


Lord Isiah Stronghold passed out in the Forgotten Forest that last night. The headache was too unbearable. When he woke up he felt better.

"You're up" Chyne's voice was the first thing he heard that morning, "better start heading back home. You got work to do my friend."

"I have to head to the Nest" said Isiah.

"You'll do that when you're free of me" said Chyne, "right now you've got important things to worry about."

Isiah knew what Chyne meant, he had to find the minotaurs real body, which meant that he had to go back the Land of Birds against his will. The thought also made him realise that everyone in The Land of Birds expected him to be in the Land of birds because thats where he said he's heading to last night, and that he wouldn't be back in couple of days.

"My people think I travelled to the Nest" said Lord Isiah.

"What of it?" Chyne replied.

"It would be strange if they'd see me there" he said.