
Section 8 Accounting

Senior Tan Huming said loudly : " Who am I , junior . You played well in the debate competition. Let's continue to work hard . "

I ignored him and said , " Sorry ! "

Tan Xuechang turned his face sideways and stretched out his ears : "What kind of horse ? Apologize ? "

I said coldly , " You secretly changed the pros and cons of the topic and didn't tell us . Shouldn't you apologize ? "

" Didn't I tell you to read both the pros and cons ? " the senior said impatiently .

I said in a deep voice , " You said that you need to understand the opponent's debate a little bit , so that you can know yourself and the enemy, but you didn't tell us to exchange the pros and cons . Is it because we have sex ? "

The senior ignored me and walked straight past me with someone .

I took a step back and blocked his way : " What ? If you can't catch him, you'll destroy it, right ? I poked him to the point where my heart hurts, so ignore me now ? "

Tan Xuechang : " Don't make trouble for nothing , if I become ruthless , believe it or not, you won't even know your mother . "

The two friends next to him also surrounded me fiercely .

" Hahaha , it 's been a year and a halfthe person who talked to me like that last time was still a sophomore in high school . " I couldn't hold back my laughter .

Then my hands started shaking . Afraid of him ? Certainly not , I'm excited , I can even feel my adrenaline soaring and I want to go to the bathroom . The waist and abdomen are slightly itchy , and the heartbeat is a little fast .

I leaned into my senior's ear and whispered, " You don't even know how happy I am when you say that . "

I saw that there were cameras in the KTV corridor , but I couldn't do it directly . Turning around and heading towards the toilet , he cursed slightly : " ( short for somebody ) . "

The senior couldn't bear it, he thought I was scared when he saw me going to the toilet . As a result, he just left the camera monitoring area . I rolled up my sleeves .

" Kuchi~ "

When I went up, I gave my explosive right uppercut to the left cheek of the senior .

Before the senior could react , he fell to the ground . His two companions watched me make a move , and one of them raised his leg and wanted to kick me .

I hugged his leg with both hands , and then kicked his other leg hard , doing the splits on the spot , which made him howl in pain . The elders cried out directly .

The senior's mouth was still bleeding , and he put his hands on the ground , looking at me in horror .

He also had a companion who was thin . Seeing me knock them down with a punch and a leg , he just didn't dare to come up . He froze in place .

The fat senior seemed to feel very shameless , he got up with his teeth bared and was about to grab me , and he stretched out his hand as if trying to give me a big mouth . At first glance, he is someone who doesn't know how to fight .

I directly kicked him hard on the stomach. He is shorter than me , so he doesn't need to lift his legs too high .

But I was slow to react , the little fat man had already grabbed my arm . In addition, I kicked him very hard , and at the same time he fell backwards and scratched three blood marks on my entire arm . The skin is rotten . Burning pain .

I cursed : " Why don't you cut your nails? Fight and arrest people ? Just like a child . "

Boss may have heard me .

" I'm lying down , what's the situation ? " The boss hadn't washed off the cream on his face , and ran out to look at me when he heard the noise .

I calmly said : " Oh , this b bullied the second child before , and he wanted to do something to me just now , so I taught him a lesson . "

After speaking, I took out my mobile phone and clicked the end of recording . Played back the sentence that the senior said just now : " I beat you so much that even my mother didn't know me . "

The boss was stunned : " Fuck , so crazy ? Dare to touch my brother , you three are tired of working ? "

I waved my hands and said with a smile : " Shrimp soldiers and crab generals , shrimp soldiers and crab generals are not worth mentioning in my eyes , hahaha . "

The boss gave a thumbs up .

I said : " Wash your face quickly , the fourth child is still waiting for you , I just drank too much Coke , come to the bathroom . "

Boss : " That 's right , wash your face and go back to accompany her . "

The two of us went into the bathroom again as if nothing happened , he washed up , and I went to the bathroom ,

When I came out after going to the toilet , I saw the senior and the one who was stunned just now , helping the friend who was kicked and split by me .

But it's funny , his friend got up , covering his crotch with one hand and his buttocks with the other . He twisted and twisted as he walked , making him grin his teeth in pain .

The boss did it quickly , washed off the cream , and wiped the water off his face with his arm .

I also wiped the blood on my arm with a tissue .

