters .

  In the ten thousand years of the Golden Calendar, civilization has continued to grow and is preparing to explore the starry sky. The representative of the soul beast clan, the Dragon God, has returned in a more powerful posture, and has controlled the creation and destruction of the godhead. With crushing power, he once again attacks Golden Civilization has launched a challenge!

  This time——

  [Golden Civilization lost! ]

  Tang San discovered that the text behind was handwritten and no longer printed in printed fonts, so it was a little difficult to read.

  [That is the true power beyond the gods. We cannot defeat... pressure. It can promote people to make rapid progress, but that powerful force cannot be defeated by human beings. We need stronger power! ]

  [The golden civilization was defeated! All the achievements of civilization were destroyed, and the world once again became a paradise for spirit beasts...]

  [But perhaps out of that ridiculous self-esteem, after the victory, the Dragon God also used some special means to erase The memory of all the people at that time, as well as the memory of him being exiled to the void by the golden civilization... I feel that my memory is fading, no, I want to record it! ]

  [However, the most fortunate thing is that the golden ancient tree is under our control. Even the Dragon God does not dare to fight against the will of the entire planet and cannot destroy the golden ancient tree and everything near it, otherwise he will be harmed. The fate of the entire Douluo Star has backfired, but most of the people here have dispersed. Can the golden civilization still exist? I hope that those who come after us can remember what happened in ancient times, and if they have the ability, prove to the entire cosmic civilization that humans are the greatest living beings. The dragon race, a race that possesses wisdom but only relies on brute force, will eventually become a thing of the past! ]

  [I just regret that we don't have enough time to develop, otherwise, we will definitely be able to create god-level powerhouses in batches! ]

  [Speaking of...I...who am I? ]

  Turning to the end, Tang San only saw this question, and a trace of sadness arose inexplicably in his heart, and he sighed: "At first, the Dragon God only possessed the seven elements of water, fire, earth, wind, light, darkness and space. Later, Creation and destruction were obtained by chance. It was because he was exiled from the Douluo Planet by the Golden Civilization that he had the opportunity to come into contact with them."

  "Moreover, the Dragon God also erased the shameful memory of his defeat. It is estimated that not only Not only was the memory of the human beings erased, but the memory of the soul beast was also erased. He might even have deceived himself. "

  "Tsk, tsk, he's quite careful. He doesn't leave any dark history to himself."

  "Also, if. Taking the settings of the Douluo series as a reference, the rule that soul beasts cannot become gods seems to have been set by the Dragon God. Unless the Dragon Clan reappears, the other soul beasts cannot become gods...until Only when the four protagonists achieve the position of Dragon God can this rule be unlocked, and the soul beast can become a god through cultivation."

  At this time, Gu Yuena walked away holding a romance comic book "Tom, Jerry, and Dog". He came over and asked: "This comic is quite interesting. It tells the love story between a female mouse and a male cat, and a female dog disguised as a man."

  Tang San ( ̄△ ̄;): "Well What?"

  He grabbed the romance comic, flipped through it a little, and put it into his storage wristband, saying: "This is not something a little girl with unsound views like you should read. Keep it for you."     Gu Yuena: →_→

  But Tang San ignored her little expression, and handed over the "Summary of the Development History of Golden Civilization" in his hand, saying: "Look at this, maybe you may know about the Dragon God... "..."

  Before Tang San could finish speaking, Gu Yuena immediately snatched it away after hearing the word "Dragon God". Looking at it, it was fine at first, but later on, when she saw the Dragon God, she actually erased her defeat. The memories of the golden civilization made him blush.

  "It seems that you have something to do with the Dragon God." Tang San asked knowingly.

  "It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter at all." Gu Yuena now only feels that her "previous life", or "father", is really unauthentic.

  It's just a failure, nothing to be serious about, right?

  It only erased the memory of human beings, but also erased the relevant memories of the soul beast clan. Even her "daughter" and "reincarnation" had no relevant memories.

  How shameless!

  Suddenly he felt that the Dragon God deserved to be cut in half, and his mentality was really bad...

  "You're not acting like this." Tang San smiled, and walked to the catalog bookshelf again, Looking through catalogs related to Wuhun research, I found that there was no information related to Wuhun cultivation, not even research information on soul guides. I just found a note in a catalog that said:

  [After the destruction of the Golden Civilization, the Dragon God found this place and ordered those who stayed to take out all the information on martial soul training and soul guidance device research and destroy it...]

  "Burn the books?"

  Tang San frowned, not having any good impressions of the Dragon God.

  Before, it could be said that the victor writes history.

  And now, this guy has cut off most of the research data left by the golden civilization. The remaining ones include agriculture, industry, economy, education, medicine, military, culture, etc., but there is nothing related to martial arts cultivation and scientific research.

  This completely eliminated the shortcut for rapid development for him, a latecomer.

  "Huh~ I am lucky to have gained it, but I have lost my life. Since the golden civilization has failed, then if we try to imitate it, it will only reach the level of the golden civilization in the past. Today's Douluo Continent still needs to create a path forward that is in line with this era. ." Tang San closed the book, walked through the agricultural, medical, economic, educational and military areas, and put all the basic parts into the storage wristband.

  Gu Yuena also joined in to help. After seeing the note, she felt an inexplicable sense of guilt and felt that she needed to do something to make up for it.

  It can only be said that it has been influenced too much by humans...

  (End of this chapter)