
dieuborne- bloodline of gods

A story of brothers, a story of love, A righteous raven fighting an evil dove. A gem so bright that the devil sold its soul, Watch me narrate as greed takes it all. At the tender age of 10, Merfy's world shattered as his family fell victim to space creatures. Enduring a life filled with hardships, a dormant power within him suddenly awakens, altering the course of his existence. However, the loyalty of this newfound power remains uncertain. Are the shadows of his past as dark as they seem? Did his family truly perish? Join me in unraveling the mysteries that entwine Merfy's journey, as the story delves into the enigmatic depths of his soul.

Dark_Sider_1892 · Fantasy
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Kyros from the house of Zara, a man accustomed to the lavish and predictable life within Quantum City's secure walls, found solace in the familiar sights and sounds of the casino.

The neon lights and the subtle hum of activity around him were like a constant in his otherwise carefully controlled existence.

Tonight, he stood by the roulette table, seeking a reprieve from the monotony that his privileged life often entailed.

The clattering of chips and the occasional cheers of other patrons provided a backdrop to Kyros's thoughts. Despite being surrounded by opulence, he struggled to find anything truly stimulating. His eyes scanned the room, seeking a diversion from the usual.

That's when he noticed the entrance of an intriguing figure.A young man, ragged and poorly washed, stood out conspicuously amid the well-dressed casino clientele.

Kyros raised an eyebrow, intrigued by the youth's audacity to enter a place of the elite in such a state. Not just kyros, but many from the casino looked towards merfy. Some looking with despise, some with digust while others with confusion.

The robots on the staff, programmed to be impartial, paid no mind to his appearance.

As Kyros continued his observation, he realized the youth was fixated on the roulette table. The very table he was standing beside. This piqued Kyros's interest even more.

Despite the advanced technology that dominated their world, the allure of traditional gambling games like roulette still held a special place among the wealthy.

Kyros, intrigued by the youth's unexpected presence, couldn't help but notice a certain regal air about him. Despite the ragged exterior, there was an unmistakable aura of wealth and nobility surrounding the young man. It was as if he were a prince in disguise, a thought that lingered in Kyros's mind, ofcourse he knew that wasn't possible.

"Quite a sight you are," Kyros commented, his intention genuine but perhaps poorly articulated.

However, Merfy, misinterpreting the remark, felt a sting of mockery about his appearance. Annoyed by what he perceived as an insult, Merfy shot back with a sly grin, his eyes pointedly fixing on Kyros's well-fed midsection.

"Healthy yourself, I see," Merfy retorted.

Kyros, taken aback by the unexpected wit and boldness of Merfy's retort, found himself chuckling in genuine amusement. Laughter rarely graced his lips, especially within the confines of the city walls where power and wealth shielded him from the more unfiltered aspects of life.

There was an undeniable attraction to the young lad's fearless demeanor, a quality seldom encountered in the city's more polished inhabitants.

"I wasn't trying to insult you," Kyros responded, his laughter subsiding as he offered a more genuine explanation. However, Merfy, still focused on the roulette, couldn't resist a mocking reply.

"What a surprise, me neither," he quipped, his attention firmly fixed on the spinning wheel.

The exchange left an undercurrent of curiosity lingering between them. Feeling a sense of entertainment in the unexpected turn of events, Kyros decided to observe the youth's actions further. Merfy, meanwhile, had his attention fixed on the panel hovering above the roulette.



[Description]: Roulette is a popular casino game of chance. It involves a spinning wheel with numbered pockets and a small ball. Players place bets on the outcome, predicting where the ball will land when the wheel stops spinning. The wheel is divided into numbered and colored sections, providing various betting options, such as individual numbers, groups of numbers, and colors. The game's simplicity and potential for various betting strategies make it a staple in casinos worldwide.

[Durability]: 98.7%

[Outcome]: 32


Merfy, cautious by nature, waited for the outcome to be confirmed. As the ball settled on 32, he repeated this verification three more times.

