
Section 19 Guiding Life

I grabbed his finger with one hand and swiped it hard , the crisp sound of bones followed by Liu Jilong's scream : " Ah~~~~ "

I looked down at him and took another kick , kicked him hard on the chest, and kicked out . Liu Jilong slid on the ground for two meters and rolled around before stopping .

You can scold me , but humiliate the second child ? That meow is me Nilin , I will kill you if I touch it , let alone you touch it three times ?

Liu Jilong lay on the ground and covered his hands : " You fucking wait for me , my brother is the head of the school's Taekwondo club . "

Hey~ I just said, why is he not tall , and his tone is so crazy ? It turned out that there was a backstage .

I laughed when he said taekwondo. I have practiced boxing for so many years , and I know 19 brothers and sisters who can fight like me . I will be afraid of you ?

People passing by around saw this and avoided it one after another . I also took pictures with my mobile phone , and I didn't stop them .

But the old couple held my hand kindly and comforted me : " Don't be as knowledgeable as him , let's go back and pretend it never happened . It's not worth having a conflict with this kind of person ! "

I said indignantly : " It's too much to bully ! If I didn't want to cause trouble , I should have given this kick yesterday ! "

The second child's tone was gentle: " Okay , let's go , we won't compete in the competition , there's no need to do it just because of my words , I want to compete more , but I want to be better than those I can do ! "

Looking at the second child , I eased down .

I smiled and said, " Did n't it scare you just now ? Then let's go back . "

" How can you be scared ? You are also trying to vent my anger on me, and I don't know . But next time, it's better to calm down . " The second child was a little playful and wanted to make me happy .

I happily said, " Haha , that's great , I'll listen to you ! "

Liu Jilong felt that he couldn't bear the face , and there were people around him watching him , so he was considered a man , so he endured the pain and rushed over against a man who was half a head shorter than me .

With teeth and claws open , he came up to give me a punch .

I was not used to him either , so I jumped up to meet him , and directly hit his head with my elbow .

" Bang~ " The sound of the elbow hitting the head is particularly unique and crisp in the night .

You don't even know how to fight , it's enough to use the simplest moves to deal the greatest damage .

With one foot and one elbow , Liu Jilong lay down on the ground, curled up and wailed . I didn't want to do this , after all, we are all classmates , but it really touched my bottom line, which is really not good !

After speaking, Liu Jilong, who grinned and covered the pain in his hands, followed the second child and left .

Neither of us spoke on the way , but my second child would tickle my palm . The atmosphere was inexplicably a little strange .

I started to break the deadlock : " emm... let's go to the playground for a while , it's only after eight o'clock . "

The second child casually took out a small rubber band from his pocket, tied it into a ponytail, and said gently : " Okay , I used to walk with you as a roommate , and today I will walk with you as a girlfriend , haha ! "

When we arrived at the playground , there were a lot of people. Everyone sat and chatted on the playground , and some people were jogging on the outer circle of the track .

Suddenly, I thought of the picture of the fourth child being chased and the eldest rescued .

I smiled and said , "The fourth brother was confessed by the boss here . When he returned to the dormitory , the fourth thought that the boss was just saving the scene and didn't really like it. It was really fun . I didn't expect the time to pass so quickly . "

" Yeah , but if I get hit like this , I'll die on the spot ! "

The second child is shy and doesn't like to be confessed in the presence of so many people , and likes to be quiet .

I dragged her around the inner road twice , and then sat down in a place with few people in the middle of the playground .

I found that the second child was a little sad .

I asked , " What's the matter, Baozi ? Are you unhappy ? "

The second child suddenly leaned on my shoulder, and said melancholy : " Yeah~ But don't get me wrong , it's not because of the guy just now, it's because I don't know what I should do , I'm very confused . "

Aha~ It turned out that I was thinking too much , which is not good . If no one enlightens me , I will get depressed if I just think about it .

