
Quarter 10 finals start

twenty one

The debate has begun .

The second child who is the first debater is very confident today , compared with the last time when he was secretly switched pros and cons by the idiot senior , he is obviously more than capable .

The second child stood up and stretched out his proud small chest : " Our point of view is that human rationality is more important , because rationality refers to human's rational intuition , rational thinking ability , and sensibility is directly felt by sensory organs... .... 」

Since I didn't change positions this time , there was a second debate between me and my second child .

As soon as I entered the arena, I leaned on the chair a little lazily , so when the second child reported , I could only profile my face from this angle , and Shuangfeng... We are not old- fashioned critics , just telling the truth .

The second child reported a long list of ideas and themes .

" So we think rationality is relativelymore important . "

After the second child's report is completed, it is the report of the other party's first defense . In fact, the general meaning is similar , but they are talking about sensibility .

Referee : " The second defense of the affirmative will be invited to speak . "

In the second debate, for some unknown reason , the male classmate last time was replaced by a female student . That's right , the team is all girls except me .

Our second argument gives people a pure and cold temperament , but it is only good-looking . In my mind, it is completely incomparable with the second child . It feels like a world and a place .

Er Bian said : " Just now you said that sensibility is the perception of human organs . Only when you feel it can you think rationally . I don't agree with this . Rationality is the thinking sense of the human brain . You have already used your brain to think rationally before you feel it." , thinking with emotion . "

I thought I had changed to a strong one , but I didn't expect... This is directly in the hands of people , and I talk a lot about emotional thinking . Isn't the brain a real physical organ ? You just gave the opponent a loophole by saying that .

Sure enough , as soon as the second debater of our team sat down , the second debater on the opposite side jumped up immediately , with a hint of excitement .

Opponent No. 2 : " Did Opponent No. 2 just talk about the brain ? First of all, we know that the brain is an organ , and you need to use your brain before you can think rationally . Does this conform to the perceptual view of organ perception that we just mentioned in the first argument ? Obviously this is satisfactory , and what the other party just said about emotion is an irrational factor . In people's cognition , emotion is just an unconscious spontaneous phenomenon. Sensibility is sensibility , and rationality is rationality . The definitions of the two words are very different. Clear . Therefore, the affirmative point of view needs to be studied , and it is not quite correct . "

Seeing the fierce exchange of words between the two , I gasped .

As expected of the liberal arts students of the School of Literature and Culture . Knowing how to use political knowledge points to argue , it is difficult .

Referee : "The affirmative will be invited to speak in the third defense . "

This is indeed a bit troublesome , but unfortunately...he met me, who is familiar with Marxism, and the topic of this debate happened to be the epistemology chapter in Marxism .

I stood up slowly , with one hand behind my back . I feel very self-confident : " First , the other party's second argument just digressed , we are discussing rationality and sensibility , but you finally said that emotion is spontaneous in cognition , which has restrictions . Rationality not only exists in cognition , but also It plays a leading role in cognitive activities . Second , the brain is indeed an organ , and thinking with the brain is rational . Does this mean that rationality and sensibility complement each other , and they cannot be discussed separately . It is just that rationality is more important in the whole process . There is a relationship that includes and permeates each other . I think you can understand this point . "

After talking so much at once , feeling a little out of breath , I paused and continued : " And you use the definition to distinguish the two , which is meaningful. In practical application , they are inseparable . This is a big mistake of yours. Wrong . "

Then I wiped my nose with the back of my hand : " And your point of view of consciousness when understanding sensibility is a metaphysical erroneous point of view , presumably everyone who has studied politics should know it too ? " After saying the last sentence , I took a special look at the judges teacher .

When I saw the judges and teachers nodding straight , I knew that this wave was stable , and I made up for the mistakes in the previous two debates .

Then it was the turn of the opposite party , a little loli about the same height as the fourth child . As for the appearance , it will definitely be crushed by the fourth child . There is one thing to say , the two girls in our dormitory are absolutely irresistible .

She stood up and looked at me : "The opponent made a mistake in the third defense. You have been refuting us , but you have not objectively demonstrated the importance of rationality ? So our point of view is correct . "

I was like : " ? "

Stand up and say a word and then sit down ? At the beginning, I said that I made a mistake , and I was taken aback . I thought I had met an opponent . After all, liberal arts students who have studied politics are not easy to deal with , nor are they easy to fool . The result is this crop for me ? Laughed me to death . Confidence exploded in an instant , and my legs were shaking unconsciously with joy .

Then came the concluding statements of our side's four defenses and the opponent's four defenses .

Then it's time for free debate . The opponent is still strong .

The other party's second argument : " Then I would like to ask the other party's third argument . Your point of view is that both rationality and sensibility exist , and rationality is more important . So why is rationality important ? "

I smiled at the corner of my mouth : " I have already said that thinking is rational . You ask me , have you thought about it ? Then use your vocal cords to speak out . Is rationality before sensibility ? "

The other party's second argument directly yelled at me : "You can't make a sound without vocal cords . Both are indispensable , and vocal cords are more important . "

As soon as I sat down , I stood up again before I sat still . I almost laughed , and the corners of my mouth raised arrogantly : " You are mistaken. I don't know whether the vocal cords are important , but reason is important , and you didn't say that emotion is important . I subjectively think that sensibility is not important . "

I thought I would meet someone strong in this game , but it turned out to be a general . He knew a little about Marxism , but not much .

The subsequent mutual confrontation is probably like this , which is boring , and the opponent has no ability to resist at all . Another pair of four .

The second child in the middle stood up twice , but it was a tie with the opponent .

