
Die Hard Brothers Alpha And Toreador

The federal dark tide is surging. A pair of DIE HARD brothers Ryan Anderson---the Vampire's Last Toreador and Benjamin Anderson ---the lonely Werewolf Alpha hiding in Porto, have to deal with the continuous influx of non-human forces, and a bloody storm is coming. Moreover, to integrate into human society, they must deal with the relationship with local upper-class people, protect the safety of human friends and save ordinary people who have been hurt by supernatural events. In this book, you will see Vampires, Werewolves, Banshees, Shapeshifters, Bounty Hunters, and so on. Let's take a look at how the brothers face this complex and difficult situation.

michael_lyu · Fantasy
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113 Chs

007  Ghoul

These days, Anderson's house was flooded with trivia. The construction of abandoned mills and the purchase of cremation facilities, as well as the recruitment of new employees. Although Ryan never did it himself and left it to Madison, Madison, who had just entered Anderson's house, was still carefully handling the boss's temper, and would honestly ask Ryan about the things that needed to be decided. I have to say that , at that time I developed the habit of asking him questions.

To Ryan's surprise, the Anderson family seemed to be busy. This was due to a report on 'traditional funeral' in Porto Daily on Monday.. Of course, this kind of report on social phenomena and inviting people from all walks of life to express their opinions had no practical significance for the things themselves. It was obvious that the journalists had not discovered any "conspiracy", and then they created such an article to test the water and see the trend of public opinion, that is, the so-called "fishing".

When it was discovered that a large number of people began to make an appointment for the cemetery of Anderson house, Porto Daily spent a lot of space praising Mayor Porto for defending the 'right to choose' for the citizens, and so on.

Because the time were occupied by trivia, Ryan ignored that James hadn't called for several days.

After the incident of the shapeshifter was resolved, James would often call and ask for the assistance of Anderson family. Just like Madison, the two sides cooperated to eliminate the aliens who had entered Porto because of rumors.

James' didn't call again, partly because he didn't trust Ryan. With Madison's example, James realized that Ryan could not be given the opportunity to grow. But the more important reason was that James had no time for 'private affairs', and he had a premonition that his secret mission and his own work had intersected.

"You'd better tell the truth!"

This was the North District of Porto, a dark alley. The light of street lamps was blocked by the buildings on both sides, and the old paper plates and garbage cans form the tramp's home. Detective Curson was holding a ten doll bill in his hand. "If I find you lying, I don't mind taking you away with 'sabotage'."

"Man!" The tramp quickly took the money from Curson's hand: "then take me with you! At least there are four complete walls in the police station!"

"Hum!" Curson gave a cold snort, pushed his coat aside with both hands, stuck his waist, and exposed half of the gun stuffed in the holster: "now tell me what you see."

The tramp put away the money, and began to say nervously, "every night, people living on the fourth floor always drop some bread." The tramp looked up and pointed up along the escape ladder. "But yesterday, that man didn't do it. I'm very angry! I want to go up and argue with him! Doug advised me to forget it! But how can it be! I haven't had dinner yet!"

James and Curson looked at each other and made no secret of their disgust.

"I know I'm right!" The tramp said proudly, "I am still alive because I have gone up!" He pointed at it, and then his eyes became terrible. He put his dirty hand on his mouth dramatically: "that's when I saw that guy!"

"So you're looking down?" James shook his head. "You didn't see his face!"

"Of course I can't see it! It was night. It's so dark here! Even if I don't go up there, I can't see his face!" The tramp's logic was actually very strict!

Curson waved his hand and motioned to his partner not to worry: "what do you see?"

"He, no! It's it! It just opened my bed!" The tramp angrily pointed to the ragged cardboard beside him, and then showed a trace of pride: "fortunately, I'm not here! He opened Doug's place again and pulled Doug out." the tramp pointed to the other side of the alley, and his face became more proud: "then, eat Doug!"

"What?" Curson stared. "What the fuck are you talking about!" Curson didn't mind the dirt on the tramp. He pushed his hand away and was about to snatch the ten doll he had hidden behind his pants.

James reluctantly pulled away Curson, who had lost ten doll for nothing, and asked the tramp who was closely protecting his ass: "what is it, an animal? A dog, a wolf or something?"

"Of course not! Have you ever seen a dog dressed?!" The tramp said to the idiot, "it's a man! It's a man! It's a man of great power! Doug didn't even moan!"

"Let's go!" Curson broke away from James. "It's just a waste of time here!"

James sighed helplessly and left the alley with Curson. But Curson didn't really leave, but knocked on the door of the building on the other side of the alley with James. They wanted to make sure that there was a guy named Doug among the tramps who often lived in this area.

After a brief visit, the two returned to their car. The expressions of the two detectives were not very good. It had been confirmed that there were indeed two tramps here, one of whom was the guy who had some nerves, and the other was Doug who was claimed to be eaten by him.

"Go home first." James looked at his partner. "You should go home with your wife and children. I can watch here."

Curson stared at his partner for a while. He wondered why his partner felt like a different person now. Compared with the guy who only knew how to eat in the first week, James was much more reliable now. Curson quickly threw away his doubt that there would be no result. He frowned and shook his head: "no, it's too dangerous here. He is likely to come back. I don't believe that guy's bullshit, but the murderer has the ability to get rid of Doug quietly. Obviously, he is not a easy person to deal with!"

The case began when someone reported that a tramp who often appeared somewhere had disappeared. With the hooker death case that had not been resolved some time ago, the Porto police station was very nervous, not to mention the director Cologne and detective Curson who knew the existence of 'David'.

David in the official records was missing. The informant was Porto Telecom, which found that David did not come to work on time, but in fact it was solved by Benjamin. Only James and Mayor Porto knew this, but they obviously wouldn't say it. The Porto police department, which did not know the truth, even Cologne and Curson, naturally linked the two cases of hookers and tramps.

In the eyes of the police, perhaps at some point in the future, they would find that the missing tramp had become the same remains as the previous hookers.

James sighed in his heart because he knew that the two cases were completely different. The tramp with mental problems was likely to tell the truth.

Ryan once reminded James to be careful and remember to protect himself. Because of the rumor that 'Porto is a paradise', some low-level aliens who can't stay in the local area would choose to come to Porto to try their luck. There must be a reason why they will be excluded from the original alien society.

These reasons, James can guess with his toes, were not good.

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