
Die Hard Brothers Alpha And Toreador

The federal dark tide is surging. A pair of DIE HARD brothers Ryan Anderson---the Vampire's Last Toreador and Benjamin Anderson ---the lonely Werewolf Alpha hiding in Porto, have to deal with the continuous influx of non-human forces, and a bloody storm is coming. Moreover, to integrate into human society, they must deal with the relationship with local upper-class people, protect the safety of human friends and save ordinary people who have been hurt by supernatural events. In this book, you will see Vampires, Werewolves, Banshees, Shapeshifters, Bounty Hunters, and so on. Let's take a look at how the brothers face this complex and difficult situation.

michael_lyu · Fantasy
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113 Chs

018  Detective Curson's happy family

"Honey? Is that you? Are you back?" The middle-aged housewife held a large bag of groceries in her arms. She carefully took out the key, put it into the box by the door, and gently closed the door, "Honey?"

No one responded. The housewife leaned against the door, took a few deep breaths, calmed herself down, walked through the living room as quietly as possible, hunched over and tiptoed into the kitchen. Put the groceries on the ground, turn around, the third drawer on the right of the oven behind. The housewife bent her body and stretched her whole arm into the bottom of the drawer, rummaging something anxiously.

When she stood up, the housewife had a gun in her hand!

What kind of people hide their guns in their kitchens?!

Well, now the housewife with a panic expression and trembling hands holding the gun was such a person.

She moved slowly and walked back to the yard. Just before entering the house, she saw someone passing in her backyard! Her heart beat faster and faster as she got closer to the back.

"Mrs. Curson."

"Ah!" The housewife yelled, her body jumped up like a frightened rabbit, and the gun in her hand fell in shock!

"Oh!! James! Don't scare me like that!" Mrs. Curson pressed her hands on her chest, bent over, and looked at her husband's new partner. "Never! Never approach others without a sound!"

James watched Mrs. Curson pick up the gun on the ground without expression. "Is detective Curson there?"

The door from the kitchen to the backyard was pushed open. Detective Curson looked at his wife and James. He was a little surprised. He quickly grabbed the gun from his wife and closed the insurance: "dear, what are you doing!"

When Mrs. Curson saw her husband, her heart finally relaxed. She threw herself into his husband's arms and said, "I saw a figure flash across the yard! I thought it was a criminal!"

Detective Curson patted his wife on the back and made a look at James, meaning 'go away! We need privacy! " James took the fruit from the kitchen table and went into the backyard.

"He is a witness in the present case." Curson comforted his wife: "why don't you call me?"

Mrs. Curson pushed Curson away. "I shouted! I shouted 10000 times! You didn't answer me! What are you doing! Why don't you answer!"

Although Curson knew that "10000 times" was a very exaggerated metaphor, now was not the time to care about these details, "I'm sorry,honey. I must have missed it!"

Mrs. Curson glared at her husband and turned to tidy up the groceries she had left behind. The only difference between insecurity and security was whether Curson was present or not. Apart from the deadly weapons in the kitchen, it looked like a very happy family.

Mrs. Curson looked at her watch. At two o'clock in the afternoon, she sorted it out and asked her husband, "why did you come back at this time? I didn't see your car."

"Well."Curson touched his nose. The case was not a formal procedure, so the public resources of the police station could not be used. However, the explanation seemed to only make his wife worried, "There is a small problem with the car. It is under repair. Where's the baby?"

"Don't change the subject!" Mrs. Curson glared at her husband again, then rolled her eyes: "today is not a weekend! Of course it's still at school!"

"Oh! Ha ha. Then I'll continue..." Curson giggled and moved back a little bit, pointing to the backyard. He wanted to quit silently and continue working. But he found something wrong. His wife didn't seem to be sorting out groceries, but packing. All kinds of kitchen utensils were packed into a big bag, "where are you going?"

Mrs. Curson slapped her hand on the table and stared at Curson: "I knew it! You forgot! Today is Lisa's birthday! I'm going to Lisa's house to prepare a birthday party! And you're going to pick up the children from school! I knew it! You forgot everything! Right?"

