
Die Hard Brothers Alpha And Toreador

The federal dark tide is surging. A pair of DIE HARD brothers Ryan Anderson---the Vampire's Last Toreador and Benjamin Anderson ---the lonely Werewolf Alpha hiding in Porto, have to deal with the continuous influx of non-human forces, and a bloody storm is coming. Moreover, to integrate into human society, they must deal with the relationship with local upper-class people, protect the safety of human friends and save ordinary people who have been hurt by supernatural events. In this book, you will see Vampires, Werewolves, Banshees, Shapeshifters, Bounty Hunters, and so on. Let's take a look at how the brothers face this complex and difficult situation.

michael_lyu · Fantasy
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113 Chs

008 Back to Anderson's house

On highway 27, an old pickup truck was driving towards the Southern District of Porto. The painted skin of the car body was covered with various stains. The only clean one was the two fan-shaped blocks on the front window. Under this block, two wipers bound by adhesive tape were folded in front of the car cover.

Benjamin put one hand on the steering wheel and beat the radio at the bottom right of the instrument panel with the other hand. The noise of the electric frequency made Ryan frown when he was sitting in the passenger seat.

"Stop knocking on it. You'll only make it worse!"

"Be patient, Ryan." Benjamin's patience was to continue to tap the radio with his big palm. Finally, a trace of music appeared in the cluttered noise, "you see! It just takes some time."

Benjamin turned the knob, the music became clear, the werewolf's head moved with the rhythm, his hand on the steering wheel changed, and his other arm rested on the eaves of the lowered window, "Oh, Ryan! I like this song!"

"... Ooh Thriller night So let me hold you tight

.... Ooh Thriller night So let me hold you tight And share a killer thriller Vincent Price..."

(Michael Jackson Thriller)

"Stop! Benjamin, stop! Stop singing! I hate this song..."

"What? What did you say? I can't hear you? 'Oh! Oh! In the moonlight... This creepy night...'"


Kim Anderson sat in the back seat, his eyes narrowed slightly and quickly swept between the two in front. He held a business card -- [Anderson funeral home]. Is this the mask of these two "creatures" mixed in the crowd? Kim habitually put the business card into the pocket inside his coat but found that the pocket had long been torn, and only the "Kozier" trademark representing the value of the clothes was still intact.

The trees on both sides of the road had disappeared and sparse buildings had begun to appear, which meant that they had officially entered the Southern District of Porto, to be exact, the southern suburb.

"Five minutes, Kim, only five minutes, and we won't have to listen to the howl of the beast." Ryan tilted his head and looked at Kim in the back seat, who seemed to be thinking, "Kim, tell me, you're not a rock fan!"

King looked into Ryan's pale green eyes and adjusted his posture. "No, I prefer jazz."

Ryan smiled and patted Benjamin: "look, there's finally a normal person among us."

Such ordinary conversations and scenes should have made people relax, but Kim became nervous. 'we', how many 'creatures' there were like them!

Kim hesitated and asked, "are you... Are you human?"

"Well?" Ryan lengthened his voice and turned back. "At least we look like now, don't we?"

Kim stopped questioning and turned to look at the scenery on both sides of the road. Porto just woke up in the morning light.

The map of Porto was like an owl with a mouse tail in its mouth. The forest where the three people came out was the tail of the owl. Highway 27 may be regarded as the back of the owl, connecting the North and South districts of Porto. For people in the north, people in the south were rural people in the suburbs. Last night, Ryan visited Mayor Anthony, on the north side. The mouse's tail was the famous Charles River, which connected Massa bay to the East and went deep into the hinterland of the Federation to the West. Going west along the Charles River, you will enter the part of the mouse's body - the West District of Porto, which was the location of Ryan's tomb area recovered by the municipal government. (refer to Boston map)

Benjamin turned the steering wheel and the truck turned into a dirt road. I don't know how old the truck was, creaking and clanging.

Kim was not afraid that he would be taken to a place where there was no human. Because in his impression, there was indeed a place called Anderson funeral home on the map of Porto, and it was indeed in the south district near the Porto border.

