
Did I transition to another world without passing away?

A young man in the prime of his youth, in the height of his strength, and with a desire to experience the pleasures of life. However, circumstances took an unexpected turn. The aura of death surrounded the young man, becoming apparent to him even before the doctor could inform him. "I still want to live. I'm still at the beginning of my life. I still have the ability to contribute more to this world." These were the young man's final thoughts as he felt that his time had come. But is he truly approaching the experience of death, or is it an impossible miracle? This is a story of someone who desired an opportunity and was given one. The actions they choose to take will determine whether this opportunity becomes a gift or a curse. ............. https://ko-fi.com/sehman0lamba

sehman_lamba · Urban
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43 Chs

38: This necklace will only be precious if you wear it around your neck

"And this is what men overlook, the substantial good that women contribute, and aven some women may also believe this due to the lack of any appreciation from the other party until their situation reaches the point where they truly believe their work is unimportant."

"And so I will not be surprised if later she sees that there is a group of women who will come out and demand to take on the burdens of the men's world for themselves, so that they can make the other party feel that they are useful and equal in importance."

"Is what you're saying really true, Fayte!?"

Maimoun smiled sadly as he recalled the state his real world had reached, of nature and truth being obscured; things had become tangled.

"I hope I'm wrong, Stella."

"Hehehe, with a wise husband like mine, I don't think I'll need to work abroad for you to see my value, right?"

Maimoun chuckled at Lolli's words.

"Silly girl, of course I won't overlook such acts that make me feel comfortable and at peace. Besides, it's impossible for me to leave you to the harshness of the outside world. My job is to protect you, and your job is not to let me break."

"Anyway, this is the role of women that many people overlook. Perhaps Leila went beyond that by supporting her husband financially, not just emotionally. When he was in his most desperate financial moments and couldn't find anyone to lend him money, she was the one who supported him financially. Despite being an orphan with unclear lineage, let alone money, she managed to support him. What do you think about this, Stella? How do you think she managed to do it?"

"Hmm? Did she go to work for money?"

"No, my grandfather would never have allowed her to work, even if the situation was worse for him."

"No, I mean, for example, if she worked from home, like selling some household textiles or something like that."

"No, he needed a lot of money. Such work wouldn't earn much."

"....Did she have a noble friend who helped her? My answer must be right this time, isn't it, Fayte?"

"Hahaha, do you think everyone has a friend named Sophie Firestorm to support them?" Maimoun laughed as he tidied her hair affectionately.

"Hehehe, I don't think so, my friend Sophie is one of a kind."

Lolli was very proud of her friend Sophie, whom she often mentioned, and she couldn't imagine herself surviving the difficult phase of her life in recent months without her.

"Well, you've exhausted your chances and haven't guessed the answer."

Maimoun carefully placed the necklace, then instructed her to turn around without opening her eyes.

"Now open your eyes, Stella."

As soon as Stella opened her amethyst eyes, they were immediately drawn to a necklace on her chest—a purple gem resembling her eyes in the shape of a water droplet adorned with gold in the form of leaves with red veins. Alongside her delicate white complexion, it highlighted her features and was pleasing to the eye.

"It really suits you as if it was made just for you."

"Fayte, is this...!?"

"This is the answer you didn't know. It's the one thing that connects her to her family, whom she knows nothing about. She has been with her since she was a baby and was the most precious thing she had."

"Fayt... I don't think I deserve this."

Stella was captivated by the beauty of the necklace and immediately wanted to own it, but she knew it must be very valuable based on its appearance, so she hesitated to accept such a gift. However, upon hearing the story behind it, she realized she could never demand it; the jewel carried significant weight history, and she didn't believe she had the ability to bear that weight. She didn't have the right to it, but...

"For a woman who had neither father nor mother, nor brother nor sister, the only thing she thought was her family was this necklace. She took care of it and kept it safe, never wearing it for fear of losing it. Yet, when her husband was in dire financial need, she sold it without a second thought."

Maimoun played with the necklace that was now adorning Stella's neck, as if he was trying to grasp something about that necklace, then continued speaking.