Kyros, who had been analyzing Merfy and placing inconsequential bets, started to lose the game as well as interest, as it seemed the youth was solely fixated on the roulette.

'Maybe he's just here to witness the roulette, poor guy' Kyros thought to himself.

sighing as he shifted his attention to the robot managing the bets. Before he could place his own bet, he was interrupted by the same youth he had been observing.

"How about a deal, sir?" Merfy proposed with a polite smile, surprising Kyros with the change in demeanor. The youth's smile now carried a businesslike quality.

'This guy' Kyros mused, realizing how hard it can get for the people to initiate conversations with the wealthiest man of quantum city.

He casually gestured to his seemingly sharp bodyguards, who were cautiously approaching, thinking Merfy might be bothersome.

The bodyguards understanding what kyros's intentions were behind the gesture stopped.

His interest in Merfy reignited, Kyros responded, "A deal is done between parties of the same standards."

Taking a pause, he continued

"I assume you know that, right?"

Maintaining eye contact without revealing any discomfort caused by the wealthy individual's statement.

"This one... doesn't," Merfy replied

"Let's see"

the two locking eyes in a silent yet intriguing exchange.

"I'll guide you on where to place your bets. If you win, 50% of the profit is mine; if you lose, I'll take care of the compensation," Merfy proposes with a confident smile.

Kyros, taken aback, glances at Merfy's ragged clothes and scoffs, "Compensate? How?"

Merfy, unfazed, responds, "That's not for you to worry about." He maintains his smile while shifting his gaze to Kyros's well-built bodyguards. "Even if I don't, you probably have the power to make me... don't you?"

Kyros, more intrigued than concerned about the monetary aspect, decides to probe Merfy's confidence. Pretending to ponder, he says, "So, what are we betting on... colors or perhaps columns?"

Merfy, scratching his head, responds with genuine confusion, "What are those?"

Kyros, bewildered by Merfy's lack of knowledge, exclaims, "Pardon."

Merfy shrugs and says, "Don't we bet on a number?"

"You're aiming for a straight bet" kyros asked.

"Perhaps" merfy responded nonchalantly.

"Listen, kid, it's not as simple as you think. If you're relying on luck, this isn't the way... Do you understand?" Kyros paused before adding, "Even I haven't won a single straight bet in all these years."

Aware that Kyros seemed hesitant, Merfy decided to mock him playfully. "You don't have to be afraid. I forgot my card at home; that's why I'm making this deal. I'll return your money if we lose the bet."

Piqued by Merfy's bold statement, Kyros questioned, "Which number?"

"27," Merfy replied confidently.

"Alright then, 27 it is" Kyros said to the robot, deliberately placing chips worth a million points, hoping to intimidate the seemingly confident youth. Which probably...didn't work.

The tension in the casino escalated as the roulette spun, and the ball bounced along its path. Merfy watched intently, his focus unwavering on the spinning wheel. Kyros, on the other hand, maintained a composed exterior, concealing any trace of anticipation.

As the roulette came to a gradual stop, the ball settled into the pocket labeled "27." The moment hung in the air, the outcome revealing itself. A victorious smile curled on Merfy's lips as he witnessed his prediction unfold.

Kyros, surprised by the turn of events, regarded Merfy with a mix of disbelief and intrigue. The million-point chips, now a symbol of the unexpected, sat on the table, and the atmosphere buzzed with a newfound energy. The young, seemingly ragged youth had defied the odds, and in that moment, the dynamics of the casino shifted.

Merfy, collecting his winnings with a nonchalant demeanor, turned to Kyros and remarked, "Maybe luck favors the audacious."

The onlookers, previously indifferent to Merfy's presence, now shared glances of astonishment and speculation. Kyros, processing the unexpected outcome, contemplated the layers beneath the seemingly unremarkable exterior of the youth who had just orchestrated an impressive win.

As the casino continued its operations, the aura around Merfy transformed. He wasn't just the ragged youth anymore; he was the one who beat the odds, leaving an indelible mark on the roulette table and the perceptions of those present.