I turned my face , stroked the second child's chin and said, " Aha ~ so Baozi thinks too much . Let me tell you , it's normal to be confused . I'll analyze it for you . "

I paused and continued : " Look , we are only in freshman year . No matter what, we have a lot of time . I can take you to study together . As long as you have goals , what is there to be afraid of when you have time ? Now I will teach you programming . , let's play well , learn well , and have a good youth ! "

The second child nodded , still a little low .

I rubbed my dick's head and said , " Besides , it doesn't matter if we graduate from college and don't know anything . It's not scary. The scary thing is that there is no goal and direction . They do n't know what to do , it's not that they are lazy , it 's that they don't know . Just like learning programming , many people don't know where to start, and they don't know where to find a job , which is very difficult. 」_

The second child looked up at me with a little excitement and said : " Oh~ I understand , then I will learn the technology from you now , and then I will recite the vocabulary and pass the fourth level . I know I What are you going to do ? "

I smiled brightly and said : " That's right, it 's normal to be confused , don't fall into an endless loop , thinking all day that you don't know what to do now , and then you can't see it with our current vision and experience. It's so far away , after a long time, people can't be depressed . As the saying goes, you will never earn money beyond your cognition . Baby, have I made it clear ? "

The second child was very happy : " Yeah , I understand , I'm not confused anymore , hey . Let's go , let's go back and go to sleep . I didn't sleep well yesterday . "

" Okay ! "

Passing by the small supermarket in the school , I said softly : " I treat you to a roast sausage , last time you were here to scold me for being unreasonable, are you serious this time ? "

The second child took out his mobile phone : " I will pay this time to reward your decency . It is really rare , so gratifying ! "

" Haha , good ! "

I didn't refuse my second child's treat either .

The boss worried : " Where did you go ? I called you a few times , but why didn't you answer ? "

As soon as I entered the dormitory , the boss came over and asked me hurriedly , leaving me wondering what was wrong for a while .

I showed a puzzled expression : " Huh ? What 's the matter ? "

Lao Da Dao : " Just now someone from the next dormitory came to me and told me that I saw you fighting with others on the side of the dormitory building . When I went, no one was there . "

After I understood it, I disdainfully said : " It's just a small jammed rice , just the one at noon . I yelled at me, endured it twice , and I couldn't bear to fuck him ! "

" Oh , are you okay then ? "

I smiled and said , " Boss , do you think I am a busy person ? "

Hahaha , the boss smiled heartily .

The fourth child sat on the blanket and listened to our conversation and said : " Second sister , third brother, come and sit down , this variety show is really good , let's watch it together when we talk about the workplace . "

As he spoke, he held a bag of potato chips and motioned for us to go over .

Watching the variety show, I suggested : " Why don't we find time to travel ? For example, go to Dali to see the Erhai Lake , go to Hangzhou to see the West Lake , otherwise I have nowhere to spend my compensation ! "

The boss remained the same , and calmly said after listening, " I have no objection . "

The fourth child echoed, " If the boss has no objection , I have no objection . "

The second child doubted : " Are there no classes ? There will be no long holidays after this , at most three days on New Year's Eve . "

" No , no, no , I mean winter vacation , how about when we leave for winter vacation, how about wego as soon as the holiday is over ? " I explained .

The second child smiled : " That's fine , so I'm still looking forward to it . "

After that, every day is a fairy day . Everyone goes to and from class normally , plays games and watches TV together when there is nothing to do , and goes out to have a party on weekends . It took a long time . It's a freshman again , and there's nothing wrong with it. At the beginning, I went to the club , but does the club have a dormitory fragrance ? It was a pretty cool day .

As always , the boss brings meals in the morning , and watches dramas in the dormitory at night with the lights off .

As for studying... I don't care about other courses except professional courses . That English can be memorized ?

Anyway, I think people who are good at English are big brothers . It is densely packed like little ants crawling , good and goods , one is good , and the other is the meaning of goods . These two look the same at first glance , I thought it was good to add plurals , super good meaning .

Just like the teacher in English class asked me what goods mean , I said directly : " Super good meaning . "

I answered quite confidently , but the whole class was laughing , alas~ people are so stupid .

Fortunately, the second child's English is good , and she is as good as me , so it's not a big problem .

