
Dictator with a Badass System

Have you ever thought about having a cool system at your disposal? What would you do if you were a Dictator who suddenly transmigrated to a completely new world with a system? Would you use the system to take over the new world or destroy the world altogether to get stronger? This is a story of the most powerful and ruthless Dictator on earth who took over the body of a young noble who died humiliated, betrayed, and broken. If you are expecting a harem, beta MC who has a soft spot for young ladies, please turn back. This is not for you. But if you crave something new, something fresh and not a cliché young master but an Alpha MC who wouldn't blink an eye to kill anyone regardless of their gender and age, you won’t regret reading the novel. Join the journey of Hunter from being the Dictator to the most feared Crime Lord in a fantasy world!!! WELCOME TO THE CRIMINAL EMPIRE BUILDING CLASS Schedule : Mon, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat, Sun

don_offl · Action
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50 Chs

Start of a new adventure

Kolvar and Thrud filled out their forms and handed them over to Brianna. They filled out everything the form asked except their cultivation level. Kolvar and Thrud were commoners. In other words, they didn't have an aptitude for cultivation. Except for miscellaneous stuff, they could do nothing using astral energy. On the other hand, Hunter was at Level 20, which was called the Assistant stage. However, Hunter stills hadn't chosen whether to be a mage or a warrior. Having a system meant he could be both if he had enough badass points. When Hunter quickly accessed the system to see how many badass points he had, he saw ten thousand points left to spend.

"You left this unfilled. Can I assume you are commoners?" Brianna asked before further explaining how important it was to let the guild know how strong they were.

"You won't be able to take on high-level quests if you aren't strong enough. If you want to earn big, high-level quests are the way to go. However, you must be strong and experienced enough to take those questions. These quests are indeed risky, but they also pay more coins," Brianna explained. Hearing the elf, Hunter was stuck in a conundrum. Besides, adventuring out was a great way to earn experience and badass points without making powerful enemies. Plus, Hunter didn't want to reveal his power to anyone. In this world, there were no easy ways for someone to see through another's cultivation level. Some powerful figures, such as the royal mages, chose to show their power level through special robes and appropriate accessories. Hunter preferred to surprise his enemies and keep his power hidden. Once he filled this form with his cultivation information, it was bound to leak out sooner or later.

Brianna's gaze swept over Hunter. To be honest, she didn't have any second thoughts about the elf and the human behind the handsome young man. She lived long enough to tell they were as weak as they come. But for some reason, Hunter didn't seem like a commoner to her. His eyes glistened with a strange power.

Hunter tapped the quill on the table, trying to make a choice between filling it out or not. Judging by how hesitant Hunter looked, Brianna knew he was not a commoner because a commoner would have said so by now. For a few moments, he looked like his consciousness had drifted away to some distant land. Then, Hunter wrote his cultivation stage on the form.

"Level 3, Apprentice," Hunter filled out the form. To be honest, Brianna was disappointed that he was so much weaker than she expected. She could only sigh inside, blaming herself for having high expectations of a human like him. Nonetheless, his cultivation stage had affected her in no way because she had seen hundreds of adventurers in her time.

Brianna gathered all their forms and eyed them one by one. Then, she placed the forms on the table, grabbed a seal, and branded each form with the adventurer guild crest.

"You will be granted temporary papers to exit and enter the city until you finish your first quest. I'd suggest taking up a copper-level quest on the board," said Brianna.

"What now? We have to finish a quest?" Hunter questioned. After registering with the guild, he expected to receive the papers to enter and leave the city as he liked.

"Yes. Only then will you be officially registered with the guild and receive the adventurer's pass," the elf said with a forced smile. For some reason, she seemed frustrated or annoyed in Hunter's eyes.

"Anything else we should know about the adventurer's pass?" Hunter asked the elf. Initially, Hunter thought this world had no residency documentation like on earth since it was a fantasy world, and they rarely had these rules and regulations. Not all kingdoms required the citizens to possess residency papers, but Hunter's bad luck, Kingdom Ceva, was not one of them.

"Well," The elf started,

"You have to complete at least two quests every month, no matter the rank. Or, your adventurer pass will be revoked by the guild, and to register with the guild again, you will have to pay five thousand astral coins,"

Kolvar and Thrud gasped in shock because five thousand astral coins was a humongous amount mere commoners like them could never dream of. After hearing the elf, Hunter wanted to know if there was another way to earn residency in Bellburn city. He must stay in the city because of his workshop. Without a steady flow of astral coins, he wouldn't be able to achieve his goals in this world. He would be in big trouble if the system were unable to turn his killings into experience points.

