
Chapter 3: The Tower's Expectations


As the days grew shorter and the anticipation continued to mount, Chris and Elara knew that they were not alone in their journey. Their village, like countless others, sent its candidates to the Tower of God at the same age. The path they were about to tread had been walked by generations before them.

The eve of Chris's sixteenth birthday arrived with a sense of solemnity. The entire village gathered to bid farewell to the candidates, sending them off with blessings, advice, and well-wishes. Chris's parents stood by his side, their expressions a mix of pride and concern.

"Remember, Chris," his father said, his voice steady and filled with wisdom. "The Tower will challenge you in ways you can't imagine. But it will also reveal strengths you never knew you possessed. Embrace the journey, and never forget where you come from."

Chris nodded, his heart heavy with the weight of his family's expectations. His mother hugged him tightly, her eyes glistening with unshed tears. "Stay safe, my son," she whispered.

Elara's family offered their own words of encouragement, emphasizing the importance of supporting one another within the Tower's formidable confines.

As the village's farewells echoed in their ears, Chris and Elara boarded the caravan that would take them to the Tower's entrance. The journey was filled with a sense of camaraderie, as candidates from neighboring villages joined them.

Upon their arrival, they were greeted by the imposing presence of the Tower—a colossal structure that seemed to touch the heavens. Its walls were adorned with inscriptions of ancient runes, and its entrance exuded an aura of both mystery and foreboding.

A guardian at the Tower's entrance conducted their entry, reminding them of the Tower's expectations. "Candidates," he intoned, "you have four years to ascend the Tower's levels, to face its challenges, and to uncover its mysteries. Your journey will test your mettle, your intellect, and your resolve. Embrace each trial as an opportunity to grow."

As Chris and Elara stepped inside the Tower, the world they had known for sixteen years receded into the distance. Before them lay a realm of wonder and peril, a place where candidates became hunters and where destinies were forged in the crucible of the unknown.

Within the Tower's walls, candidates of their age group gathered—individuals from various backgrounds, each bearing their own aspirations and dreams. Some exuded confidence, while others wore uncertainty like a shroud.

Over the course of their first few weeks in the Tower, Chris and Elara formed connections with their fellow candidates. Conversations buzzed with excitement and curiosity, as they shared stories of their villages, their families, and their reasons for entering the Tower.

The Tower of God had brought together a diverse group of young minds, each with their own unique perspectives. And as they embarked on their four-year journey, they knew that they would rely on one another more than ever before.

[To be continued in Chapter 4...]