Walking out of the door, he pretended to say : " Next time , if you don't have the strength, don't do anything. There are too many of you who dare not say it. It will be easy for one to do the three of you . You can inquire about the name of my old ghost, honestly . To be honest, we are still classmates , next time we will play tricks and see who beats whom even Mom doesn't know . "

The senior and his party of three did not speak .

I went on to say , " Can I apologize now ? Otherwise, the recording of your beating me up will be exposed . "

The senior's mouth seemed to be covered with carrots : " Yes... I'm sorry . "

The seniors and the others looked at me in the wrong way , trembling with a trace of fear .

I pretended to say again : " Pay attention to me next time . When I was practicing Sanda, the three of you were still enjoying the moonlight in front of the bed. I also have seniors and juniors. There are 19 others who can fight like me ! "

I didn't make things difficult for him , he apologized and I left . We are very reasonable , if people do not offend me , I will not offend them . If people offend me , I will be courteous .

It's a pity that his buddy probably has a muscle strain .

Back then, the senior made trouble again and again . If the second child hadn't pulled me in the middle , I would have opened his mouth in the cafeteria . This time, I have a chance .

After speaking, he left with the astonished eyes of the three of them . It seems to be saying : " It 's not good to offend anyone , offend these two gods . "

Lao Dalu gave another thumbs up : " I can't see you fighting so fiercely ? You bled from that little fat man's face . "

I smiled : " Don't tell my second child , or she will definitely talk about me . "

After speaking, I gently lowered my rolled up sleeves to cover the wound .

I'm not afraid of being beaten , but I'm afraid of being caught . This kind of pain is worse than a knife cut , and it hurts hot and hot .

The boss giggled : " Understood~ "

Back in the box, the two girls were happily singing Little Lucky . The eldest sat down in front of the fourth , hugged her waist , and laughed so hard that his mouth was crooked . Really happy .

The boss sang normally , then held up the microphone and sang a few lines and then stopped singing .

The second child looked at me and raised the microphone in his hand .

I smiled and took it , sitting an arm's length away from my dick . Show my old Xue general voice .

" Wow , the third brother sings very well . " The fourth child said while holding the microphone .

The second child also clapped his hands .

Out of the corner of my eye, I could see my dick sneaking glances at me from time to time .

I'm quite careless . Sing a sentence and put the microphone on the mouth of the second child . She shook her eyebrows , motioning for you to say something too .

The second child didn't wear makeup today , not even light makeup . She has delicate features , especially her eyes , bright eyes and white teeth , under the dark light of the box , her fair cheeks are faintly visible .

I didn't dare to look at her too much , I was afraid I couldn't help kissing her , so I sent it . Just be beaten to death by the second child .

The second child's red lips parted slightly : " I met you~ so lucky~ but I... "

Then I took the microphone back and added the next sentence myself .

The fourth child saw the second child singing duet with me , so he stopped singing .

The eldest scratched his head with a smile and handed the microphone to the second .

My second child and I sang a duet .

The fourth child clapped his hands and held the mic and said , " Wow~ I can't take it anymore , I love it, I love it , the voice is so nice . "

I opened my mouth and said modestly : " Take care of the second child well , otherwise I will lose my tune . "


Immediately, I glanced at my second child , and I didn't expect to meet her eyes . For a moment, it was like an electric shock . I immediately withdrew my gaze : " Haha , the next one is the next one , the boss will give it to you , you and the fourth brother , I will eat a piece of cake . " After finishing speaking , I handed the wheat to the boss again .

We had a lot of fun all night , we sang for about two hours , at about ten o'clock , we went back to the dormitory . The door of the dormitory will be closed at 11 o'clock, and you will not be able to enter if you play any more .

Everyone cleaned their cars before going out , ready to go .

Suddenly my phone rang . It's my uncle...


I get out of the box .

" Hello , uncle . "

The uncle said happily : " Hey , nephew , I talked to your vice principal about the mixed dorm you told me last time , and he said that you won't change this year , let's see when you come here . "

The uncle didn't hide it, and directly asked me to do a bone marrow transplant .

I said , " Well , I'll go early tomorrow morning , and you can make arrangements early . "

Uncle said good, good , and I hung up the phone when you came over .

