
Did I become an Elf?

Warning: Mature Audiences only 18+ A tragedy struck the elven race, The demon ambushed all the elven males at the shrine of the Goddess they were worshipping, except one Lawrence who was left to recuperate inside the elven village after being poisoned but died not long after. Now the goddess reincarnated Lawrence who was living 2 thousand years in future as a human and tasked him with the responsibility of populating the elven village. And prevent the future occurrence of the extermination of the elven race. This is about the journey and struggles of the last elven male who wants to turn his village into an empire.

ElvenHero · Fantasy
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62 Chs

Sword practice

Lawrence carried the sleeping Karina back to the resting place. Not long after, all the elves went home for the day.

While walking back home

"Brother, what did you do to Mother?" "yeah, look at her brother she's walking weirdly," Claren and Miraen asked

"Don't worry sister, she felt good. I plan to build a house tomorrow near the glade. You three should live with me and I'll let you two experience it too" Lawrence said with a smile

Oliva, Aisha, the chieftess, and Freya smiled as well

"really brother? Of course, we will live with you" "Yeah let's build a big house together!" Claren and Miraen said cheerfully

"How about you four Aisha, Adriana, Alyana and Oliva?" do you also want to live with me? "Lawrence asked with a smile

" I shall live with you together with my daughter," the chieftess said with a smile

"So will I, so I can train more especially since you will teach us how to create trees tomorrow" Aisha said

"but I have a youngling and my mother is also living with me" Olivia said with a worried face

"Don't worry my dear Oliva, Freya's mother and sister will also live there so you can also bring your mother and youngling?" Lawrence said without a smile

I certainly wouldn't mind having another Gilf in my harem

"then thankyou Lawrence, let's build our house together," Oliver said with a smile

The group then parted ways. Lawrence summoned trees with Freya along the way to their house till his nose bled. The husband and wife talk to each other, eat, and then sleep.



The next morning Lawrence woke up early and went to the glade. He saw some elves there fiddling with the weapons.

This little sh*ts, don't damage my weapons I mean those weapons might hurt you

"Hello my fellow elves, may I ask what you're doing?" Lawrence asked with a stiff smile

"greeting warrior Lawrence they look shiny so we wanna play with them, " red hair elf said

"yeah the chieftess was here yesterday so we couldn't approach this pile of shiny things," blue hair elf said

"I already told them it's sharp and can cut them but they wouldn't listen," the Golden-haired elf said

"alright. Just be sure to come with me if you get hurt," Lawrence said with a smile. he then grabbed a sword and went to the area away from the other elves

"Please keep the elves away from me for the time being" Lawrence requested the elves in a slightly loud voice

"Sure! " "We will watch from here! " "I'm so excited to see him train" the elves replied

He starts practising his sword slashes

While using nature's energy, he's glowing green

He stabbed the air, spins 360 while crouching, jumped, slashes roll




The sound of the air around him getting sliced is being heard by the elves

He crunches, rolls, slashes, Stabb, turns around 360°, slashes, stab




He repeatedly fights his imaginary enemies for minutes until...

"Everyone please gather near the world tree except the ones training at the glade" the chieftess ordered using Aura voice amplification

Looks like it's about the mating house for real this time

Lawrence stopped training then he called all the elves



"Alright my fellow elves you heard the chieftess, there's no need for us to go there. Go and start the morning run" he ordered

Lawrence and the warriors started their training.

A few hours later

Lawrence started practising his sword movement without using his energy

"Lawrence can you teach me that?" the chieftess asked with a smile

"How was the gathering earlier chieftess? Did the elves agree?" Lawrence asked her

"yeah some have volunteered to carry a youngling, so go to that house once you are free. Now teach me that Lawrence" the chieftess said with a smile

"then please grab a wooden branch or stick similar to his one first chieftess, you might hurt yourself if you use a metal sword " Lawrence said with a smile

Not long after The chieftess found a wooden branch and then started to copy Lawrence.

He is gripping his sword with both hands and swinging it up and down repeatedly. while his body is at a 45° angle, his left foot is ahead of his right.

The other elves also followed them. Not long after, all the elves in the training ground are swinging a branch or a stick they found. And copying Lawrence's movements

He and the elves practised different kinds of basic sword techniques for a few hours

"All alright my fellow elves, this is enough. Now it's about time you learn the gift goddess Esmeralda gave us" Lawrence said with a bright smile

This is it my little lambs, I hope you all survive this








****The human kingdom****

Inside Noble de Brasoe 's compound

"p-patriarch! F-forgive me I its bad patriarch the men t-they all died" a man dressed in metal armour said while kneeling and trembling

"what do you mean? There are over 200 of them and where is my son and the two elders!!?" the patriarch shouted

"p-patriarch the two elders have their heads crushed by something a-and the young master.." the man in metal armour couldn't say his next words

"sp-speak! What happened to my son!?" A lady wearing an elegant dress with expensive ornaments holding a wine glass asked frantically

"we-we found the young master t-tied to a tree, he-has dead" The man wearing metal armour places his head on the ground after saying it

"What did you say!!" the woman stands up and throws the glass of wine she's holding to the soldier.

"patriarch, matriarch, the young master i-is dead," the man said while kowtowing

The mistress fell back on her seat. While the patriarch is holding his fist tightly

"Elders, what should we do now? Our men have already prepared to attack the barrier we also gathered the supplies" the patriarchy said while holding his anger

"Please do note that I'm in a bad mood and might kill anyone who opposes me" the patriarch continued

"We shall do what you will patriarch" "We shall follow you" 6 elders replied in defeated expressions

"All alright, I will go there myself along with my warriors. Prepare all the men to come with us. We shall break that barrier before the Baron and other high nobles find out what we are doing." the patriarchy ordered

"If someone asked, tell them we are training our men in the Misty illusion forest" he added

"as you say patriarch" the elders replied.

"do it fast, we shall head out immediately" the patriarch ordered with a clenched fist.

Thank you for reading this chapter! ^_^

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