
dieuborne- bloodline of gods

A story of brothers, a story of love, A righteous raven fighting an evil dove. A gem so bright that the devil sold its soul, Watch me narrate as greed takes it all. At the tender age of 10, Merfy's world shattered as his family fell victim to space creatures. Enduring a life filled with hardships, a dormant power within him suddenly awakens, altering the course of his existence. However, the loyalty of this newfound power remains uncertain. Are the shadows of his past as dark as they seem? Did his family truly perish? Join me in unraveling the mysteries that entwine Merfy's journey, as the story delves into the enigmatic depths of his soul.

Dark_Sider_1892 · Fantasy
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6 Chs

realisation (3)

Attempting to maintain his sanity amidst the endless, desolate darkness, Merfy dedicated himself to scrutinizing the panel hovering before him, a glimmer of anticipation lingering within.

Name: Morpheus Dieuborne.

A perplexed expression adorned Merfy's face as he fixated on the unfamiliar last name. 'Although my first name is Morpheus, I distinctly recall my surname being Velarious.'

After a moment of contemplation, he shook his head, casting doubt upon the authenticity of this strange revelation. His eyes continued their journey across the enigmatic panel.

Inherent Skill: [Orion's Eyes]

Skill Description:

Eyes bestowed upon the Dieubornes By the supreme being, Orion.

[Capable of perceiving the surroundings despite their state. Whether bathed in the golden glow of dawn, veiled in the tranquil dusk, or shrouded in the mystique of midnight. Every nuance of the environment became a canvas painted with the hues of temporal beauty. The power, a silent guide, bestows the rare ability to witness the world in its myriad states, an extraordinary perception transcending the boundaries of time and offering glimpses into the intricate tapestry of existence.]

Devoured Skills: [Hyper Reflex (Common)]

Skill Description:

Skill absorbed from the life stone of an unknown creature.

[In life-threatening situations, senses are heightened to a hyper level.]

Time Remaining Till the First Glimpse: 90 Earth days.

Merfy found himself at a loss for words, with excitement and worry intertwining within him at a rapid pace.

Anticipation surged within him at the prospect of joining the ranks of the awakened on the planet. Simultaneously, worry crept into his thoughts concerning the unknown facets inscribed on the panel.

The poetic and perplexing description of Orion's eye left him questioning its meaning. Was he now a Dieuborne? Or had he been one all along? The concept of devoured skills introduced further bewilderment. What would unfold in the next 90 days? A multitude of inquiries swirled in Merfy's mind, questions that seemed destined to remain unanswered.

Merfy was always wary of the unknown, even when he found the orb, merfy was trying his best to decipher it, amidst all the chaos he went through. Similarly, He pondered ways to obtain answers or rid himself of the panel – an endeavor shrouded in uncertainty. Could it even be removed? Another query surfaced, compounding his confusion. The more he contemplated, the more entangled his thoughts became, spiraling into a state of mental chaos within the boundless void. Merfy's perpetual self-questioning reached a standstill with a gentle sound – the first audible sensation.


Harm to the holder's body detected.


Returning the holder's consciousness to the physical world.

A resounding thunder marked the onset of a peculiar downpour – colossal droplets, scarcely water, opaque and unclear. Cascading onto a half-naked boy nestled between the serrated teeth of a giant cogwheel.

Upon contact with Merfy's skin, the droplets induced sheer agony, jolting him into a stark awareness from what felt like an extended slumber.

Rain posed no significant threat to city dwellers; its sound was a melody, and the droplets harmlessly dissipated upon contact with the transparent barrier above. However, beyond the city's protective shield, in the barren wastelands, the rainfall spelled imminent danger.

Merfy hastily sprang to his feet, clutching his meager belongings – a tattered shirt – frantically searching for shelter amidst the dark, dripping night. Yet, what unfolded before him momentarily eclipsed the pain.