
Die Hard Brothers Alpha And Toreador

The federal dark tide is surging. A pair of DIE HARD brothers Ryan Anderson---the Vampire's Last Toreador and Benjamin Anderson ---the lonely Werewolf Alpha hiding in Porto, have to deal with the continuous influx of non-human forces, and a bloody storm is coming. Moreover, to integrate into human society, they must deal with the relationship with local upper-class people, protect the safety of human friends and save ordinary people who have been hurt by supernatural events. In this book, you will see Vampires, Werewolves, Banshees, Shapeshifters, Bounty Hunters, and so on. Let's take a look at how the brothers face this complex and difficult situation.

michael_lyu · Fantasy
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113 Chs

019  End of Mrs. Porto's commission

Benjamin's truck had a sense of going upstream. Luxury cars from Porto West were driving along the Charles River to the North. Only Benjamin was heading to the West. This time, they did not go to see Mrs. Quinn, but Mrs. Porto.

"Are you not satisfied with the result?" Benjamin held the steering wheel with one hand and put the other hand on the rolled-down window. The early morning wind eased his fatigue a little.

"Of course not." Ryan shook his head. "In fact, I'm glad you let me do this."

The way to deal with Kyle was the same as the way to deal with Porche before. Benjamin came up with it. While shopping with Laura, they were arguing about whether to let Kyle continue to live.

"Then why do you look reluctant?"

"I just have some regrets. Mrs. Porto is very generous. The result is not satisfactory. We lost a lot of dolls." Ryan curled his lips, defusing Benjamin's doubts with a relaxed laugh.

There are some things we must understand about Ryan, our vampire. If Louise did not show her extraordinary alertness and arouse Ryan's curiosity, she would disappear from the world; If Benjamin hadn't stopped Ryan, James would have become a mummy in the woods on the border of Porto South district; If Benjamin hadn't persuaded Ryan to use Kim to disturb Porche's mind, Porche would no longer be in this world; Ryan wouldn't give Kim his blood if he didn't need someone to protect Alice; If old Hank hadn't stopped Ryan, the hunter who used the flame last night would go to hell in the process of continuous blood loss and healing; If Benjamin didn't stop Ryan from trying to replace Kyle with Kim, now 'Kyle' has become a 'person' suffering from bulimia.

It all started when Anthony said to the vampire, 'try it, live like a human in Porto!'

This kind of life means living a secluded life in the south area of Anderson's house and receiving a salary from the municipal government. However, we all know that this kind of life had gone forever. So, the vampire Ryan was trying to find a new way to survive. Thanks to the names of those who appear behind "if". Ryan had not returned to his life state before he met Anthony. What is that state? Please delete the short sentence after 'if'.

If you have any fantasies about vampires, please think carefully.

Porto's manor was more luxurious than Quinn's. Ryan and Benjamin were taken to the reception hall where Mrs. Porto was located. The complex and gorgeous Roman-style carvings were much more exquisite than the miscellaneous works in Anthony's office, but Ryan was very sleepy because of the transparent ceiling and sufficient lighting!

Ryan had to take off his coat and accessories (sunglasses and hat) for etiquette. The helpless vampire had to ask Mrs. Porto's maid to prepare extra strong coffee to keep awake.

"When Kyle came back yesterday, he looked very bad." Mrs. Porto looked at Ryan's caffeine addiction and didn't care: "you moved quickly. Have you solved it?"

Ryan was still the one having the conversation. The vampire put down the cup reluctantly, "I can barely say so."

Mrs. Porto's fingers fiddling with the tea cup stopped half with her eyelids. "Don't play with words with me. I'm not Quinn. I'm not interested in using riddles."

Ryan frowned and glanced at Benjamin. With a positive sign, he stood up and straightened his wrinkled clothes after sitting down: "Mrs. Porto, we have solved the problem that bothered Kyle. But the problem is not in this matter but Kyle's heart. If Mrs. Porto's family doesn't take any measures, such a thing will happen again."

Mrs. Porto opened her half-closed eyelids and looked at Ryan standing. "Is it happening again? Do you mean that if there is another time, the Anderson family will no longer accept my commission?"

"Yes." Ryan bowed. "You can think so."

Mrs. Porto looked down at the celadon teacup in front of the table. There were several more wrinkles on her wrinkled forehead.

"Now, I've changed my mind. I want to know the process. What did Kyle see?" Mrs. Porto's eyes returned to Ryan's face again and paused. "Or, what did Kyle do?"

Ryan shook his head. "We have completed Mrs. Porto's commission, so Kyle didn't see or do anything. If Mrs. Porto wants to know more, I suggest that Mrs. Porto can check Kyle's belongings to find out what Kyle is thinking." Ryan looked directly into Mrs. Porto's eyes: "this is a matter of Porto's family, not something we 'Anderson' should touch."

A strange look flashed in Mrs. Porto's eyes. A moment later, she snorted and waved to her side. The housekeeper like a middle-aged man handed over the checkbook. Mrs. Porto tore off the check and the housekeeper handed it to Ryan who was still standing.

Looking at the figures on the check, Ryan decided to take the words back that he said to Benjamin 'they lost a lot of dolls' before.

"You are very good." Mrs. Porto stood up with the help of the nurse. "I accept your suggestion. You can go now."

Led by the maid, Ryan and Benjamin returned the same way. But this journey was not short. The marble reliefs, polished cobblestone corridors, carefully pruned into various forms of potted plants, and famous paintings of centuries ago.

This was the home of the founder of Porto, the old woman who gave a check for 500000 dolls. Ryan was more cautious in his words and deeds than in Mrs. Quinn's. Now it seems that he had achieved the best results.

Returning to the truck, Ryan smiled and handed the check to Benjamin: "thank you again."

Benjamin raised his eyebrows slightly, and he gladly accepted the credit. But then, when he saw the amount on the check, he frowned and handed it back. "It's too much. We can't just cash it."

Alas, what a realistic idea. Werewolf thought more like humans than vampire.

Ryan was stunned, thinking in the space when Benjamin started the van. Yes, there were too many. There was also a cheque in the drawer, including Mrs. Quinn's 200000 cheque. How should we explain such earnings of unknown origin?

"If we do, Mrs. Porto has reserved a high-grade cemetery. How about this?" Ryan asked Benjamin who had started shifting gears.

"That's all we can do." Benjamin shrugged and the van left Porto manor.

At this time, in Porto South District, in the 'mill' half of the decoration, Madison looked into the mirror and frowned. His hair began to change color again! As always, this' ordinary human ', er, is me. I have no idea whether the changed future is good or bad.