
Dies Irae

Rehor is reborn into a new world, and his ignorance of the lifestyle along with discovering his magic will make his life difficult.

ApollyonDais · Fantasy
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70 Chs

Into the Unknown

I heard a voice, nice and soothing, I think it's a females. The words from her(?) are incomprehensible. And I also heard another sound, one of a person panting, as if they had a long, and exhausting experience. Where the heck am I?

Trying to open up my eyes to try and see if I can recognize where I'm at, and I am instantly blinded. Dang, that light is so bright. Also, why the heck am I wet. It's freezing wherever I am. And I'm naked. Come on, can someone put some clothes on me, or a blanket. I want to warm up.

Let me try to ask somebody to help me out. I open my mouth and try to speak. As I try to make a sound, nothing comes out. It feels like something is stuck in my throat preventing me from making a sound. Therefore, I try to forcibly try to cough whatever is stuck in my throat out. And finally I can make a sound again.

Before I am even able to try and make a sound again, I feel myself being lifted. At least whoever is helping to cradle me is helping to support my whole body.

Wait, umm, why does it feel like it's only one person carrying me. I can feel flesh handling, continuously from my head all the way down to my legs. What the heck? I am nearly 6 feet tall. Admittedly, I'm curled up to some extent, but that should be nearly impossible for anyone to be able to lift me like that.

Okay, okay, let me try opening my eyes again. I can tell my eyes have adjusted to the brightness. Through my eyelids I am able to get any idea of how bright it is, I should be able to open my eyes without too much pain and see what is going on around me. And as I open up my eyes, I'm left utterly dumb-founded. What I am seeing is what looks to be, to my perspective, a giant woman leaning over top of me. My brain can not deal with this any more, which causes me to pass out.

* * *

So it's been a couple weeks since I came to. Let me tell you a few things that I have figured out since then.

1. I have been reborn, as in, I am a baby again.

2. My new parents do not speak English or any other language I recognize.

3. My new family is poor. I mean, I have not seen either of my parents wear more than two different sets of clothes. Their are no decorations around the place that I have seen. And I'm sleeping on straw.

4. This could be Earth, but a different time period. So either I am in some type of medieval time period, or I have transferred through time. I'm really not sure which.

5. Unlike some of those stories you read online, not so much in books, I do not have any cheats that will allow me to be some type of super-human.

Well, that is what I have figured out for now. I'm not trying to be mean to my parents, or how they live, but after living in what I would consider, modern times. I am so used to electric lamps, plumbing, HVAC, and other modern conveniences. I might have grown up, in my original body, in a rural area, be we still had creature comforts. This life is going to be difficult for me.

Now onto my new parents. My mother is appears to be in her late teens still. She has wiry brown hair, and brilliant green eyes. If she was not my mother, I would fall in love with those eyes. She is not skinny in the modern sense, but instead filled out throughout her whole body, not with fat, but muscles. She is not what I would consider beautiful in my sensibilities, in fact she is sort of homely. I don't care though. I do not understand a thing she says, for she always seems to be a happy mood, even while exhausted from doing chores around the house and outside, which I have barely had a chance to see yet.

As for my new father, he is about the same age as my mother. He wears a hat most of the time, some type of straw woven hat with a wide brim. From the few times I have seen him without the hat, he too, like my mother has brown hair. He has hazel eyes and a full beard and mustache. While not as lively as my mother, he seems to be a very sedate person. I have only heard him in a really loud voice once, but that was not in anger but in frustration. He tries his best to dote on me, but he is rarely in the house, and when he is, he is extremely worn out. I have seen a few other people a couple times, I might recognize one or two of them if I saw them again. Maybe not though.

As for me, I was, thankfully born as a boy. Yes, I had to check, just to make sure.

It feels weird to me, that my parents are half the age I was in my other life. While I never had a child, I had enough friends that did to know the problems a newborn is. So I have tried to be cognizant of that fact and as much as I can, tried to let my parents sleep through the night. It's hard though, I have no real control over my actions, and will start crying from a small sense of hunger, or a warm diaper. It is embarrassing, as a grown man, to have no control over my own body. I wonder if this is what it's like to be in retirement and start having your body failing. I think it is some type of hormonal imbalance, compared to what my previous body was used to.

While I want to know more about this life, I have been sheltered too much to try and figure out what is different from this life from my previous one. I know this will change in the future, my mind is having a need to learn. I was never this inquisitive in my prior life. I wonder if it is from being a newborn?

I'm hot the happiest with this chapter, especially the beginning, I will probably rework that scene in the future. I will be honest, the first couple chapters will have no real action, as I am trying to build the world to some extent.

Please give me some feedback on how I'm doing. And thank you for reading. Please continue to read it.

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