When I got back to the box , I was more or less apprehensive . How long has it been since I was an adult , and I have to have my bone marrow pumped . I haven't experienced these big winds and waves , and this sudden one... I'm afraid just thinking about it . The last time my uncle came to me after I grew up and experienced things at a higher level , he arranged a business talk for me .

After playing for a while, the second child leaned over and said , " What 's wrong ? Why did I go out and make a phone call and come back with a bad face? I'm not as happy as before . "

Although the music in the box was a bit loud , I could still hear it clearly .

I immediately changed my face : " Hey~ you care about me so much ? Hey , give me a kiss on my side and I'll be happy right away . " I pointed to my left cheek .

The second child's face darkened : " Get out , I should n't have asked you , what 's wrong . "

I smiled , pretended to be calm , and then sang the song .

The boss and the fourth child are still indulging in happiness, so they probably didn't notice me going out .

I played a little late at night , and I went back at about 10:30 . After I took a taxi to the school , my aunt was about to close .

Everyone was so happy tonight that the fourth child was still humming when he returned to the dormitory .

After hastily washing and lying on the bed , the fourth child was still very excited , chatting with the eldest child and the second child all the time .

After I went to bed , I glanced at my phone , and saw a few messages from my uncle 20 minutes ago .

Uncle : " I've already bought a ticket for you. You can come early tomorrow morning . If you can't get up, you can contact Wang Mi to change your ticket . I've already helped you to ask for leave . "

Then there is a screenshot of the ticket seat number .

Me : " Okay , I can get up tomorrow . "

The next morning , I woke up at 6:30 , and despite my best efforts to keep my voice quiet, my dick woke up . Put on a pajamas and get off the bed and look at me washing my face .

The second child whispered, " Where are you going ? "

I whispered, " I 'm going to find my uncle . "

The second child frowned and said in a low voice , " Go for a few days ? Why are you leaving without warning ? "

I squinted my eyes and smiled : " If you miss me , I will come back tomorrow and accompany you to climb the mountain. If you don't miss me , I will come back later . "

The second child clicked his lips playfully and rolled his eyes : " Then you'd better come back later , it's best not to go back to the dormitory again . "

I put down the towel after washing my face : " Hey hey , that's not okay , I can't bear to part with such a righteous boss and such a cute fourth child . "

I paused : " And you have such a good personality...you . "

The second child ignored me and closed the bathroom door .

I took the bag and went out quietly , the boss was still snoring .

I came to the high-speed rail station with ease. This is the third time I have come to the high-speed rail station in the past two weeks . I have never been so frequent before .

After getting on the high-speed rail , I rested on the business seat my uncle prepared for me . I got up too early and felt sleepy .

After a while , the boss hit me in the group .

Boss : " Why don't you make a sound when you walk in the morning ? "

I replied : " Zhi~ "

Fourth child : " Haha , three are really funny . "

Me : " ( dog head emoji ) "

Boss : " What are you doing ? "

Me : " I have some business to go to Uncle's , it may take two days . "

Boss : " If you earn money, you will find a way , but don't forget brother , I will wait for you to get rich and take me to bed . "

Me : " It's almost as good as you take me, isn't your foundation stronger than mine ? "

Second child : " You two are still bragging about business , don't forget the debate next Friday . "

Me : " I got it , I got it, if you miss me, just say it , you're still so tactful , I've only been away for two hours ? "

The second child : " ( kill you , make you owe ) emoticon package "

The eldest and the fourth child : " Hahaha "

Me : " When you go out to play, remember to take a picture and show me . I won't be back for a while . "

Boss : " No problem . "

The high-speed rail is also very fast , leaving early , and I arrived before lunch, and it was my uncle 's Secretary Wang who came to pick me up last time .

I greeted with a smile : " Hi, Miss Wang . "

" Hello , I haven't seen you for a few days . " Sister Wang said with a smile .

Soon she took me to a nice looking hotel .

Sister Wang said expressionlessly, " Let 's go , your uncle is waiting for you . "

I thought to myself : " As expected of an uncle , he pays attention to people and brought me to have a meal . "

In a VIP room , as soon as I entered, there were only two people waiting for me , my uncle and my aunt , and there was such a large table of dishes .

As soon as I opened the door , my uncle enthusiastically said : " My nephew is here , come and sit down . Wang Mi will also eat here at noon . "

Said uncle got up and helped me pull out the chair .

