
Die Hard Brothers Alpha And Toreador

The federal dark tide is surging. A pair of DIE HARD brothers Ryan Anderson---the Vampire's Last Toreador and Benjamin Anderson ---the lonely Werewolf Alpha hiding in Porto, have to deal with the continuous influx of non-human forces, and a bloody storm is coming. Moreover, to integrate into human society, they must deal with the relationship with local upper-class people, protect the safety of human friends and save ordinary people who have been hurt by supernatural events. In this book, you will see Vampires, Werewolves, Banshees, Shapeshifters, Bounty Hunters, and so on. Let's take a look at how the brothers face this complex and difficult situation.

michael_lyu · Fantasy
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113 Chs

003 The prey  

Under the dim light, a woman sat on the wet ground against the lamp post, fluffy curly hair just revealing her white neck, black stockings connected to two black belts, continued up and disappeared under the leather skirt.

In a black car across the street, police detective Curson, already having two children, stared at the woman. Please don't misunderstand. Detective Curson was on a surveillance mission. As for the benefits of the mission, the middle-aged detective accept without hesitation.

"Well, it is just spring when these women can't wait to shake their cash cow! Even if I am not killed, I'm afraid I will freeze to death here!"No matter how much he enjoyed the beauty in his heart, Curson was still a man of integrity.

"Someone is here again!"

Detective Curson frowned and looked at his partner, James Lance, who was transferred to Porto a week ago with a good last name! In Curson's eyes, this guy who jumped over the police officer and became a detective directly was a standard relationship user!

James hadn't swallowed the food in his mouth, and couldn't wait to open a box of onion rolls. Official second-generation plus fool! Curson grabbed the onion roll, opened the window, and threw it out!

"James! I don't care if your father is a general or not!"Curson lowered his voice and stared at his partner:" No one! No one can eat the onion rolls in my car!"

"ok."James winked and nodded.

We can understand this, as a middle-aged man who struggled to be a detective, and a do nothing with his father's words to become a detective young man, the former made no secret of his jealousy.

Curson did not dare blame the general's son, so use this' little thing' to vent.

The two detectives looked back at the woman under the street lamp on the corner.

A man in a black coat, wearing a black round hat and a newspaper under his left arm approached the woman.

Ryan squatted down in front of the woman, " Miss? You will catch a cold if you stay here."

The vampire's eyes fell on the woman's neck, the cold of early spring made her skin white with pink, the vampire can feel the rushing blood under the thin skin.

The woman's misty eyes were raised and looked at Ryan, her mouth raised slightly. Her cold fingers stretched out, took Ryan's arm, and put them on him, with a soft sound: " I know a way to heat me up."

This is a professional woman.

Seemed to feel the man's hand in front of him was not warm as her body, the woman's eyes began to become more blurred: " will also make you hot!".

Want to make a vampire's body get hot? The woman stated a goal that she could not accomplish.

"Alright."Ryan smiled and drew his hand back, put down the newspaper that he had not wanted to buy, and stood up. The vampire unbuttoned his coat, took it off, gently put it on the woman's body, and put his arms hard, holding her up, " I'm just someone passing by, do you know a place with four walls and a roof? We can go there."

The woman's eyes some confused, she handed holding the coat covered on her body. Although a little real body temperature can not feel, but some temperature can only be felt inside the body.

"You are a gentleman, you know," said the woman, looking at Ryan. Most people like doing it in bar toilets, or dark alleys, but this man in front of her proposed the need for a normal house. Perhaps confused by Ryan's actions, the woman ignored that Ryan didn't mention an important thing- -the bed.

"oh, thank you. I hope this impression will last until we part."Ryan smiled. We all know what vampires really want!

"There is a hotel in the next block, and we can go there."The woman offered to arrive.

"fine."Ryan still smiled, nodded, and reached out for a welcome gesture.

The woman tightened her coat and walked in front. " Don't forget your newspaper."

"Thanks for reminding me."Ryan picked up the paper and followed the woman.

The short distance was awkward for both, and Ryan remembered what he saw while spending time at the grocery store: " There seems to be a missing single woman nearby. Aren't you afraid?"

"Louise, Louise, my name is Louise."The woman smiled and said that the man was really a gentleman and that he used 'single women' to replace the profession in the gray area, which only a real gentleman can consider." I don't worry, look back."

Louise's eyes drifted behind them, Ryan had not to look back. Across the corner, two detectives were staring right here. As a vampire, he had already found it. Now, the middle-aged police detective had already got off the car, following them like an idle passer-by.

Ryan somewhat admired the 'single woman' named Louise. The really dangerous place is the neglected place, and with the disappearance of the previous month, it had been the safest place. The previous 'drunk' was obviously just her disguise, a smart 'single woman'.

As for whether Detective Curson was Louise's bodyguard 'or just wanted more' benefits ', we don't discuss...

"Room 203."The old man at the counter looked at Ryan and Louise, rolled out a registration form, and said coldly.

Ryan picked up the register and the pen and smiled at Louise. " Louise, go up first and warm up."

"kindness."Louise nodded, took the key from the old man, and looked up to Ryan." I'll put the hot water, my dear."

The innkeeper, the old man looking at least seventy years old, saw a glimmer of disdain. 'Dear', 'if his' dear 'was dressed like this, he would break his old woman's leg, regardless of his sore back when it rained! Oh, need not be so violent, if the old woman had this idea, he would laugh off his only big tooth first!

The old man stared down at the form of the registration of Ryan, don't think that the old man was so easy to cheat! However the old man was too lazy to verify the real documents and received the registration form ready to ask for money, but his cloudy eyes were on a pair of red eyes!

"I gave you two hundred dolls(Currency), a hundred you deserve, one hundred your tip, and you are grateful for my generosity."

The old man's cold expression fell behind the vampire's voice, and immediately became enthusiastic: " Ah! What a generous man, sir! Have a wonderful night!"

The red faded back to light green, and Ryan nodded happily: " Have a good night, too."

Ryan's pleasure came from the other was an old man who was not long, weak life meant weak willpower, which made Ryan's charm pupil easier to succeed! Yes, if the previous grocery owner was not in his prime, Ryan could have saved more than five today!