
Die Hard Brothers Alpha And Toreador

The federal dark tide is surging. A pair of DIE HARD brothers Ryan Anderson---the Vampire's Last Toreador and Benjamin Anderson ---the lonely Werewolf Alpha hiding in Porto, have to deal with the continuous influx of non-human forces, and a bloody storm is coming. Moreover, to integrate into human society, they must deal with the relationship with local upper-class people, protect the safety of human friends and save ordinary people who have been hurt by supernatural events. In this book, you will see Vampires, Werewolves, Banshees, Shapeshifters, Bounty Hunters, and so on. Let's take a look at how the brothers face this complex and difficult situation.

michael_lyu · Fantasy
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113 Chs

020 Distorted grandma and grandson relationship

When Kim realized that he didn't fully understand what Benjamin said that 'Ryan will create a offspring' was describing the process, the two people were facing each other with four eyes.

"Well." Kim drew a long tail, repeated Benjamin's original words in his memory, and then tried to say his own understanding: "I think it is to turn you into a vampire, or use you to create a vampire. No matter what this means, I don't think you will be safe..."

"Benjamin said that Ryan was very fond of me?"

Kim was surprised to find that Louise's attention seemed to be in the wrong place. This human to human whispers had entered a dead end.

Leave these two people alone for the time being, Ryan's office, the owner of Anderson's house. A rectangular piece of paper flew out of Poche Quinn's hand and landed on Ryan's desk.

Ryan's eyes fell with the pieces of paper. He was thinking that if Poche threw the real 10000 dolls cash in his face, maybe he would consider Poche's proposal. But it's just a check. Whether it's visual or emotional, vampires have no feelings.

Poche tilted his eyes, snorted coldly, closed the cheque book and put it back in the inside pocket of his coat. The young master of the Quines' family had changed his formal clothes. Ryan thought in disgust, "was the formal dress soiled by Benjamin washed or burned?"

"Ten thousand!" Poche leaned back in his chair. "This should make up for your lost time! This is my last offer!"

Instead of answering immediately, Ryan picked up the check that had fallen on the table. The amount is 10000 and the signature is p.q., which is the abbreviation of Poche Quinn. However, on the head of the check desk was' Quinn Group ', which means that this was a check belonging to Quinn group, not Poche's private property.

Ryan smiled and handed back the check. "I'm sorry, Mr. Quinn, I can't accept it. As far as I know, Mr. Quinn has no position in Quinn group, and you can't represent Quinn group, so I don't think this check has any meaning."

Poche slapped his palm heavily on Ryan's desk, and two strong men in black behind him stepped forward and stared at Ryan fiercely.

"Be sensible! I may not be today! But I will be tomorrow!" Poche put his hands on the table, leaned forward, and stuck a big face in front of Ryan. Maybe he thought it was more deterrent, "you don't have to do anything! You can get 10000 out of thin air!"

Ryan moved his body back slightly. The smell from Poche's mouth was not comfortable, "Mr. Quinn." Ryan took out an order from the drawer and blocked it in front of Poche's face. "Mrs. Quinn has booked the graves and funerals of all Quinn family members, including you. The deposit alone is 100000 dolls."

Poche was surprised to grab the order from Ryan, and his face turned from white to red and finally to purple!

"What is this!" Poche's hand trembling with the order: "what did she do! That old woman is going to hold a dress burial for her father and mother again!"

Ryan noticed the change of the title in Poche's words, raised his eyebrows and continued: "isn't that good? You see, the Quinn family will continue to use the same cemetery since your ancestors. Even if you leave this world, you can still be together forever!"

Ryan did it on purpose!

After Mrs. Quinn came to Anderson's house in the morning, she first went to the church and decided on the funeral. Then she went to the West cemetery and selected the cemetery. When she returned to Anderson's house again, it was already noon. Benjamin also bought the statue and just came back. After seeing the statue, Mrs. Quinn and old Hank chose the style of the coffin. After all this, it was nearly two o'clock in the afternoon before she left.

