

I tried to keep calm and blink my tears away while in the changing room, I changed out of my wedding dress and had about six hours to rest before the inter family dinner by seven evening.

The dinner was to be held at my in-laws's place, I was going to be stressed out, so I tried not to think about it and wanted to catch some sleep to the drive back home again.

Few hours after restlessly trying to get some rest and struggling not to think of my future, I was awakened by the overzealous suzzy

oh!! "v'e got another headache coming" I sigh

"you should get dressed quickly, we can't be late for this special occasion you know, Mrs Wilson" she said excitedly ignoring my frowning face

I went through the usual routine of showering, getting dressed and make up

This time, I was dressed in a V-neck lined black dinner gown that stopped just below my knees, it was well adorned with golden coloured stones, the gown accentuated my figure, it was simple classy and elegant.

The make up was light and my hair was combed in a wavy stylish cut cascading down my slender neck, when I turned round the mirror, even I was amazed at how beautiful I looked, mum looked proud and even dad didn't have his usual scowl, he looked impressed.

I said thank you to Trina with a slight bow after the make up, ignoring the surprise in her eyes I went down the stairs, mom looked pretty too and I kissed her lovingly on the cheek

Suzzy frowned and was about to act her one of her episodes again but Father cajoled her, I knew he just wanted everything to be perfect.

The journey to my in-laws's was smooth, I appreciated the view of nature, the Natural trees that grew round, the building itself standing strong and as large as a castle, it was a secluded building that had giant Iron gate, the Wilson family's symbol, a large golden bird-like statue boldly by the entrance.

we passed through the security and eased in.

Inside the house was even more impressive, the head butler and his maids in-waiting received and ushered us into the main house. The sitting and dining room was well Furnished and had exquisite paintings, it was so grand that we couldn't help staring around.

My in-laws were at the dining hall and welcomed us, awkward greetings were exchanged followed by a silent dinner

I looked up my in-laws, mother in-law was a naturally hostile woman that like expensive dressings and jewelries, I heard she was my husband's step mother, and have a daughter with father in-law

Next up is her husband a simple and strict successful business man, Thomas Wilson, he was a scary stallion to others, excluding his equally scary son and authoritative mother

Grandma Wilson being the head of the family, her words was law and everyone feared her, except her dear grandson that doesn't listen to anyone. She had a fierce look and commanding presence even in her late sixties. I learnt from mom that she choose me to be the next Mrs Wilson, no one knew why but carried out her orders, dad was elated though.

Yvonne Wilson was a little different from others with light brown eyes that complimented her pale skin, she smiled and was more welcoming than the rest of the family, she even tried to make small talk with me.

The last person in the family was my new husband Alexander Wilson, he has a tall gait, sharp nose and deep blue eyes that looks as though they could drown if you kept staring, the maids found him very handsome and charming which even I had to admit

I looked around for him but couldn't find him anywhere in the hall

"where was he on this important occasion" I wondered

"Alexander has some urgent work to do and wouldn't be joining us today"

Grandma Wilson said as if reading my thoughts

No one refuted her and I didn't really mind, at least I was saved from conversing with someone I really disliked, but I still wondered what urgent work could be more important than first family dinner

"How could he be so disrespectful" I muttered

The twelve course dinner served by the servants was tasteless in my mouth and I merely chewed, it looked delicious though and was cooked by the top chefs in the country I guessed, Suzzy chatted endlessly and tried sunking up to the Mrs Wilson who looked like she was going to leave the table any moment, dinner went peacefully other than that.

After dinner, dad took mom and Suzzy whom didn't seem to want to leave with him home mom had tears in her eyes when she waved at me, I watch them drive off with a heavy heart.

I was all alone now