
Did she already know what I would ask her for?

'If I have to modify my status then I would start with my two wishes: Strength and women.' '99 points to strength and with it I would fulfill my first wish, and not only that, but by using my strength I will be able to obtain a lot of money and, with it, women.' '[Reset Status Points]' 'Mentally pressing the reset button changed all my status points to just one attribute…' 'Intelligence!' '"I'll tell you why you should keep that slave for me until I buy her…"' 'Feeling smarter than ever I used every possible argument to convince the slave dealer not to sell that slave until I had the money to buy her. After all…' 'That slave is not only beautiful, she also has [Masochist] in her state!' 'I must buy her!' Note: Explicit sexual content begins in chapter 21. If you want to support, you can at: https://www.patr eon.com/finlegost There you can find chapters in advance. Release schedule: Wednesday

Finlegost · Fantasy
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258 Chs

How to tame a sacred weapon in just one night

If you want to support, you can at: https://www.patr eon.com/finlegost

There you can find 18 chapters in advance. Thanks to my patrons and to those who comment on the chapters. It means a lot to me and motivates me to continue this hobby of mine.

And, of course, thanks to everyone who reads this novel.


"L- Let's go..."

Delia took my hand and guided me towards her room. I was about to enter, when I saw her leave the spear outside.

"Won't you leave the spear in your room?"

"Nnn" She shook her head and said "She has a conscience. I wouldn't want her to see me."

But I would!

'Hm, I can't be so straightforward… at least I should give a reasonable excuse. Since it's not really a person, I don't mind it looking at us. Besides... it serves it right, so the stupid weapon won't slander me again.'

"Delia, from now on, that will be your sacred weapon. You must not keep secrets from her."

"Eh?! But... but she's going to see us naked!"

"It's okay. She'll get used to it with some time. Besides, it's a spear, not a person."

To lend credibility to my words, I took the spear in my hands and caressed it. Not even a millisecond passed, and the spear began to vibrate.

"What is she saying?"

"Help me, Delia, I feel dirty. I won't be able to take it anymore... That's what she said."

'This stupid spear. I just ran my finger over it and it went completely hysterical. I don't even want to think how it will be when it sees me naked... In fact, should I trade the clothesline pole for this holy spear? That way my underwear will purify this demonic weapon.'

"See? I'm sure after seeing us she will stop saying such things. As the saying goes, the stick is in one hand and the carrot in the other. You are her teacher, you must show a firm hand from time to time," I said with a serious tone.

"You're right, though I feel bad for her..." Delia looked down.

"Don't worry, this will make all three of us grow up… especially her."

After considering it for a few seconds, she nodded and said, "Mn, fine. I don't want her to talk badly about you. I want you two to get along."

'As expected of a Saint who strayed from the path, only she would think that showing the stupid spear how we make love will do her holy weapon any good.'

To keep her from repenting, I myself positioned the spear in a corner of the room. It's a strategic place where the weapon will be able to see everything without even moving. It has no legs after all; it won't be able to move even if it wants to.

"Mnn Amnn Nnmn Mnnah"

We kissed at the same time as we took off our clothes. I've become skilled at removing her priestess outfit. Now I'm able to undress her without looking.

Spear of Saint Delia: "!!!!"

'Hey, don't vibrate so much. It won't be my fault if you fall and roll under the bed. It's not like that was my plan too, okay? Not at all!'

"Even though I know it's not a person. Having someone else look at us makes me feel so nervous." said Delia, who, being naked, shyly covered her private parts as she looked sideways at her spear. When this happened, the spear began to vibrate more than ever.

"Me too, but this is for the greater good"

"Mn" she nodded.

Spear of Saint Delia: "!!!!"

I've realized something very important. By being separated from the spear, Delia is having a hard time hearing its voice.

'Maybe it's because they haven't spent enough time to increase their connection.'

Carefully, I take Delia in my arms and place her in the center of the bed. Only then do I go over and position myself on top of her.

"Don't worry, spear, I'll make Delia feel great."

"Emir! Don't tell her that!! I'm embarrassed"

In fact, I said it exactly with that purpose in mind. Delia is now extremely flushed, with both hands on her face to prevent the spear from seeing her. She looks so adorable acting like that; it reminds me of our first time together.

"Mnnn! Annmn! Annhaa! Annmn!" Still covering her face, she started moaning.

Her insides are very tight due to her nervousness, and because of this, my dick rubs deep in her wet tunnel without even trying. Just a light touch on her G-spot is enough to make her moan loudly near my ear.

Saint Delia's Spear: "!!!"

'The spear is vibrating more than ever. At any moment it will roll under the bed.'

"Your spear must want to tell you something, Delia. Could you translate it for me?"

"Ahnmn! Nmnnn! I- I can't hear her… I can't concentrate, Mnnnn!"

With a smile, I looked up at the spear.