In addition, it's a pity that I pretended to be a gentleman when I confessed my second child .

He keeps saying that as long as the second child is unwilling, I won't kiss , and I won't make troubles, and everything will wait until after marriage .

This is indeed to give the second child a sense of security . In case something happens to me , the second child can still find a good man to marry , and other boys will not dislike the second child .

But...how can couples not kiss each other ? I really...

So after a month or two, I didn't take the initiative to kiss back once , and I was really numb . Seeing the boss and the others drooling with envy and jealousy in their eyes . Oh no , I mean tears... ..

Near the end of the term , the whole bed is preparing for the exam . I will take the Java programming exam tomorrow . It's just that I will take the high math test the day after tomorrow , and I'm numb again . What Taylor formulas and integral formulas are harder to memorize than English words .

" Third brother , tomorrow's Java depends on you , " the fourth child said playfully .

Speaking of it, I feel that all of this is a predestined arrangement . Except for the boss , the student numbers of the four of us are connected to each other . This means that the exam for the three of us will be the relationship between the front and back seats .

Because the exam is arranged according to the order of the student number .

I said arrogantly : " That must be done , leave the programming to me , I guarantee it will be a mess ! "

Suddenly thinking of Gaoshu , how arrogant I was just now, and how cowardly I am at this moment : " Fourth , cough cough , take Gaoshu with me . "

Then he looked at the second child with a " hey hey " : " My second sister ~ English, take me with you , come on~ "

The second child made an " OK " gesture and continued to review .

Only the boss had a bitter face : " It's over~ This time I'm appointed to fail the subject. Come and teach me how to write this question , third brother ? Programming is so difficult ! "

I comforted me and said, "I'll teach you how to program. As for advanced mathematics, just pass it . It 's not perfect if you don't fail in college ! "

The boss suddenly got excited : " I think what the third brother said is very reasonable , I want to be a perfect person ! "

" Come on, then you can't hang every doordon't get your graduation certificate by then ! " The fourth child , who was sober in the world, reminded .

After a while of laughing...

We went to have lunch together , and we ate in the cafeteria at noon .

I am discussing with everyone that after the exam, I will go out and travel together when I go home .

The chat was in full swing , because... we talked about going out to live in a hotel . After all, the hotel cannot accommodate four people in one room . I was excited and asked my second child if he would like to live in a big bed room when the time came , although I got supercilious , but...happy and looking forward to it~

I was laughing out loud , and suddenly buried myself in my meal with a serious expression . Because when I just looked up, I saw Xiao Cai walking towards me .

It was the little loli who called me a scumbag in this cafeteria before : Dai Wenqian .

My second child noticed it first and asked me , " What's wrong with you ? "

" Nothing , I'm hungry, eat. " I said in a panic .

I thought about it again , no , I didn't do anything wrong , why are you so flustered ?

Xiao Caitou really came after me , but she has the physique of a social cow .

Sit directly next to the second child : " I sit here, do you have any objections ? "

Except for me , the other three were stunned for a moment , looked at each other in blank dismay by the sudden Xiao Caitou , not knowing what was going on .

Xiao Caitou said flatly : " Forgot about me so soon ? "

Speaking of the memory of the second child , he was the first to speak : " I remember you , what's the matter ? "

Xiao Caitou is still in a JK uniform today . To be honest , Xiao Caitou is also pretty good-looking . If it weren't for the fact that she was a little flatter , there would be more people chasing her .

Xiao Caitou said heartily : " I'm here to apologize. I just came in and saw you , so I'll say it . I was wrong last time . Don't take it to heart . " rice .

Now that she has said that , what else can I say , don't accept it ? Doesn't that seem too out of place ?

" Hey~ It's okay , it's all over . "

Xiao Caitou continued : " My sister has added you as a friend . You have time to explain to her . From your point of view, you are a kind person who listens to the old class , but from my sister's point of view, you are a heartless person . She If you don't know anything about it, you break up , and even delete your friends . If you don't have this experience, you can't understand the heartache of being deleted . "

send ! I sent it , but I don't understand , the second child understands . When you say that, it makes me no different from a heinous scumbag .