Sister Wang thanked her and sat down .

A big hotel is a big hotel . I have never eaten such a luxurious hotel in such a big place .

As the last dish was served , the waiter said : " Bosses have finished serving . "

After the waiter finished speaking, he served a bowl of abalone soup for each of the four of us , and then added a piece of veal steak .

The uncle said : " You give my nephew a clip first . "

Waiter : " Okay , come , crispy steak , it's crispy and delicious when you eat it while it's hot . "

Then another waiter came , poured me a glass of freshly squeezed orange juice , and helped me put the tablecloth on .

This service is really thoughtful , it's almost like feeding me .

After finishing these , the waiter said in a hearty voice , " Bosses, please dine , we are at the door , call us if you have something to do . "

The uncle waved his hand indifferently , then turned to me and asked with a smile , " Are you still used to eating at school ? When I recommended you to go to this school , an old classmate of mine teaches here , and if something goes wrong, the uncle will protect you ." 」_

The aunt smiled and echoed : " Yes , your uncle is the most protective person haha . "

I also smiled : " Haha , I know that uncle loves me the most , so I came here as soon as possible , otherwise I wouldn't be able to catch up with the meal . "

I thought to myself : " If my cousin was not still waiting for the bone marrow in the hospital , you wouldn't be like this ? " But anyway , my uncle's attitude made me very comfortable . Now that you're here, help him out .

Sister Wang stayed silent all the time , but ate gracefully , a piece of chicken could take several mouthfuls . It was really difficult for her to eat with the boss .

I eat very fast .

I asked my uncle , " Where is my cousin? Is he in the hospital ? "

Uncle frowned slightly : " Your cousin won't get better soon , he can't come here , he's in the aseptic cabin . "

I nodded , since I have already sat here, I must help him , and my bone marrow can't escape , so I said : " It 's okay, uncle , why don't I come here , I will go to the hospital for a checkup after eating , tomorrow can be transplanted . "

Uncle : " Haha, don't worry , you have a good meal first . " .

The aunt looked at me with gratitude in her eyes , and I knew that this sentence was right .

Soon , after dinner, I followed my uncle to the hospital .

A routine blood test was done , as well as blood coagulation function and blood type checks . Except for this, I checked my whole body , and even had a B-ultrasound and CT scan . I used to have a B-ultrasound when I was sick . This time, I went through the whole abdomen and looked at the heart , liver, spleen and lungs .

Originally, I didn't need to do so many checkups. My uncle arranged for me to do a full body checkup by the way .

Then my uncle booked a hotel for me and sent me to rest .

I didn't say anything during the process, and I was taken around like a little white mouse . If I didn't have better psychological endurance , I would have been scared to death . Colony-stimulating factor , that is, I was given an injection . This is quite painful , but it's okay , I can bear it . Other tests are painless .

After returning to the hotel and playing with my mobile phone for a while , I sent a message to Sister Wang and asked her to order takeaway food for me , although I am not short of the meal price now . But if you can prostitute your uncle for nothing , why not prostitute yourself for nothing .

Ms. Wang is very efficient . I don't know where to contact. Within 20 minutes , four vegetables, three meats and one soup were delivered to my room by several hotel waiters . This time I didn't live in a suite anymore , it was a big bed room with a large area .

I would be full after just two casual bites . It was n't that the food wasn't delicious , it was just the thought of having my bone marrow pumped tomorrow to punch a few holes in the bones of my back .

For a moment, I regretted it and wanted to run away . After thinking about it, this is unrealistic , so let's be safe if it comes .

Then I changed my mind and thought : " Where is my domineering? Why don't I just smoke a bone marrow and lie down for a few days , what are you afraid of . There is no crime in the sea to the horizon, and I am the peak when I climb the mountain . I am the tallest one . Yes, that's right . , I am the best . "

Leaning on the bed and still feeling uneasy , I sent a private message to my second child .

I said , " Is the second child here ? Chatting with you . "

Unexpectedly, the second child replied in seconds : " I'm here , what's the matter ? "

Me : " It's so wow , you can get back to me in seconds . Love it, love it . "

The second child : " If you have something to say , don't bother me if you have nothing to do . "

I said , " Tomorrow... I'm going to donate bone marrow . "

Second child : " ? "

Me : " A little scared . "

The second child : " What's the matter ? Donate bone marrow properly . You don't want to donate the bone marrow, do you ? I tell you not to mess around . "

Me : " Are you caring about me ? "

Second child : " I'm sick , why are you still joking ! Are you serious ? "

Then I told about my cousin's illness .