Spear of Saint Delia: "!!!!"

'Ah. Now the stupid weapon must have understood my intent. From the beginning, that has always been my goal. The very moment I saw that Delia's holy weapon had consciousness, I understood that I had to get it on my side, even if it was by force. No one will separate me from Delia.'

As we kiss, I caress and squeeze her soft melons. This feels so good added to the feeling of penetration that it slowly made me want to cum. So, I attacked Delia's weak spot to make us cum at the same time.

"¡Mnnnha! ¡Ahnmn! ¡Nnmnha!"

"Come on, say it, Delia... Like you always do."

Although she was reluctant at first, the pleasure flooded her completely.

"Hanmnn! Ahmnnn! I- I'm cumming! Mnnnnnhaaa!"

"Ooh! Well done! I'm cumming too! Ohoo!"

*Splurt Splurt Splurt Splurt Splurt Splurt*

The pleasure we feel while cumming at the same time is indescribable. Plus, being able to feel each other's skin and scent makes this sensation more like an addiction.

Spear of Saint Delia: "..."

From then on, the spear stopped vibrating.

'It's a shame it gave up so quickly.'


Before I go to sleep, I'll update Delia's status.

[Emilia] [Saint Lvl 5] [Adventurer Lvl 13] [Believer Lvl 20] [Lancer Lvl 17] [Priestess Lvl 22]

[Emilia has 9 free points]

Believer and Priestess went up a level for obvious reasons, but it's unexpected that Lancer also went up a level. It seems that, even though she only used the weapon for a short period of time, her action of protecting herself against a Magic Archer has granted her a lot of experience.

'Because of that elf's surprise attack, I'll change my plans a bit.'

[Emilia] [Saint Lvl 5] [Adventurer Lvl 13] [Believer Lvl 20] [Lancer Lvl 17] [Priestess Lvl 22]

HP=18 || MP=22

Agility=20 || Strength=20

Intelligence=20 || Luck=9


Physical=1 || Magic=0

Poison=0 || Curse=0

5 points toward HP and 4 points toward Luck.

Originally, I wasn't planning to add points to Luck. She is a Saint after all. She is blessed by the heavens from the moment she was born. Although her Luck won't be as obvious as my parents' or my [Luck] profile, since it apparently didn't appear in her status, her saint luck is still there, helping her in an imperceptible way.

It's because of this very thing that my [Luck] profile, added to the luck of a Saint, gave birth to her holy weapon... That's the only explanation I have for the origin of Saint Delia's Spear.

'Aah~ I'm sleepy.'

Tomorrow Delia will use the name Emilia as camouflage again, so I'll be lazy this time and leave her name intact.

'Good night.'


The next day.

I woke up almost with a jump as I felt Delia's animal tongue. Luckily, my resistance to her blowjob made me wake up normally. But I must be careful. If she finds out about this, then she will not perform her blowjobs so lovingly, and that would indeed be a tragedy.

When she ends her job, she says "Mn, it is getting a better taste."

'This slutty fox girl!'

Unable to contain myself, I hugged her tightly as I took the opportunity to give love to the triplets. But they quickly remembered how I took them hostage yesterday, so they slapped my hand, preventing me from touching them.

'Haa, it will have to be for next time then.'

After our show of affection, Delia walks over to the spear and then looks at me.

"You win, I surrender. That's what she said."

Even though I already knew that, I can't help but be surprised. Did I just discover the method for taming holy weapons? What an ingenious method if you ask me.

"Let's take care of Delia together."

"Hmph... That's what she said."

'Ah, that Delia imitated the snort was an act worthy of portraying. I'll be waiting for more snorts from the spear for Delia to imitate.'

To make sure it's not an empty surrender, I also brought the spear with us to witness while we bathed. Occasionally, she vibrated, but not as much as initially. Apparently, her surrender is true.

'No more slandering me to Delia; that's good.'

"Make sure you always carry the spear with you. She shouldn't interrupt you if you carry her on your back."

'"Mn, that's what she was telling me herself, since she can see in 360 degrees and detect enemies at a glance"

'Ah, that's why she talked bad about me. I've done too many bad things, starting with leading a Saint astray from the right path. I feel that was the worst crime I have committed, and the others should be listed as lesser evils.'

"...Space Travel"

Spear of Saint Delia: "!!!!"

When I finished casting the spell, the spear began to vibrate.

'Don't you dare, stupid spear, I think with a glare as I feel a shiver run down my spine.'

"Bye, Emir, see you in the afternoon" Waving her hand from side to side, Delia walked through the illusionary door and disappeared.

I'm not so worried anymore to see her go. Initially, the spear should have been her life insurance, but it ended up becoming a reliable ally.

This is more than enough reason to let Delia live as she wants. Saint Delia's spear will be wary of others, while my lovely Saint will remain adorable.