"In her eyes, what was precious in this necklace was the subtle feeling she felt emanating from it. As an orphan, she believed that this feeling was that of family. Finally, when she had a husband and a son, she no longer saw it merely as a necklace. Because she had finally found that warm feeling she had longed for."

Maimoun looked into Stella's eyes and said confidently,

"But the feeling that came from the necklace was not at all the real feeling of family."

"...because she now had a family, a family that made her feel safe and warm, a family whose members needed her as much as she needed them, a family that shared both its happy and sad moments."

Through this story, Maimoun truly understood the real meaning of family, even though he considered himself to have experienced such feelings with his own family in the real world, and yet he still learned from this grandmother's story.

"So it was logical for her to choose her family over a cold, hard, empty necklace."

"Thank you, Fayte, for appreciating me and giving me this necklace. However, after hearing the history behind it, I don't see myself worthy of it."

Stella held the necklace and was determined to return it to Maimoun, but he held her hand firmly.

"What a silly girl you are. Don't you understand the meaning of this story yet?"

"But Fayte..."

"It's not allowed for you to say 'but.' This necklace is just stone and metal, and the story behind it is only for learning lessons. Otherwise, it will be just a necklace without any real value, like many others. So if this necklace is hidden in a safe place, then it truly has no value."

"But if it's around the neck of a family member, it's truly precious, signifying the lasting impact and kindness of a woman named Leila, even in our current generation... Or do you say you're not part of the family?"

Those words struck a chord with the young girl, and before she realized it, tears were streaming down her cheeks, and she found herself in her fiancé's arms, something she had longed for days, and now finally heard it clearly.

"Yes... (sob)... yes... (sob)... I deserve this necklace... I'm part of this family."

Maimoun embraced her with one hand and gently patted her head with the other, calming her down.

"That's right, you deserve it."

After a considerable period of crying and lamenting, which resulted in Maimoun's clothes getting the lion's share, Lolli finally regained her composure and was now laughing happily.

"What do you think, does it suit me?"

"It's like it was made for you."

"Hehehe, I'll make sure to take care of it."

"Of course, because this is your engagement gift... albeit very late," Maimoun felt a pang of conscience for this last part.

"That's not fair, I want more gifts from my fiancé."

Luli puffed her cheeks in anger, which made her even cuter, causing Maimoun to lose control and pinch her cheeks playfully.

"You're such a greedy girl. Now you're revealing your true spoiled side."

"Haha, of course, because the one who I asking is my future husband."

In truth, Stella was a very spoiled girl by her parents; they never refused any of her requests. However, she was not one of those demanding people and was not difficult to please... at least not to an extreme level, and so she was not spoiled like Fayt or Daudrian.

Moreover, with all the hardships she had been through, she completely forgot about this spoiled side of her, until now, as that side of her returned with the sudden change in her fiancé's personality.

"Alright, we'll see about that. I'll leave you to your tasks now. I'm going to go take a shower."

Maimoun couldn't refuse such a girl, so he could only escape from the room before she started making more demands.

"What!! Can't you stay with me for a bit longer?"

"Unfortunately, I have to go now."


Stella felt a pang of sadness that her time with her fiancé was drawing to a close. She had grown accustomed to this feeling and wanted more of it, knowing that he had changed. It seemed unlikely that he was still the lazy young man who did nothing all day. so Who knows when he would visit her again.

"Don't forget that we'll have dinner together today."

"yes, How could I forget?"

"Anyway, it's better that I see you at dinner wearing this necklace."

Stella smiled happily and replied, feeling a sense of calm in her fiancé's home for the first time in a while, no, in her new home.

"Of course."




"What a feeling to relax after a challenging day."

After Maimoun took a hot bath and rid himself of the sweat, dirt, and some of the exhaustion from the pressures of this strange day, he lay now on his bed, looking towards the window that looked outside. It was now night.

"This is my first night in this world... I wonder, how does this world look at night?" Maimoun rose from his bed and went to the balcony.

"I have memories of this world, but this so-called Fayte didn't feel any appreciation for the beauty of this world—no women, no money, no family, not even the beauty of nature. So I must see with my own eyes, not my memory, if I want to truly understand this world."

As soon as Maimoun opened the balcony door, he was enchanted by the beauty of the sky above him.

"What a magnificent world!"

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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