
Dice In The Darkness: Cthulhu Calls

TRPG, or Tabletop Role-Playing Game, is characterized by immersive role-playing where players embody their characters. Within the rules, players can steer the story in various open-ended directions, leading to different outcomes. “Cthulhu Campaign” is a major category within TRPGs. In it, players, as ordinary individuals known as investigators, delve into mysterious events, face unknown mythological creatures, and confront unfathomable fears. A key piece of advice in this realm is that the less you know, the longer you survive. Liu Xing, driven by curiosity, wanted to join an online Cthulhu campaign but accidentally became part of a real Cthulhu role-playing game…

maxNkoga · Book&Literature
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145 Chs

Chapter 34: The Escape

Liu Xing, accompanied by Isabella and Bai Hecheng, arrived at the garage outside the main building of the Castle... Of course, it would be more apt to call it a carport than a garage, sheltering two vintage cars and a van beneath it. The vintage cars were those two-seater types without a trunk, while the van seemed rather compact, presumably used for hauling goods.

Now, with Isabella's inclusion, the fleeing party had grown to six people. In theory, the three vehicles in the garage should have been more than sufficient. However, there was a non-negligible issue: only Chen Ling possessed driving skills.

As mentioned before, this setting was the Cthulhu RPG Game. Even if Liu Xing had a driver's license in the real world, an experienced driver at that, his character card in the game did not include driving skills. Therefore, Liu Xing attempting to drive was almost certain to result in a crash. This was similar to the situation with Wang Qi, who, lacking driving skills, had an accident at the very beginning of the game.

Thus, the only person eligible to drive was Chen Ling. He and Wang Siyi chose the van, which could carry the most passengers. Employing their lock-picking (physical) skill, which in this case meant forcibly shattering the van's glass, they gained access to the vehicle. Fortune favored them as Chen Ling passed a luck check, and to their relief, they found the keys on the driver's seat.

Of course, Wang Siyi didn't forget to check the van's fuel level, wary of the game master KP004's potential mischief—like running out of gas midway. Meanwhile, Chen Ling sabotaged the tires of the other two vintage cars to prevent pursuit. With preparations complete, Chen Ling and Wang Siyi took their places in the driver and passenger seats, waiting for Liu Xing and Bai Hecheng to arrive.

Liu Xing, supporting Bai Hecheng with one hand and holding Isabella with the other, quickly ran to the van. However, at this juncture, KP004 sought to assert his presence again: "Heh heh, as this van is officially registered to carry four people, only four of you may board."

The group was left speechless.

This was another of the Cthulhu RPG Game's "features": a rigid adherence to certain specifics. Just like now, despite the van's real-world capacity to squeeze in ten people, the game limited them to four.

Such was the rule.

Yet, another hallmark of the Cthulhu RPG Game was that the rules were set by the game master (kp). If you could persuade the kp, then changing a rule wasn't impossible.

Therefore, Liu Xing addressed KP004 with a beaming smile: "KP brother, look at how small Isabella is. If Wang sister holds her, they'd only take up one seat, right? What do you think?"

It was unclear whether Liu Xing's persuasion or flattery worked, but eventually, KP004 grudgingly conceded: "Ah, fine then, do as you suggested. As long as you hold Isabella, consider it only one seat taken."

The group exhaled in relief. Yet, Liu Xing quickly realized another problem—Wang Qi was still at the Castle's main gate. Weren't they still one seat short?

Although there is always a way when one reaches the mountain, Liu Xing had no time to ponder over the multitude of concerns. He hurriedly signaled Wang Siyi to pick up Isabella, then crammed Bai Hecheng into the van before finally taking his own seat in the vehicle.

Chen Ling, seeing that everyone was aboard, started the van and drove towards the gates of the Castle.

Thanks to the swift actions of Liu Xing and his companions, they arrived at the Castle's gates within about three minutes after Wang Qi had activated the electronic gate-opening mechanism. This meant that Liu Xing and his group would have to wait five minutes at the gates of the Castle.

As for the initial plan of a diversionary tactic, it had become unnecessary since no one knew where Gary had gone. Moreover, under the current circumstances, no one dared to draw Gary's attention, for fear of provoking him and potentially getting a bullet to the head.

Wang Qi had already been waiting at the gates for Liu Xing and the others. However, just as the van pulled up in front of Wang Qi, he received a message from KP004 indicating that there was no longer room for him in the vehicle.

Wang Qi's face turned pale, as no one wants to be abandoned, especially not in a life-or-death situation like this.

"Wang Qi, don't worry, we won't leave you behind. We're all good friends here. If we go, we'll go together," Liu Xing reassured him upon noticing Wang Qi's change in expression, aware that his emotions might be unstable.

Liu Xing's words had their intended effect, and Wang Qi's complexion returned to normal, although his tone still carried a hint of tension. "What should I do now? The gate will open in five minutes."

Liu Xing frowned, realizing it was impossible to tell KP004 to let Wang Qi squeeze into the back seat. They needed another plan.

It was at this moment that Bai Hecheng pulled a hemp rope from under the seat and suggested with a laugh, "Isn't it simple? Just tie Wang Qi to the roof of the van with this rope."

The group was speechless...

Shortly after, everyone stepped out of the van. If Gary were to chase them down, being inside the vehicle would be like trapping themselves in a jar, making escape impossible. It was better to be outside, ready to flee.

Naturally, Bai Hecheng, having offered such a "constructive" suggestion, was assigned to the "premier seat" on the roof of the van. KP004 confirmed there was no issue with this arrangement.

Of course, Bai Hecheng strongly condemned this, but to no avail.

Although Bai Hecheng continued to make a fuss while tied to the roof, Liu Xing and the others paid him no mind. They were all tensely watching the main building of the Castle, hoping that Gary would not appear.

And so, amid the anxious waiting, five minutes passed, and the gate finally began to open slowly. Liu Xing and Wang Qi decisively rushed forward, pushing on the gates from either side, striving to open a passage wide enough for the van to slip through.

Meanwhile, Chen Ling had already started the engine, Wang Siyi once again held Isabella in the passenger seat, and Bai Hecheng on the roof was still mumbling nonsensical things.

Another three minutes went by, and with the efforts of Wang Qi and Liu Xing, the van was finally able to pass through the gate. They didn't have time to tend to their sore and numb hands; they immediately boarded the van.

The moment the van left EinsCastle, Liu Xing couldn't help but look back, but Gary's figure was still nowhere to be seen.

"First step of the main quest, escape from EinsCastle successfully completed. Please persevere and leave Eins Town as soon as possible," KP004 said with a tone of regret.

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