
Did I transition to another world without passing away?

A young man in the prime of his youth, in the height of his strength, and with a desire to experience the pleasures of life. However, circumstances took an unexpected turn. The aura of death surrounded the young man, becoming apparent to him even before the doctor could inform him. "I still want to live. I'm still at the beginning of my life. I still have the ability to contribute more to this world." These were the young man's final thoughts as he felt that his time had come. But is he truly approaching the experience of death, or is it an impossible miracle? This is a story of someone who desired an opportunity and was given one. The actions they choose to take will determine whether this opportunity becomes a gift or a curse. ............. https://ko-fi.com/sehman0lamba

sehman_lamba · Urban
Not enough ratings
43 Chs

27: A calamity in the guise of a blessing (3)

The father, who was unaware of who he was dealing with, welcomed Dorian into his home. While instructing his daughter to prepare a drink for the guest he had invited, he asked him to enter the reception room where his son was sleeping. Since the house was not very large and only had the parents' bedroom, the daughter's bedroom, and the guest room, which consequently became the son's bedroom.

The worker engaged in conversation with Dorian until he heard his daughter calling him, informing him that her mother was requesting his presence for some matter. He apologized to the guest and went to see what the matter was. As for the young woman, she did not engage in conversation with Dorian and politely asked him to wait a moment until the drink was ready before quickly exiting.

Now Dorian was left alone in the room with the sleeping boy. At first, he didn't notice the boy , as he was preoccupied with the worker. But as soon as he had the chance, he glanced at the boy, and his immediate reaction was to lick his lips. The boy was extremely handsome, even more so than his father, resembling a masculine version of his sister.

Dorian couldn't help but change his target from the elusive married man to the inexperienced young boy. Simply put, he was perfect in every aspect to satisfy Dorian's deviant desires.

Suddenly, he felt that his decision to return to his father's command wasn't bad at all, especially after finding such a perfect boy for his desires. Dorian's imagination became so vivid that his saliva flowed abundantly, some even escaping the corner of his lips, quickly wiped away by his hand.

Dorian lingered on studying the boy's features. Even illness couldn't hide the boy's beauty, and with each passing second, Dorian's desire for the boy increased. Unconscious of what was happening, the boy remained oblivious to Dorian's thoughts.

When Dorian realized that the worker was taking longer than expected, he decided not to settle for just looking. Such an opportunity wouldn't come again to touch such a lovely boy.

Dorian rose from his seat, advancing towards the sleeping boy slowly and as quietly as possible. With each step, his thoughts of depravity became more extreme, evident from the mixture of lust and cunning on his face. But before he could reach the boy, a voice from outside the room made Dorian snap out of his wicked fantasies, causing him to retreat to his seat, muttering incomprehensible words under his breath.

It didn't take long before the worker returned to the room, apologizing for the delay. Dorian's response was noble and calm, not befitting his age, which pleased the man.

Their conversation didn't last long before they reached the main subject of the matter: the mortgage. This time, Dorian didn't make it easy for the worker, as he didn't find anything valuable enough to match the loan amount.

The man was surprised by the boy's words; he might be from the working class and not have much money or valuable possessions, but he still had a roof over his head to escape the summer heat and winter chill. Although his house wasn't that big, he still believed it would bring him a lot of money. This was what the worker tried to convey to Dorian and persuade him with.

In reality, the worker didn't intend to go this far, to try to convince the young man to take his house as collateral. He thought things would go smoothly, expecting the noble young man to take something symbolic as collateral, especially since he seemed to have noble qualities, humility, and righteousness. But it seems his expectations were too high, perhaps even considered greedy.

 the worker never blamed The young man for not meeting his initial expectations. After all, the latter was tasked with a job from his father, so the worker didn't find it surprising to encounter such strictness in such situations. Otherwise, he would have been surprised at how a family like this could attain such high status and maintain it.

In fact, Dorian's behavior only increased the worker's confidence in the young man and strengthened his resolve to build a relationship with him. Little did the worker know that once again he had underestimated the situation. While the worker appreciated Dorian's seriousness in his work, the latter was swimming in his malicious plans.

Through much give and take, the young man decided to take a step back and accept the worker's house as collateral, which he saw no value in himself. Even though he knew the house was sufficient and more for borrowing money, Dorian wasn't interested in money from all this mental anguish. If it were money or helping the needy, he wouldn't lift a finger.