Sure enough , the second child frowned and gave me a look , which made me feel terrified .

I hurriedly explained to my second child : " I really didn't receive a friend request , otherwise I would definitely tell you about you , look... " As I spoke, I flipped through the friend addition records on WeChat .

Suddenly I thought of something...

I probably added my alias , because my second father was in that account . Back then, I lied that I knew people from the foundation and lent money to my uncle .

" Your sister probably added my old accountI didn't use that one a long time ago . " I looked at Xiao Cai and said .

Xiao Cai glanced at the second child : " You two seem to have an unusual relationship... "

" I'm her girlfriend . " The second child replied domineeringly .

I absolutely love her at this moment , she is so handsome .

Xiao Cai didn't speak , and was at a loss for words for a while .

The second child went on to say , " I'll let him make it clear to your sister . "

After Xiao Caitou heard what the second child said , he said in a somewhat stiff tone, " Okay , I have conveyed my words to the point. " After speaking , he got up and changed his position .

I'm convinced too , it's definitely not a good thing to meet her , we were very happy at first , but this round made the atmosphere a bit awkward .

The eldest and fourth child did not speak .

The second child glanced at me and ate , not knowing what he was thinking .

After a while, the boss said , " You two eat slowly , my fourth brother and I went to buy some toiletries , I ran out of shower gel. " Then he gave the fourth brother a look , and the two got up and left .

I cursed in my heart : This is too unjust , it would be bad for me to stay here .

After the two left , the second child said , " Honestly , I'm not feeling well . I know the feeling she just said . You should explain it clearly and spread the matter out . "

" Emm... you are not angry, are you ? "

" It's not enough to be angry . I didn't care about you in the past , and I can't control you . In the future, I am qualified to control you ! " Seeing the second son's tone soften , my hanging heart also let go . I still vaguely remember the scene when the second child threw his chopsticks and left .

I joked : " Why ? You are not afraid that I will run away with others ! "

The second child's expression changed : " How dare you ! "

"Do n't dare , I'll make it clear after dinner . "

The second child went on to say , " I absolutely trust you . I won't check your mobile phone even if you have a number of numbers . We all leave a little privacy and space for each other . I will definitely not betray you . "

" Yeah , the second sister is mighty . She is indeed my treasure ! "

Then after eating , we went back to the dormitory to prepare for lunch break . The boss and the others didn't say anything when they saw that we were both fine .

Lying on the bed, I switched my account . Sure enough, someone added me , and the prompt message was very straightforward : " I'm Liu Yueyi . "

But I saw that my second father sent me a message , so I'd better reply first .

Uncle : " I have some money now . Can I pay you back 30,000 ? The rest is enough for my wife's follow-up treatment . Can you give me a card number ? I'll go to the bank and transfer it to you later . "

It looked like the day before yesterday , that is, when my second child and I went back to see her mother .

Me : " Hello , don't worry . You don't need interest for five years, and it will be 7% from the sixth year . According to the materials you provided , your family can afford it . "

After replying to my uncle's message , I agreed to Liu Yueyi's friend request .

After adding a friend , the other party replied in seconds : " You finally agreed . "

Me : " Awkward and sweaty emoji . "

Liu Yueyi : " I've heard from Xiao Caitou , it's okay , I'm studying in Shanghai now . "

Me : " Yeah , I knew you would do it . "

There is one thing to say , this is the first time I have encountered this kind of thing , I don't know how to answer it , so I can only chat awkwardly . If possible , I really want to ask Tony how he had the cheek to find the second child .

Liu Yueyi : " I also know your helplessness . At that time , it was really difficult for everyone . After hearing what Dai Wenxi said , I wasn't angry at all. It's just that you are fine . I have nothing to do. Let's meet when we have time. Is it ? After two days, I will go back to my hometown for winter vacation to find you . "

I don't know what to do when I see this message .

I want to directly say that I have a girlfriend , does it seem that I am really a scumbag ? If I don't say it , the second child will definitely be angry .

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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HerRoyalHighnesscreators' thoughts