When he offered to add Anderson's surname to himself, he made it clear to them that he needed an identity. This real funeral home, which was obviously controlled by "wrong" people, was his best choice.

As the truck slowed down, Kim can see a two-floor building. Like ordinary farmhouses, it had a typical I-shaped structure. Inside the I-shaped structure, a dome building higher than the building was exposed, which should be a warehouse or studio. There were a few scattered bungalows among the sparse trees on the roadside, but they didn't seem to be inhabited. In front of the dirt road, two pillars stand upright on both sides of the road, and one at the top was flat. It was written in flower script: welcome to Anderson's funeral home. The bottom line of small words: 'the lost loved ones deserve the best! There is no doubt that we are the best! "

The truck rounded into the rear of the building and stopped in front of the warehouse.

"Here comes my 'brother'." Ryan couldn't wait to push open the door. After jumping out of the car, his hands kept beating on his body. There were obvious gray marks on the back of his black coat. The car was dirty on the outside and inside like Benjamin.

"Benjamin, your car needs washing!" Ryan complained.

Benjamin didn't mind or pay attention. He pulled Kim: "you need clothes. Do you want mine or his?"

Kim was embarrassed. He wanted Ryan's clothes regardless of his height or dress style. But in terms of body shape, his thick figure was more suitable for Benjamin's clothes. At least if he wears Ryan's shirt, the buttons won't button up at all.

Yes, Kim had seen that Ryan's clothes were also customized products, which were only suitable for himself. Ryan is not thin. On the contrary, he is strong, but he is much thinner than Kim.

"Yours!" Kim looked at Benjamin.

Benjamin nodded, shook his head, made a follow-up move, and walked to the warehouse.

Ryan removed the stain from his body and instead of going to the warehouse, he entered the I-shaped building through the back door, which was the main body of the Anderson funeral home.

The first floor here had his office, coffin display area, and reception area. The second floor was housing. Most of the employees of the funeral home lived here. Of course, there were a basement, makeup area, and storage area.

When you enter from the front door, the first thing you see is the coffin display area. If you go inside, you will come to the reception hall and office.

As soon as Ryan entered the office, he saw Alice, a mourning Banshee with an anxious face. Don't worry, Alice always had this expression, just like a psychotic with anxiety. If you can see the death of a stranger, you will feel the same anxiety.

"Ryan, Ryan!" The anxiety on Alice's face relaxed a little when she saw Ryan. She stood up from the chair in front of Ryan's desk in a long black dress, arranged the hem of the skirt in detention, and her weak shoulders shrunk nervously: "you, you didn't come back all night. what did Mayor Antony say?"

Alice was not beautiful. Her face was so deep that it always gave people the feeling of the statue. With a tall nose, deep eye sockets, a thin body, and the constant anxiety in her brown eyes, she was like a withered sapling.

"It was a little late yesterday, so I went straight to Benjamin." Now Alice's face without any decoration looked nervously at Ryan. Ryan gently pulled the hair on Alice's forehead behind her ears, smiled, and said, "a good news and a bad news. Which do you want to hear first?"

Alice's deep, straight eyebrows wrinkled in the middle. She knew the vampire was trying to comfort her. I'm afraid Ryan was desperately thinking about how to twist a bad news into a happy thing.

The Banshee shook her head. "Thank you for trying to comfort me, Mr. Anderson."

Ryan still smiled, took a folded document out of his pocket, and handed it to Alice: "I didn't lie to you this time. We did lose the tomb area in the west side, but the tomb area in our south side is private to us and no one can take it away. Anyone Oh, this will be our home."

Alice took the document and her anxiety disappeared before she opened it. "Really? No one can take it away! This is our home!"

The deep outline was not a defect, but a jade. Alice, who laughed, recovered the brightness and beauty that a 16-year-old girl should have. She jumped into Ryan's arms excitedly. Although the vampire could not pass any temperature to her, she still put her face on Ryan's chest and hugged Ryan with both hands. At this moment, she was very happy.

Ryan, who also hugged Alice with his chin against her hair, had a trace of helplessness in his eyes.

Vampires were thinking, how to maintain this family without the funds of the government?