Curson was stunned. He remembered that today was the birthday of Lisa, his daughter's best friend. As early as a week ago, he promised that even if it was not a weekend, he would let the two children enjoy the best birthday party!

"That's great!" Mrs. Curson said something completely different from the expression on her face: "your car broke down! What a perfect excuse!" Mrs. Curson carried her big bag behind her back and shouted at Curson with exaggerated body language: "then you took your work home! Look! Another good excuse! I think I will tell the children at the 'perfect' party you promised that uncle Curson is defending Porto peace! Can't come to the party!..."


Mrs. Curson slammed the door shut. Detective Curson stood in place, blinked, silently walked to the door, took out the key Mrs. Curson had forgotten from the box, opened the door, and handed it to Mrs. Curson, who was looking through the bag.

"Thank you!" Mrs. Curson grabbed the key, shook her hair and strode off.

You see, this is a happy family!

Detective Curson sighed and watched his wife get into the car and leave safely before closing the door. He planned in his mind that there should be no life problem for Fitz to follow James for a few hours? After all, how long can children's parties last without alcohol!

With this in mind, Curson returned to the backyard and went straight to his studio.

Fitz was still sitting on one side, trying not to look at the clue wall full of photos and red lines on the wall. Just now, he went to the backyard to get some air because of those disgusting photos. He didn't want to disturb Mrs. Curson. He looked apologetically at detective Curson.

James stood in front of the clue wall, but his back was to the clue. His eyes were on Fitz, holding a half eaten apple in his hand.

"Detective Lance! Why are you here?" Curson's mood changed quickly and he immediately went into work! He clearly remembered that when he left the police station, he ordered this partner to go to Porto Telecom to keep an eye on David!

"David is not here." James said blandly, "he was sent out to check the line."

Curson pulled James over and stared at him strangely: "then why did you come to me? Why didn't you follow him?!"

"I followed and lost it." James took a bite of the apple and his eyes were still on Fitz.

Curson opened his mouth. Half of the resume information in James Lance 'file is a secret task that haD been blackened! Such a guy now said he's lost?

"Hey, boy!" Curson reached out and grabbed James' collar. "When I talk to you! Look into my eyes!"

Forgive Curson! He was really angry with this guy! So that in such a moment, the deterrent power of the surname 'Lance' was temporarily overwhelmed by anger!

James pushed Curson away with his palm and finally looked at Curson!

Curson didn't expect his partner to resist. He was a little stunned, so he rushed forward to teach this guy a lesson!

"Detective!" Fitz rushed to them and timidly put out his hand to stop them: "no, don't be angry! You, you have to cooperate! There is a murderer wandering outside! You have to cooperate!"

Fitz's shoulders trembled and his eyes dared not touch them. He bowed his head and moved his feet unconsciously. It can be seen that this otaku was not good at facing conflict, but he ignored his fear and stood between the two.

Curson took a deep breath. Perhaps because his identity was a detective, he was indeed infected with many bad habits, such as temper. But he also knew that this should not be the time to solve his dissatisfaction with his partner, at least not in front of an ordinary person who needed help!

"Forget it!" Curson tidied up his clothes. He decided to apply to the homicide team leader tomorrow for a replacement partner!

Curson knew that with James beside him, he might never be able to calmly analyze the case. Curson took a note from the desk in the studio and handed it to James: "yours!"

"What is this?" James took the note and glanced at it. His pupils contracted instantly. Of course, this small change was not found by Curson who was in anger!

"Someone went to the police station to look for you. This is his phone!" Curson said impatiently, "now do your own thing, don't bother me here!"

Curson retracted the idea of letting James protect Fitz. This partner was too unreliable! It seemed that he had to take this burden to the party.

"Curson, Fitz, be careful." When James left, he suddenly turned around and said to them.

Curson frowned. He couldn't tell what such words meant. Was this guy expressing goodwill? Curson waved and ignored.