
The Bid Of 50 Grands

They reached there exactly at 7:30 pm. The shopkeeper Mr.Sharma welcomed them in the shop and asked for what the thing they need. Gaurav replied in a innocent voice "Actually I am not aware of the antiques but I want buy some of them for my new house". Shopkeeper and Gavrav talked about where fromhe shifted and where did he shifted. Even about his likes and dislikes about the antiques.

After knowing all the things he recommended him some of the copy of antiques. Now he got familiar with the shopkeeper and said him to give him some more time to decide the Antiques which will make his house look impressive and perfectly designed house. He want to find some antiques which can help his house look beautiful because he had to invite his relatives to take a look at his new home. So he planned a house party so everyone can get together and see his new house.

After selecting few of the antiques he decided to buy them.[At The Counter] "How would you like to pay sir" Gaurav replies " I will use a card to pay". Gautam speaks " Papa I want some candies" Gavrav replies" Yes dear we will buy it from another shop". Gaurav puts his pin number on the swiping machine and pays the amount of 10 Grands (10thousand). After he paid the lady who was at counter speaks " Sir, we have organised a auction at our shop on 21st of September. So would you like to come. On this day you can get the 💯% real Antiques. The sellers like Surendra Kapadia are going to come". Gaurav replies "Ok, nice idea for the Sunday". "Yes sir, Please fill this form to apply your name during the auction. So that the buyer get verified." Lady at counter says In a active voice. Gavrav Filled the for and went to home

They reached home by car. The antiques were going to be delivered until 9:30 pm. Gautam was happy as he got his favourite candies. Gaurav said about the auction to his wife. The wife said " I would also like to come on that day. I would be free on that day".

21st January, Sunday

All were ready to go to the auction. They sat in the car and the gaurav drived the car fast towards the Sharma Antiques. The all reached and the auction started. There was a pretty old side bag which was started at 3 grands. Gaurav Liked the bag so he decided to buy it at any cost. Someone and someone bud it to the height of 43 grands and at the Gaurav Won the Bid by bidding the amount of 50 Grands.

There was something inside the bag like a paper. He decided to see it at the home. Now they settled inside the car on the way to home...

Th Dark Sprits Always Take The Help Of The One Who Is Weak From his Brain.

Not From His Body

HarshShahcreators' thoughts