
A Strange Stranger

Oh no, there it was. 'Do I need to give you the "do not talk to strangers" speech, Thirty-Seven?'

[But you go up to strangers all the time.]

Gasp. 'An (unintentional) sass-back. I'm so proud.'

[Nori.] 37 sounded exasperated.

Getting back to serious mode, though, I really did not want to meet a fellow alien. What if, whoever it was, decided because we were both in the same situation we should team up or something? Then I'd be pulled on a stupid adventure or journey to "save the world."

I rolled my eyes. The concept was still too chuuni for me.


The Quest menu popped open and a sub-quest was added to the list. 'Now that's just not fair.'

[I learn from the best.]


With a sigh, I gave in and reluctantly got up. The sky was dyed in warm colors from the setting sun and onslaught of evening.

The mission scroll said Program A-42 and Partner were at Rosengarten Inn, the place I stayed at before Elin decided I was a bum and set me up a cot in the City Sewer Maintenance row which no one went to since I basically seemed to live in the Library. Elin was a nice, responsible girl with a good head on her shoulders; I considered her a friend by this point.

She was also surprisingly socially-adjusted at first glance, until I realized she was basically like a law student—well-spoken with a tongue that can rip arguments to shreds. I got most news of current events from her, mostly since Elin had a lot of gossipy friends that were drawn to her no-nonsense personality along with the fact she haunted the Law and History areas a lot. The regulars in those sections were less eccentric than the ones in the magic archives.

Except for Squirrel Guy (Tillian). I'm still not sure what he had against squirrels, other than the fact that the local ones were black-furred and red-eyed (and looked like regular squirrels' evil cousins).

Since Rosengarten was in the opposite direction from the Aurean Embassy, I blended into the evening crowd and took my time heading to my doom.

[It won't be that bad, Nori.]

'How would you know?'

Oh, this was Lanturn Avenue. It was actually a really popular area in general and the street lamps were already lit with fairy lights. There were no vehicles or horses allowed and the road was tiled with blue multi-colored glass. It was like walking on a path made of stars in the evening, with the fairy lights making the mica in the tile glitter.

I tried out the place Jonas recommended before, which was technically off the avenue, that looked full with the dinner crowd at the moment. He must have given me vegetarian options thinking me an alfr because I preferred the potato dumplings and meatballs with pickles from Jack's.

A few more streets after that opened up to a small square with a fountain. There were a lot of waterways and random oases in Crown City due to the influence of the hulder being part of the creation of this hub of civilization.

Likewise, the tendency to decorate with various wind-chimes, Aeolian harps scattered around the city, and high towers and roosts were a remnant from a founding race that seemed to have disappeared into history. I couldn't figure out if it was a group of them or a single one since only females were mentioned in the history books and I doubted a race was a singular gender (the hulder had shyer male counterparts). They possessed wings and sounded like valkyries, often referred to as 'winged alves.'

One such structure was present in the middle of the fountain, the gentle sounds of bubbling water from the mini-fall playing a duet with the bells on the sculpture of a tree.

Summoning a silver from my funds, I flicked it into the water, ignoring the kappa-like creatures that startled at the plunk of the coin landing in the fountain. With my Blackwell Family Luck, I need all the good juju I could get. Plus, the donations from most of the fountains either went to the Library or funds to upkeep the city (Beautification Committee but the official name made most locals cringe).

I was taking my time, trying to delay the inevitable, but was a bit surprised when I was called out.

"Hey you, fashion disaster!"

Glancing forward, still a block from the Inn, I realized that, yes, she was addressing me.

'Fashion disaster'… say that to yourself.

I could tell immediately this was the Partner I was supposed to meet because it was doubtful anyone on Gaellia wore lolita fashion. So much pastel… and she actually had real-life drill hair.


This girl(?) was extreme.

And she also was waiting for me, having expected my arrival.

"Hey, loser, I'm talking to you! Answer this heroine when she's addressing you!" the Partner stomped her feet from my speechless reaction to her appearance.


Who the heck talks like that in real life? Obviously, this situation went to her head or something.

[I'm confused.]

"Nini told me you guys wanted to team up; like hell this princess would want useless baggage. This heroine will save the world, no moochers wanted!"


I just turned around and started walking away. I didn't want to talk to the crazy spoiled girl with a bad case of 8th Grade Syndrome. Obviously, 'Nini' was 42 and they probably explained to Rosettia Fillemund (19 years old from Earth-707) about us and this was her response.

Not sure if it was her ego talking or what, though, since I don't think I come off exactly incompetent? Maybe she was just a glory hound. Who knows.

Not worth the effort to bother. I met them so it was technically fulfilling the sub-task.

[I don't understand.]

'What don't you understand, Thirty-Seven?' I ask since my partner AI was honestly feeling at a loss and slightly hurt.

[42 was much like her Partner. Condescending and calling me a 'sub-par mooch'?]

'They don't know our levels, obviously,' I considered as I swiped a tongue across my lips in thought. 'She was only Level 14.'

I guess there were Levels for the other foreigners mostly because we're partnered with AIs, so quantifying their strength should be easier. I doubt everyone had a game-like system, especially since 37 only developed that way because I couldn't stop thinking of all the books and novels I've read that my situation reminded me of.

'How did she know we were coming?'

[Programs can sense each other and I broadcasted a signal to 42.]

I felt a sudden headache coming on. Moments like these reminded me that he was less than two months old and was still slightly naive about the world.

[Nori? Did I make a mistake?]

Turning into a corner and jumping up when I found myself alone, I flew through the evening sky, heading back to the Library.

"You did not make a mistake from the information you had on hand but… don't broadcast our location again, okay? Hide our presence if you can or, at the least, don't bring attention to us.

"We can't expect everyone to be friendly. Just… I know you're optimistic and there's nothing wrong with that but run your plans by me for now until you gain more experience with the world, alright?"

Real-life business requires me to reduce the update rate to 7 chapters per week so I can continue to bring you steady releases.


PenOugicreators' thoughts