
Die Hard Brothers Alpha And Toreador

The federal dark tide is surging. A pair of DIE HARD brothers Ryan Anderson---the Vampire's Last Toreador and Benjamin Anderson ---the lonely Werewolf Alpha hiding in Porto, have to deal with the continuous influx of non-human forces, and a bloody storm is coming. Moreover, to integrate into human society, they must deal with the relationship with local upper-class people, protect the safety of human friends and save ordinary people who have been hurt by supernatural events. In this book, you will see Vampires, Werewolves, Banshees, Shapeshifters, Bounty Hunters, and so on. Let's take a look at how the brothers face this complex and difficult situation.

michael_lyu · Fantasy
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113 Chs

002   Alice's new friend

Outside Fenway stadium, in the parking lot, the audience who got off went to the entrance one after another. Peddlers pushing carts selling popcorn walked happily through the crowd. The smart peddler parked the cart at the place where the students gathered, put out a jar in front of the popcorn, and held up a sign '3 Doll = a bag of delicious popcorn, taste your choice!'

The peddler hoped that his jar would soon be filled. However, we know that high school students are a magical species. They fundamentally reject the meaning of 'marking' existence.

"Hey! Where did you get the popcorn?"

"Over there, free."


"Of course! Look, no one is there."

"Great! Wait a minute, I'll get a bag too!"

Why was there no one guarding the cart? Because the peddler went after the first bear child who didn't give money. This is a sad story.

On the other side of the parking lot, Benjamin's truck stood out in a row of clean cars.

"Alice, it'll be all right. It's just a ball game." Benjamin propped up the back door and persuaded the Banshee who refused to get off.

Alice shook her head and moved further in her arms. Benjamin shrugged at Ryan and made an expression of 'I told you so'.

Ryan held out his right hand to Alice. "Alice, try it at least once. If you don't like it, we'll leave right away."

Alice's eyelashes trembled, hesitated to look at the crowd outside the window, finally nodded, and got out of the car with Benjamin's help. The two men breathed a sigh of relief and escorted Alice to the entrance of the stadium.

"Would you like some popcorn? There seems to be one for free." Benjamin used his height advantage to see the small cart surrounded by the students and asked Alice.

"Free?" Ryan took off his sunglasses and raised his eyebrows. "Of course!"

It was an experimental trip because Ryan heard what Mrs. Quinn said about Alice. It was Alice's gift to see the death of others, and it was also her source of fear. The end result is that it makes Alice afraid of contact with people.

Ryan wants Alice to overcome this fear, but he can't directly and violently throw the Banshee on the street and force her to adapt. So the ongoing 'Porto high school football spring League' seems to be a good opportunity. If Alice was in school and high school, she should be exposed to some things that ordinary teenagers should do at this age.

The three students have attracted the attention of many people. Especially girls. Vampires and werewolves, the more dangerous species tend to have the most attractive appearance, which satisfies the girls' most extreme fantasy about men in two directions.

But they are obviously not students, but ordinary audiences who come to see the game. Therefore, the smart girl who wants to chat up and needs to create opportunities will naturally focus on the timid girl who was protected by them.

"Hey! You, I haven't seen you. Are you also a student of Ript high school?" A blonde girl, who looked the same age as Alice, pushed aside the crowd, walked up to the three and looked at Alice with a smile.

Alice tensed up, caught the two men by her side and shook her head.

"Sorry! It's me! I think we are about the same age. I thought we were classmates!" Realizing that her accosting made the other party feel uncomfortable, the girl smiled and apologized, but continued to ask persistently, "are you here to see the game? Which team do you support?"

Ryan and Benjamin put their hands on the back of the Banshee to comfort and encourage her. Talking is the first step to contact people.

"Beavers." Alice whispered. In fact, before today, Alice didn't know what the beavers were. She would say so just because Ryan liked Ript high school. The girl in front of her seemed a very friendly person. Alice tried to calm herself down.

"Really?!" The girl seemed very happy. She opened the front of her coat and revealed the logo on the cheerleader's uniform inside. It was just a small beaver cartoon: "so am I! I am a student of Ript high school! How about you?"

Alice hesitated, looked at the two people beside her, and whispered, "I don't go to school. I study at home. It's family education."

"Cool!" The girl seemed very happy: "I've never met anyone who received home education. You don't need to see those wordy teachers every day. It's great!" The girl's eyes glanced at Benjamin. Now we knew why she was persistent.

"My name is Laura. Are these two your 'teachers'?"

Alice looked at them uneasily. The girl's enthusiasm was hard to refuse. "My name is Alice. They are my brothers, Ryan and Benjamin."

"Alice! What a beautiful name!" The girl named Laura blinked. Alice meant noble and beautiful. It can be seen that she really likes the name. She temporarily threw away her attention to Benjamin and continued to ask Alice: "where is your seat? My brother is a player. I have a front seat. You can sit with us!"

"No, no, just sit with my brothers." Alice refused nervously. The Banshee didn't want to be too far away from Ryan and Benjamin.

"That's easy!" Laura smiled and no longer cared about Alice's refusal. She reached out to hold Alice's hand and walked on, without forgetting to look back: "Hey, brothers! Keep up!"

Ryan and Benjamin smiled and followed. It seemed that they were lucky. For the first time, Alice met a good girl.

Laura was a very efficient girl. She leaned under her chin with her fists in her hands. Her beautiful blue eyes looked pleading, and her lips painted with cherry lipstick were gently purring. Within half a minute, she 'persuaded' the three boys to change seats with Alice.

The competition had not yet started. Now the cheerleaders of the two teams were performing on the field. Alice, encouraged by her two 'brothers', tried to find a topic.

"Laura, aren't you a cheerleader? Why didn't you perform?"

"Well, I am!" Laura looked at the cheerleaders' performance, and seemed to complain: "but I am a junior and a newcomer. I am not qualified to perform now."

It's true that rank follows a person's life.

Laura's disappointed look flashed away, and she immediately changed her tone: "but it's so cold now! I don't want to go there!" Teenagers are always insincere.

"Oh." Alice, who was inexperienced in communication, didn't know how to answer the question, so she kept silent.

"Look, look!" At the end of the performance, the players entered the arena. Laura was excited! Holding Alice beside her, she stood up and lay down on the guardrail of the grandstand, pointing to the players who were walking towards the center of the field and waving to the audience on the grandstand: "look! My brother!"

All the students around stood up, "Beaver! Beaver!..." huge waves fell from the stands to the arena. Of course, on the other side of the grandstand, the same sound waves rolled in, "Goat! Goat!..."

The students who had just come to set off the protagonists on the field were aroused a sense of collective honor and howled at the top of their voices. No one cared what the referee in the middle of the pitch said, so the game started in the stands.

"Laura, Laura." Alice trembled at the excited girl beside her. "Who is the first person standing there?"

"What?!" Laura put her ear to Alice and asked loudly, "what did you say?"

Alice repeated that her nervousness had attracted the attention of vampires and werewolves.

"Oh!" Laura heard the question clearly. "That's Connor! He's the captain! Do you like him? Don't like him! He's not a good guy!"

Obviously, the high school girl would be wrong and kindly remind her new friends not to be interested in the scum man. After all, this is what a 16-year-old girl should care about. However, Alice was not a 16-year-old girl. She is a banshee who can see death.

Alice looked nervously at the two 'brothers' who were watching her. In such an environment, she said in a voice she didn't even hear: "Connor, he has died once."