
Chapter 4: The Tower's Expectations


The eve of Chris's sixteenth birthday had given way to a clear morning as the caravan of candidates approached the imposing entrance of the Tower of God. Towering walls of stone and ancient runes etched into the surface greeted them with a sense of solemnity. It was as if the Tower itself acknowledged the weight of the journey ahead.

As the candidates disembarked from the caravan, they couldn't help but exchange glances filled with both excitement and apprehension. The Tower had a way of instilling awe, even in those who had grown up hearing tales of its challenges.

Chris and Elara joined the assembly of candidates, and as they did, they found themselves surrounded by a diverse group of young people, all sharing the same age range of 16 to 20. The air buzzed with conversations, introducing Chris and Elara to faces they had never seen before.

Nearby, a group of candidates engaged in an animated discussion. Among them was Adrex, a confident and charismatic candidate with a reputation for being a natural leader. His words drew the attention of his companions, who listened intently.

"It's said that the Tower holds secrets beyond our wildest imagination," Adrex began, his eyes gleaming with excitement. "Some say it's a path to godhood, while others believe it's a test of our true potential."

A bespectacled candidate named Selene nodded in agreement. "The mysteries within are said to defy the laws of the world we know. It's as if the Tower exists in a realm of its own."

A candidate named Kael, known for his analytical mind, chimed in. "The Tower's challenges are rumored to be both physical and intellectual. It tests not only our strength but also our ability to solve complex puzzles."

Listening to their conversation, Chris and Elara couldn't help but be drawn in. They introduced themselves, and soon, they were sharing their own perspectives.

"I've always thought of the Tower as a place where we confront our limits," Chris said. "It's a journey of self-discovery and growth."

Elara added, "And I believe it's a place where we find the strength to protect what we hold dear. The power we gain must serve a purpose beyond ourselves."

Their words resonated with their newfound companions, and the conversation continued, delving into the Tower's legends, myths, and the stories of past hunters. The candidates shared their dreams, the reasons they had chosen to enter the Tower, and the villages they had left behind.

One candidate, a soft-spoken girl named Mia, revealed, "I hope to unravel the Tower's mysteries to find a cure for an illness that plagues my village. If the legends are true, the answers may lie within."

As the morning sun cast warm rays upon the assembly of candidates, they found themselves united by a common purpose—to ascend the Tower's levels, to unravel its secrets, and to become hunters capable of changing their fates and the world itself.

In the presence of the Tower, surrounded by their fellow candidates, Chris and Elara felt a profound sense of camaraderie. The journey had only just begun, and the challenges ahead were shrouded in uncertainty. Yet, in each other and in the stories they shared, they found strength and purpose.

Their shared vision of the Tower was no longer a solitary dream but a collective aspiration, a belief that together, they could conquer the unknown and emerge as hunters of unparalleled power.

With the Tower's entrance looming behind them, the candidates ventured forth, their footsteps echoing in the cavernous corridor. The journey into the Tower of God had officially begun.

[To be continued in Chapter 4...]