
Die Hard Brothers Alpha And Toreador

The federal dark tide is surging. A pair of DIE HARD brothers Ryan Anderson---the Vampire's Last Toreador and Benjamin Anderson ---the lonely Werewolf Alpha hiding in Porto, have to deal with the continuous influx of non-human forces, and a bloody storm is coming. Moreover, to integrate into human society, they must deal with the relationship with local upper-class people, protect the safety of human friends and save ordinary people who have been hurt by supernatural events. In this book, you will see Vampires, Werewolves, Banshees, Shapeshifters, Bounty Hunters, and so on. Let's take a look at how the brothers face this complex and difficult situation.

michael_lyu · Fantasy
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113 Chs

015 What really matters now!

"You seem to have identified it as an Illusory man." Benjamin leaned on the back of the driver's seat, his fingers tapped the steering wheel rhythmically, and the music played on the radio.

"Because it looks the best." Ryan tilted his head, the kind of music called 'goth' seemed to be very popular these days.

"Maybe from your heart, you just don't want it to be Papa Midnite." Benjamin shrugged.

Ryan raised an eyebrow, tacitly agreeing.

"So are we going back to Anderson now? Or do we continue to investigate James' list?" Benjamin asked.

Ryan thought for a while, "Go back. There's nothing to investigate. It's been two months. If he was really restless, he would have done something."

The vampire is right to say this. If the aliens are just for a simple life, there is no threat to the Anderson family, but...

"And." Ryan organized the logic, "There is something going on in the Federation, and it's not a bad thing for us to keep our identity hidden." Not all aliens are the same as Kim, and they will change positions in the blink of an eye.

Benjamin nodded, turned onto Highway 27, and headed south, but the conversation didn't end. Benjamin asked indifferently, "How do you want to find that Illusory man? Or just leave it alone and let James do his job?"

Ryan squinted at Benjamin and raised his eyebrows.

Benjamin shook his head and chuckled, as Ryan said before in James' attic, the disappearance of the young Qwest couple, no one was involved, no one! So why did the Anderson jump into it?

Anyway, this harmless Daniel now doesn't know where to go. The commission from Qwest had also been completed. He was recommended by Herman in the past, and he is not in Mrs. Quinn's social circle. The Anderson family does not have any secrets in his hands. Why should he do his best?

Wait until Daniel does something that affects Anderson before thinking about him.

The truck has already left the North District and entered the South District. "Aren't you curious? Didn't you say that Daniel has left home? From the time point of view, it is also very close to the full moon last month."

Ryan smiled, "Actually, I'm really curious. But if Papa Midnite took him away, then Papa Midnite was really hurt by you."

Vampire meant that Papa Midnite's recruitment standards had dropped too much, from the descendants of top vampires, werewolves, and wizards to the bottom aliens.

Benjamin shrugged and stopped talking about the Illusory man that had been abandoned. "Then what we really care about is what happened in the church today."

This was something that had affected the Anderson family, whether it's Anderson's own business, or James' accidental encounter, or Mrs. Quinn's caretaker, Amanda. The incident had caused trouble for the Anderson House.

"Right." Ryan nodded and thought about it for a while, but there was no result. He looked at Benjamin helplessly, "There is really no clue. We will make a judgment after the police report comes out in a few days."

Benjamin pouted, "I think it's easy to think, Papa Midnite."

Ryan nodded in agreement, "Indeed, it's hard work and bad for everyone, and he's the only one with such abnormal values."

Ryan suddenly thought of something and asked Benjamin, "Aren't you curious, why have I seen 'Dead Apostle Contract'?"

"Curious? You're older than me, isn't it normal to see a lot of things?" Benjamin answered, then frowned and thought for a while, "But I've never understood the meaning of the dead apostle contract."

Ryan pretended not to hear the previous sentence and put on his usual smile, "You don't understand because you haven't experienced history."

Benjamin knew that Ryan was waiting for him to ask, and shook his head, satisfying Ryan's expressive desire: "So what's history?"

"The 'Dead Apostle Contract' first appeared in colonial times."

"Are you serious?" Benjamin raised his eyebrows. "How old are you?"

"Uh—" Ryan's smiling face froze, his eyes drifted out of the window, and he didn't answer Benjamin's question, "At that time, the Dead Apostles were all composed of colonists. Papa holds the soul of man at midnight."

Ryan paused deliberately for a moment to let Benjamin think. After Benjamin showed the expression "So it is", he continued, "When the Federation was established, in order to show the sincerity of peace, Papa Midnite liberated all the dead. But after half a century, Papa Midnite started again. Use 'Dead Apostle Contract'. But it doesn't take long for it to be cleaned up."

Benjamin rolled his eyes at Ryan and didn't poke at the part that the vampire wanted to be vague about the past, because with his knowledge of Ryan, even if he asked, this guy would not answer, but asked a more practical question, "What happened half a century after the founding of the Federation?"

Ryan's eyes floated back, "When the 'Dead Apostle Contract' appeared for the second time, the contract mark of 'x' appeared."

Benjamin nodded as if he understood. Ryan had previously explained that the meaning of the 'x' mark is to satirize the Holy Bishop's Cross. In contrast to the history of the Federation, there was religious cleansing at that time...

The werewolf frowned after being preached by the vampire: "Why bring this up suddenly?"

"Because the 'Dead Apostle Contract' appeared for the second time." The vampire smiled, "It was not the wizard who killed the dead apostle, but the clergy in the church."

Benjamin nodded suddenly, "So this is the source of the legend that the cross, holy water, and holy scriptures can dispel evil things?"

I once asked Ryan what the truth of this legend was. Ryan answered you can feel it.

"It's a group of top-level 'Earthbound Spirits' from below and above who borrowed the bodies of the clergy, and then did the same job as Sebella Gust, persuading those who could persuade, and 'persuading' those who couldn't ."

On Route 27, the truck staggered with the black limousine that approached. Benjamin waved to Laura with a smile on his face. Laura was in the limousine, lying in front of the window, with a disappointed face.

"So, even if It's a battlefield, and it seems that there is nothing to do with our Anderson House, right?"

Ryan also smiled and sighed, "I'm afraid that's the case." Ryan blinked and corrected himself, "Hopefully that's the case."

Benjamin turned his head again and waved to the passing van with Porto Telecom stamped on it. Fitz in the van also waved happily.

The sun was setting in the west a little bit. Two months ago, the sun at this time had sunk into the western horizon, but now, the bottom of the sun just touched the horizon. In the oblique light of the setting sun, Benjamin turned the steering wheel and turned into the gravel road in front of the Anderson house.