
Did I become an Elf?

Warning: Mature Audiences only 18+ A tragedy struck the elven race, The demon ambushed all the elven males at the shrine of the Goddess they were worshipping, except one Lawrence who was left to recuperate inside the elven village after being poisoned but died not long after. Now the goddess reincarnated Lawrence who was living 2 thousand years in future as a human and tasked him with the responsibility of populating the elven village. And prevent the future occurrence of the extermination of the elven race. This is about the journey and struggles of the last elven male who wants to turn his village into an empire.

ElvenHero · Fantasy
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62 Chs


"I'm an elf?"

I stared at her dumbfoundedly. But aren't elves extinct? Not a single person back in the city nor the neighbouring countries ever saw an elf for thousands of years.

Some believe they are just stories made for kids, a myth for entertainment. Even the ancient books just briefly mentioned them and most it says about them is their extraordinary beauty.

I only know a bit about them because of my passion for alchemy, some ancient books say that the rare plants that can be found today were planted by the elves themselves.

The ancient book says that elves are loved by nature, and most plants even the most delicate ones thrive near their settlements.

But it also says they are pure-hearted and will choose to not harm a single sentient being. And it was the reason why the elves no longer exist. Even the people who have been with you for decades might stab you in the back let alone a bunch of other species.


Anyway, how the f*ck did I became one of them. Was I an elf from the start? Thats bullsh*t

*hahaha* Lawrence could not help but laugh out loud at the ridiculous situation he found himself in

"I apologise for that dear, as you noticed although I have regained my strength, it seems the coloured mushroom that I ate made me forget a lot of things"

"Do you mind telling me who you are?"

The elven girl stared at Lawrence dumbfoundedly with her mouth wide open

"So you've been calling me dear all this time and you don't even know who I am?" the elven girl looks at Lawrence with narrowed eyes

"Although I couldn't remember who you are I know that you are someone very important to me, someone who I can fully trust" Lawrence smiled sincerest as he can

F*ck please work, I need to at least know who you are first woman before I can start asking you more pressing matters. Like how the f*ck did I became a freaking elf.

"I am Freya, your wife"

"an elven goddess of beauty huh," Lawrence remarked

"hm, what did you say dear?"

"Nothing I just said you are so beautiful dear even the spirits pale in comparison, I am lucky to have you" Lawrence said with a stiff smile

An elven wife huh, you'll be under my bed soon enough

*cough* *cough* *cough*

"me too dear, I'm also lucky to have you, I was worried that something bad might happen to you. It's good that you have recovered. Our families have been worried since yesterday, especially your mother and sisters. I'm sure they will visit us tomorrow" Freya said will smiling

I'm suddenly feeling tired, is this still because of the effect of that damn mushroom. It hasn't been that long since I woke but I'm already feeling so heavy. I feel like my eyes will close any time

"Dear Freya I am feeling a bit sleepy, this might still be the effect of that damn mushroom, do you mind if we continue our conversation tomorrow?" Lawrence said with a tired expression

"of course not dear, let us rest so you can recover your strength much faster" Freya replied with a smile

I started to lie on the bed and not long after Freya lay down beside me

A few moments later, I hear someone calling out to me

"Dear let's sleep first, we will continue our conversation tomorrow"



"Dear let's continue tomorrow"

"human open your eyes"

As Lawrence heard that, he slowly opened his eyes, and what he saw surprised him greatly, he was not lying near Freya nor he's inside their shabby-looking house. Instead, he's in front of a world tree as tall as he can see reaching even beyond the skies, a single piece of its leaf is ten times bigger than him, and floating around the tree are hundreds of creatures he knows from the ancient books

"Dryads" is the only word he can mutter after seeing the scenery in front of him.

"Human, do you know why I brought you here?"

Lawrence shook his head and respectfully said "No" he squinted his eyes a little since he is an elf so how did she know that he was a human before? Did she know that I am not the real elven Lawrence?

"Human I am Esmeralda the goddess of life and agriculture"

"A goddess!?" Lawrence was surprised

"Yes, and I am the one who brought you here"

It's not like I can come here by myself. But I can't say that out loud, a single dryad might be enough to squash me to death with this frail body let alone a goddess

The Goddess chuckled

"I think you misunderstand me human, I didn't mean to bring you here in this space. What I mean bringing you here in this elven village"

F*ck she can read my mind, Lawrence breaks out into a cold sweat

"What do you mean Goddess Esmeralda?"

"This isn't a hidden village inside some forest hidden away from humans and other creatures where no other can enter. From your knowledge, this forest is where the elves lived two thousand years ago better known as the Misty illusion forest"

"then don't tell me you..."

"You are right Lawrence, I brought you back to two thousand years ago before the elves perished from existence."

"Welcome back to your first life Elven Lawrence who tragically died from eating a colourful mushroom"

*The goddess chuckled*