As for the money, he didn't feel its value, nor did he value the house that sheltered an entire family. He had grown up in an environment where he didn't learn any value for money. Whenever he wanted something, he only had to ask his father, or rather, command his father. Suddenly, like magic, whatever he wanted appeared before him without any effort, making his view of money unrealistic.

As for helping the needy... what nonsense? Why would he help anyone he didn't know? Even if it were someone he knew, would that change anything?

Therefore, the goal of accepting this offer was not for his own good or for material gain, but for the cunning he was plotting against others. He wanted to manipulate the worker's defense and make him submit to his will and be convinced by any words coming from him. This was the purpose of his behavior with nobility and dignity. In fact, his true personality wasn't even close to his current actions.

Dorian felt that the time had come to put an end to this farce. He believed his actions were enough to make the worker respond to him. Therefore, he couldn't tolerate such a place, atmosphere, or odor any longer. Moreover, he felt disgusted by his artificial actions. He really wanted to leave this place as soon as possible, but not before achieving his goal. He wouldn't let such a sacrifice he had made go in vain.

To gain more trust, he began to talk more nonsense about the current environment, how it wasn't suitable for patients due to the smell, humidity, and other factors that wouldn't be conducive to his son's recovery. He suggested moving him to a different environment.

The worker, ignorant of such matters, felt helpless because he didn't know of any suitable place where he could take his son. Here, Dorian intervened again and acted nobly, saying that he could volunteer and leave the boy to stay in his palace until he recovered.

The worker couldn't believe the generosity and courage of this young gentleman. However, he couldn't help but ask if his father would allow it, to let strangers into the palace. But Dorian reassured him that his father wouldn't object to such acts that would benefit the needy.

The worker quickly agreed to such a suggestion, fearing that Dorian might change his mind. He didn't want to give him enough time to think and change his mind. As for Dorian, he wouldn't do that at all, especially since this was his hidden goal. He tried his best to suppress that wicked smile from leaking onto his face, as he was on the verge of achieving his goal.

Before they shook hands to seal their agreement, the worker's daughter suddenly entered and requested her father to come with her. From the way she entered and spoke, the worker knew that the matter couldn't be delayed any longer. So, with an apology from Dorian, he quickly left.

Now the worker was with his daughter in another room, questioning her about the reason for her behavior. The young woman met those questions with hesitant silence. She remembered with fear what would have happened to her brother if she hadn't intervened and made a sound to stop Dorian from what he was planning.

Due to the doubts that haunted her thoughts, she took a step to confirm or refute her fears. Therefore, she decided to hide the tea from the kitchen and then informed her mother that there was nothing to offer to the guest. Consequently, her mother would summon her husband to go buy the tea.

Then, the guest would be left alone with her brother, or at least that's what the guest would think. She watched every little detail Dorian did at this stage, and as soon as things started to go awry, she decided to stop this test.

She no longer needed any tests after this, as she had cut through her doubts with certainty, unfortunately finding her suspicions justified. Now, she was in an embarrassing position, torn about what to choose.

Should she let her brother go with this deviant without knowing what he would do to him during his recovery period, or should she tell her father the truth and thwart Dorian's scheme in its tracks?

Her little brother was very dear to her heart, suffering just like her parents to see him in such a state. Therefore, she wanted him to recover quickly. But was it worth sacrificing his well-being to preserve his honor? Suddenly, she felt a heavy burden on her shoulders. Her little brother's future was now in her hands.

She looked at her father with sadness, uncertainty, and gratitude for the first time. She felt for the first time the weight her parents had been carrying all these years, bearing the responsibility of their children. She experienced it for only an hour and started to contemplate apathy towards her brother's situation and thoughts of escaping responsibility.

But would she let these thoughts escape into her reality? Of course not, especially when it came to her little brother. What if she entertained such thoughts? All she had to do was ignore them and push them aside. Not only would things be fine, but she would also gain immunity from such negative thoughts.

She decided to let her brother go to the palace to spend his recovery period there. At the same time, she wouldn't let him go alone to his dark fate awaiting him there. She decided to go with him, take care of him, and protect his manhood in the enemy's territory.

When the worker heard his daughter's suggestion, he couldn't believe that luck was still smiling upon him without any planning or effort on his part. Everything was going just as he wanted. In addition to his desire for his son's recovery, his goal was to make his daughter attached to this noble young man. He didn't know how to start this matter with her.

And here she was, suggesting it herself without any drama or headaches with stories like true love doesn't come from money and status. He was addicted to this feeling and didn't know that his family's disaster came from behind this supposed luck.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

The next chapter marks the end of the flashback, and we return to the main event.

sehman_lambacreators' thoughts