But Mrs. Quinn left just before Poche came. Like interrogating prisoners, he asked Ryan to tell the whole journey of Mrs. Quinn, and then began to give orders.

Of course, Ryan's narration omits the dialogue between him and Mrs. Quinn in the church under the statue of the son of God! If Mrs Quinn moved quickly, I'm afraid she's already having a physical examination!

In the final agreement between Mrs. Quinn and Ryan, Ryan accepted the additional clause of Mrs. Quinn, 'redeem Poche's sin in the name of the son'.

Well, there was such a dream like saying, because the vampire Ryan pushed Mrs. Quinn's sudden 'truth' and physical improvement onto the holy water she drank. Of course, Mrs. Quinn would not believe that the holy water had the ability to show evil and heal injuries! But now that Ryan had found a 'coat' for his incredible ability, Mrs Quinn had followed this path!

To be honest, I didn't understand why Mrs. Quinn trusted Ryan, who obviously had the ability to surpass ordinary people. I have a strong thirst for knowledge, but it is naturally impossible for me to ask Mrs. Quinn, so I still ask Ryan carefully.

Ryan replied to me: "How do you distinguish between 'monster' and 'genius'? Let me show you. You see, do you see my teeth? Well, you taste good! You see, now you are bleeding, because I bit your artery. Although your consciousness should be a little vague at this time, you can be sure that I am a' monster '. Now, don't struggle, be obedient, and drink my blood. Well, good, you see, your wound has healed, I saved you. If you didn't see my teeth and the person who attacked you wasn't me, you would think I was' gifted '. There is a line between the two sides of things. The key to how others treat you is on this line. Well, don't look like you're dying. Now, do you understand? "

After Ryan's' explanation ', I didn't understand the reason at that time. The blood supply to the brain was insufficient.

"This old bitch!" Poche tore up the order like crazy!

Ryan did not speak. He stared at Poche's every move. He was thinking about Mrs. Quinn's rider' Redeem Poche's sin ', Ryan was now a little worried about his vague words to Mrs. Quinn, because Ryan really can't judge whether this' Redemption' refers to making Poche disappear in the world or just being punished.

Grammatically, it seems to be the latter, but I don't know what can be used to redeem the crime of murdering grandparents?

If it was the former, it is too simple. Ryan can also say goodbye to the mammalian blood for a while and improve his diet. But the man in front of him was, after all, Quinn's only legitimate heir. Ryan really didn't know which side of sin or redemption was more important in Mrs. Quinn's eyes.

Now he angers Poche, and then Ryan will naturally transfer these words to Mrs. Quinn intact, so as to tilt the balance in Mrs. Quinn's mind. The best situation was to let Mrs. Quinn say it clearly and made Poche disappear in the world!

Poche suddenly calmed down after venting. Ryan clearly saw that the corners of his mouth rose in an instant.

Ryan realized how ridiculous Poche now found his behavior. Because Alice had seen that before Ryan appeared, Mrs Quinn's death was tonight. Mr. Poche Quinn, just like his grandmother, did not want to give her a little satisfaction before she died!

What a twisted pair of grandma and grandson. The grandmother insisted on holding a traditional funeral in order to annoy her grandson, while the grandson desperately tried to destroy the funeral in order to annoy her grandmother. Before the incident developed into such a distorted situation, the grandmother used all resources to lock the grandson's freedom, and the grandson tried every means to break the grandmother's shackles.

The first turning point of all this was that the grandson had crossed people's moral bottom line. The second turning point was that they came to Anderson's house. At this time, Ryan suddenly had a wonderful feeling of 'destiny'.

"Mr Quinn, I don't think I need to say anything more. Please go back."

Ding Ding

Ryan saw off the guests and answered the phone: "Anderson funeral home, can I help you?"

"I'm looking for SS."

Ryan put his hand over the phone and said to the three Poche people who were leaving, "close the door, thank you."

Poche looked back at Ryan, turned around and opened the door to the maximum

Ryan shook his head reluctantly and let go of the phone. "I'm Ryan. I think we need to talk, shapeshifter, or we should call you Mr. James Lance. Do you have a paper and pen at hand? Please write down our address."