"We will take a quest then," having no other choice, Hunter agreed to go on a quest. To build his criminal empire and run it successfully, he needed not only the residency papers but also power, which could be earned through killing. Hunter turned around and strolled toward the tall board with several parchments stuck on it. Each parchment had an outline in various colors. For instance, some had a copper color outline, while some had a silver outline.

**Esteemed adventurers. Hear me out for a minute.

Recently some evil elves burned down half our village with wicked sorcery. Hero, I don't know what foul magic they wield, but we cannot let them go unpunished. Please unleash justice upon those abominable elves. I had hoped I could join you, but unfortunately, I cannot. But I doubt you'd need my help anyway.

I don't think you'll have much troubles dealing with those elves. If you can, kill as many of them as possible. We want to live in peace and safety.

I cannot thank you enough for your help. We have nothing to give you at the moment other than our eternal gratitude. But I am sure his majesty will notice your heroism and award you handsomely. Justice will prevail hero, and today you are our justice**

Hunter read one of the silver-lined parchments.

"Eternal gratitude, my ass," Hunter snickered. His eyes continued to look for a quest that was worth his time and effort. But unfortunately, none of the silver-lined quests or higher level ones were suitable for him at the moment. Some required him to kill trolls and monsters, while others asked him to deal with necromancy. Although Hunter had a devil's cry and a system, he knew he wasn't ready to face monstrosities such as trolls and necromancers.

He still needed to decide whether to be a mage or a warrior. Depending on his choice, he had some expensive purchases to make, such as spells if he chose to be a mage and martial art techniques if he chose to be a warrior.

Finally, Hunter saw a quest to hunt down some goblins. The quest was outlined with copper lines, so Hunter knew it would be easier than taking on trolls. Besides, goblins were basically at the bottom of the food chain, and they would be perfect for Hunter to brush off his combat skills. Hunter brought the parchment to the elf and placed it on the table between them.

"We will take this," Hunter said. The elf quickie skimmed through the quest and marked the parchment with a swirling seal.

"I'll go bring your temporary papers," said the elf before walking into the room behind her.

While Hunter was waiting for the elf to bring the temporary papers that would enable them to leave and enter their city through the main gate, he suddenly heard people gasping and gawking at the entrance. Hunter followed everyone's gazes and saw a group of youngsters led by a golden-haired youngster enter the guild. When Hunter eyed the girl beside the golden-haired youngster, everyone else disappeared from his sight as his eyes completely fixated on the beauty. In his previous life, Hunter had seen countless models and actresses who would raise a man's heartbeat in a second. However, none of them could hold a torch to the angelic beauty before Hunter's eyes.

The girl noticed the eyes on her and ignored them all. In her eyes, one could see the hidden arrogance and pride of being the center of attention everywhere she went. The golden-haired youngster didn't pale in comparison to her either. He was the most handsome guy in the guild and probably in the city itself. With his perfect jawline, perfectly sculpted muscles, and stubble beard, the youngster looked like a model for a magazine. On the other hand, Parker was not someone who would be called handsome because of his femininity. Even Hunter himself prioritized changing his looks and putting up some muscles. With his current body, forget about picking up girls, he wouldn't even be able to pick up a heavy crate.

Compared to the golden-haired guy and the red-haired beauty, their lackeys were completely oblivious to the eyes. Hunter tried not to undress her in her mind but looking at her perfect hourglass structure and ample breasts, it became a difficult task. Fortunately, Hunter was not a beta to fall to his emotions. To Hunter's surprise, the group was heading straight toward him, and Hunter was between them and the table.

"Move aside," Hunter snapped back to reality when one of the lackeys, a brown-haired young man, pushed Hunter aside with a snicker. Knowing Hunter's temperament and vengeful self, Kolvar's heart skipped a beat. He feared that Hunter would do something regretful to the youngster.

However, Hunter surprised Kolvar by staying calm and a step away from the group's way. He was not suicidal to mess with the group and make a powerful enemy in front of everyone because a worthless lackey pushed him aside. Of course, Hunter had sentenced people to death for much lesser actions. Luckily for the youngster, Hunter was not the dictator the entire earth had been terrified of.

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Check out my new stories connected to the DBS universe; Anti Hero With a Legendary System and Hitman with a Badass System. The links are in the synopsis.

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