
Die Hard Brothers Alpha And Toreador

The federal dark tide is surging. A pair of DIE HARD brothers Ryan Anderson---the Vampire's Last Toreador and Benjamin Anderson ---the lonely Werewolf Alpha hiding in Porto, have to deal with the continuous influx of non-human forces, and a bloody storm is coming. Moreover, to integrate into human society, they must deal with the relationship with local upper-class people, protect the safety of human friends and save ordinary people who have been hurt by supernatural events. In this book, you will see Vampires, Werewolves, Banshees, Shapeshifters, Bounty Hunters, and so on. Let's take a look at how the brothers face this complex and difficult situation.

michael_lyu · Fantasy
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113 Chs

006 The man Benjamin brought back

The early morning sunshine scattered through the woods and dispelled the chill accumulated all night. It looked like it would be sunny today. But our vampire stood in the backlight with his back against a tree. There was a sack near his feet with coats, hats, sunglasses, and gloves inside. The collar of his jacket was exposed at the mouth. Ryan came to deliver Benjamin's clothes.

Benjamin is a werewolf with split personality. That is to say, under his strong, thick, and reliable appearance, his wolf body is very destructive. So no matter how secret Benjamin hides his clothes before he changes, they will always be found by his wolf body and torn to pieces.

Once, I, an 'ordinary weak' human, saw this guy roar in the mirror the day before the full moon: "no matter what you do, I will come back!" Then he smashed the mirror that reflected a dark brown, wolf-shaped creature with a human fist.

I can't imagine how vampire Ryan and this werewolf became friends. Generally speaking, I prefer hot and plush things, but after realizing the destructiveness brought by Benjamin's split personality, I reluctantly changed my preference to the cold and naked living dead Ryan.

Facts have proved that my choice is good. Ryan, as Louise said, is a gentleman. To make the werewolf Benjamin complete his once-a-month forced transformation in a stable mood, he began a two-day diet once a month. For werewolves, the senses before transformation will be extremely sensitive, so the rotten smell of the vampire will become a psychological pressure on the werewolf - It can't help but want to take a bite.

Footsteps were coming and Ryan was smoking against the tree.

In the distance, a voice accompanied by footsteps came: "I can smell your smell, you are 'glowing'."

Ryan turned and picked up the package at his feet, but didn't come forward. He really didn't want to step out of the shadow. The sun would make him sleepy.

"I met an interesting woman last night." Ryan explained that "glow" didn't mean literally, but the werewolf was using a euphemism to tell his vampire friend that Ryan's breath became particularly strong after taking human blood!

Benjamin got closer and held his nose with one hand. This sensitive sense of smell will last all morning, but even if he can't help biting Ryan now, Ryan won't die.

Let me explain. In the three days before the full moon, the werewolf's strength, speed, and senses will gradually increase, surpassing the vampire after becoming the wolf. The werewolf's claws and teeth are deadly weapons against the vampire. During this period, Benjamin, as a former head wolf in the wolf pack, was free to turn into a wolf. As long as he wanted, he could completely appear as a wolf in these three days.

However, for the sake of everyone's safety, Benjamin suppressed his animal desire and dragged his transformation to the forced transformation on the full moon night. Of course, Ryan's diet was also for the sake of his life's safety. He didn't think his temptation to Benjamin's wolf character was less than blood to a vampire. Just why diet for only two days, because after three days of the diet, Benjamin who had completed the forced transformation was not a threat, and the hungry Ryan would become a threat.

"That's just right. I need your blood." Benjamin's naked and hairy body was covered with soil, dead branches, and rotten leaves. It seemed that yesterday's rain had added a little burden to the werewolf's cleaning up work.

Well, the point was not on Benjamin, but on his shoulder. He carried a man, a man with ragged clothes and unconsciousness.

Benjamin put down the man on his shoulder, took the towel out of the package, and began to wipe his body.

"Who is this?" Ryan squatted down, took off his sunglasses, and stared at the man lying on the ground. His eyes were closed, his clothes were torn everywhere, and there were dark red scars on his exposed skin. Ryan lowered his head close to the man and took a deep breath. "He's dying!"

The white towel was full of soil. Benjamin kneaded the towel, put it aside, took out his shorts from the package, raised one leg, and put it on: "I know, so I need your blood."

Ryan looked at the man in front of him, and the newly replenished blood was about to be sent out, which was too inconsistent with his style: "who is he?" The vampire asked again, and the gloved finger pushed the man's clothes away. Looking at those torn wounds, at first, he thought they were the masterpiece of werewolves, and there will be another Werewolf in the future [Anderson funeral home]. But now it seemed that these wounds were not new, at least for five or six days.

Benjamin was fast and was already tying his shoes. "I don't know. He was lying next to me when I found him. I have a vague memory. He had been spying on me last night, but my wolf body didn't seem to be interested in him."

Ryan's eyebrows were raised. Werewolves and vampires have a strict standard for choosing 'descendants'.If such a desperate man wants to be a vampire, Ryan won't pay attention. Benjamin brought him back, the only reason was that the furry man's compassion was strong6.

Ryan noticed something interesting. He opened the man's ragged coat. It was a formal dress. In the inner pocket, Ryan saw a sign, which was a trademark 'Kozier'.

"Well?" The vampire stood up, walked to the side of the man's head, turned the man's head, and opened the shirt collar he was wearing. It was still a sign of "Kozier".

Benjamin had finished changing his clothes. The brown leather thick Bang boots, camouflage trousers, and trouser legs were stuffed into the boots. He was wearing a linen long-sleeved coat and a thick jacket. There was still some soil on his beard covering half of his face. Completely dressed up as a tall and strong worker. To be honest, it suited him very well.

"What did you find?" Benjamin asked in silence when he saw Ryan unfastening the man's pants.

Ryan looked up. He had turned the man's body over and pointed to the sign on the man's underwear: "see, this is the custom clothes of Kozier, the most famous designer in the Western Union."

Benjamin looked at the man again. Although the guy was barefoot now, don't think, If his shoes are still there, I'm afraid they are also customized by Kozier. The werewolf didn't know anything about this. You can guess from his clothes.

Similarly, look at our vampire Ryan. Even in such a dirty forest, he was still in full-armed formal clothes. It can be seen that vampires know this very well.

"So here comes the problem." Ryan smiled: "how did such a man dressed in 20000 dolls(currency) come to such an embarrassing end?"

"I think we can ask directly." Benjamin shrugged.

Ryan was no longer stingy with his blood. He took off his left glove, opened his sleeve, and pierced the skin on his wrist with two sharp teeth on his upper jaw. Ryan held up the man's head in his right hand and pressed the bloody wound on the man's lips with his left wrist.