I replied : " Don't tell them , it looks like I'm hypocritical . How is Auntie recovering ? "

Second child : " My mother is recovering very well . But why didn't you say it in advance ? I knew something might be wrong when you rushed out early in the morning . "

Me : " Huh ? Do I have to say , brothers , I'm going to donate bone marrow. I'm so scared . It's not right to have more of that . "

The second child was silent for a while before sending it to me .

Second child : " If you are scared, send me a message anytime . I will get back to you as soon as I see it . "

Me : " Hahaha, okay , I won't panic when you say that . Let's rest first . "

Second child : " Yes . "

Then I watched my favorite anime . But in my mind, I kept thinking about the words my second child just said , and my heart was quite beautiful .

Then , as if his brain was twitching , he gave himself a brain collapse .

Cursing at himself as if a villain said in his mind : " Lick the dog , you are nothing . "

Another villain said : " He who wins the hearts of the people will be happy . This is not licking . If people don't like it at all, then it is licking . I still have a good impression of my second child . Well , I must have a good impression . "

I fell asleep thinking about it .

The next day, I was woken up by Sister Wang's phone call : " Are you awake ? I'll wait for you downstairs and take you to the hospital . The boss is already waiting there . "

It is estimated that my uncle urged her to call me . I got up and washed up and went down .

Sitting in the co-pilot : " Sister Wang is always early . "

Sister Wang is not wearing a uniform and work clothes today , but a casual long skirt . Although it is already autumn , the temperature is not too cold .

Sister Wang smiled and said , " This is my job , of course I have to get up so early . "

We chatted a few words under the name haha ​​and we arrived at the hospital .

I didn't even eat breakfast , my uncle saw me and said hello : " My nephew has worked hard today , I'll make you a delicious tonic later . "

I said , " Well , it 's okay . " Anyone could tell that there was a little fear in my tone .

Pierce the bone , how can I not be afraid .

Then I was taken into a small room by three doctors . The atmosphere was awkward and I was too scared .

My voice trembled a little : " Doctor , does the anesthesia hurt ? "

One of the older elders said , " Young man, you don't need anesthesia today . You don't feel any pain . You just need to draw blood for an on-the-spot test to see if your hematopoietic stem cells have entered the peripheral blood . "

Me : " Oh oh . "

I don't even know what the doctor said .

After the blood was drawn , I waited inside . The three of them went to the back of the small room to test with instruments . I just waited and played with my mobile phone for a while . I replied to the information of a few friends looking for my party , and I was checking Zhihu .

About half an hour later , the old man staggered out with the other two doctors , greeted me that I could go , and opened the door to come out .

Uncle and the others are waiting for me at the door . I was still wondering : " Didn't you want my bone marrow ? That's all right ? What's the situation ? "

The old man said to the uncle : "The bone marrow has been mobilized very well . He is in good health . The mobilization is fast . He can come in tomorrow afternoon . "

The uncle said thank you , and led me to the inpatient department to see my cousin. I haven't seen my cousin for so long .

Although I really wanted to ask my uncle why he didn't smoke my bone marrow today , but I thought about it , since I promised to donate it to you , wouldn't it be cowardly to ask ? Am I that coward ? I didn't ask any more .

When we came to the inpatient department , there were several special rooms on the top of the building , and the beds inside were like transparent cubes of glass .

" That's your cousin . Leukemia patients are most afraid of bacteria . His resistance is very weak , so he can only stay in the sterile cabin . " The uncle said .

I can clearly feel the sadness of my uncle . The aunt on the side couldn't help wiping her tears with a tissue .

I suddenly figured it out, no wonder my uncle has been very kind to me these two days and even sent me money , because my cousin is really important to him . From a distance , my cousin is very thin and bald . My cousin is no longer the lively and active cousin who likes to deliberately provoke me and tease me . Completely lost spirit .


When I got back to the hotel, I didn't do anything , I just bickered with my second child and told her what happened this afternoon. The boss also asked me why I went , but I pretended that I was at my uncle's house and had a family gathering .

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

HerRoyalHighnesscreators' thoughts