
Chapter 69: Captain Atlas

Now she is afraid, her trembling growing worse while she climbs with the massive first mate grumpily grunting behind her. She scrambles as fast as she can up the narrow ladder, grateful the going is slower for him and his bulk, keeping her out of his reach so he can't push her again. Didi leaps nimbly out into the upper corridor ahead of him, waiting for him to haul his huge self into the passage and moving without his encouragement to the lift at the end of the corridor to avoid the painfully irritating pressure of his hands.

She has a million questions but her tongue swells in her mouth, thick with terror. She's sure she likely wouldn't be able to put words into coherent lines regardless if she had the chance to ask any of her inquires. Instead, she exits the lift into the top corridor, the change of scenery the biggest shock of all.