Referee : " It's time , now the judges are starting to score , please leave in an orderly manner . "

I looked at the hundreds of people in the hall, smiled slightly , and bowed to the judges . The other three team members , including the second child, looked at me like this . The whole team bowed and exited , which made me look like a gentleman .

I pushed the second child to the boss's seat on the other side of the auditorium .

I looked at my second child : " How is it ? Is brother amazing ? Haha . "

The second child didn't yell at me this time , and gave me a thumbs up : " Today is indeed very good , so I won't scold you for pretending . "

The second child turned around suddenly , and I almost bumped into her : " Also ! Call yourself brother in front of me ? My sister didn't even speak . "

I smiled and said , " That's that , who is my sister ? My sister is a legend in my heart ! "

I haven't seen each other for a few days , and seeing the second child's face makes me feel a little more intimate . Watching her yelling at me , feeling all this familiar , really happy .

The boss cheered for a while : "The third boss , you are so handsome . The girls in the back are all talking about which class you are in , and some people want to know about you . "

The fourth child raised his small fist : " Second sister and third brother are mighty , and there were many boys looking at the second sister just now . "

I turned my head to my second child : " Look! Brother... No , I'm not very attractive , but what a cutie you want to know me . "

The second child sat next to the fourth child with a smile on his face : " Oh , you are so good , then you go get to know them . "

I poked her on the shoulder : " What? Jealous ? Ouch , what a big deal , tell me if you're jealous , I don't know anyone if you give me an order . "

I took advantage of the situation and sat next to my second child, and said with a look that I didn't want to fight : " Well , if you kiss me , don't say that the girl doesn't know me , I will take you to win the championship tonight . "

The second child rolled his eyes directly : " You are so boring , I still kiss you , go dream . "

" How do you know that I dreamed that you kissed me ? " I said as I touched my face .

Before I saw it clearly , the second child directly punched me on the arm with a lot of strength . She was not satisfied with punching me , and then pinched my waist .

The pain made me open my mouth and dare not make a sound .

Whispered to the second child : " It's outside, it's outside , please save face , it hurts , hiss...it hurts . "

The second child pouted and puffed out his chest : " See, you still don't dare to talk nonsense . "

I said hehehe : " Dare to do it next time . "

The boss and the fourth child looked at each other and smiled , the boss said : " You two are such a pair , I can't see that the second child is a cold and cold goddess , who can treat you like this . "

Second child : " Hmph , who told him to be sloppy . "

After a fight , the referee announced the score : " This computer academy won , please prepare for the next game . "

I said strangely to my second child : " Hey , it 's all right , second sister, don't worry , watch me go into battle and kill the enemy one by one ... "

The second child heard me call her second sister for the first time: " Yeah , my sister will protect you in the future . "

Chatted for a while .

I said , " You three are chatting , I'm going to use the bathroom . "

I got up and went to the toilet , but I didn't urinate . I still squatted by the pit and felt nauseous . In fact, after getting off the high-speed rail to the school , and running from the school in a hurry, I couldn't bear it anymore , so I was trying to bear it .

twenty two

It was the same when I was on the opposite side in the match , I almost vomited , but fortunately I held back , otherwise that person would lose a lot of money . I didn't spit it out when I came to the toilet , so I washed my face and went back . Feeling dizzy sitting in a chair .

After waiting for a long time , three teams were born from six departments .

The three teams compare each other two by two , and finally judge the championship position through the victory .

In the first game, people from the Electric Academy and the Digital Media Academy faced each other . But Digital Media was obviously not as strong as Electric Academy , and fell behind with a big gap of 9 points and failed , and then we faced Digital Media .

This is the difficulty in the beginning of everything and the difficulty in the middle of everything .

This game is not worth watching , the opponent is too rubbish , the gap with the TV Academy is so big , and we can't compare with us. It is easy to win with me in charge , and the digital media department directly locks the third place .

Afterwards, we faced off against the TV Academy , and the topic of this debate came up temporarily to test the on-the- spot reactions of both sides. Whoever wins the championship will be the champion .

With both teams ready . I applied for a seat change and sat with my second child again .

Huh~ Looking at her side profile will make her feel better . The second child will not be like in the auditorium, but he is serious and a little cold .

Many male spectators frantically looked at the one sitting outside .

Referee : " Temporary topic is that talent is more important than hard work . "

"The Electric Academy is on the right side , and the Computer Science Department team is on the opposite side . The game begins ! " Following the order of the referee .

The two teams stood up and introduced themselves and said hello to each other .

The second child : " Hello everyone , the opponent is friendly , I am the opponent , I am from the Department of Computer Science... "

The brief introduction of the second child can be said to make the audience a little restless . Looking at the second child with beautiful skin and beautiful skin , I suddenly have the illusion of Korean star IU , but with the traditional conservative female high-cold temperament unique to the second child . Maybe it's because of this marrow pumping experience that I think of the hallucinations caused by her in a claustrophobic environment , maybe it's because I didn't realize it before , but the image of the second child is becoming more and more perfect in my heart . Even if she would always tease me , hahaha .

As the game started , the opponent introduced the importance of talent, which determines the upper limit . Judging from his speech , the Electric Academy is indeed a strong opponent .

I said softly to my second child from the side : " It's okay , you can play normally in a while , and I will watch you later . Come on ! "

The second child nodded with a smile . After the other party sat down , the second child stood up not to be outdone, and explained how hard work in the later stage determines the lower limit , what is the use of talent if one does not work hard, and so on . It also cited the classic story of Shang Zhongyong , a very talented child who did not study and became decadent in the end .

It was the other party's turn to stand up and argue .

The opponent's second argument is a boy wearing glasses , giving off a refined atmosphere : " The first argument just now listed the story of Shang Zhongyong . They are very talented, and talent also determines their starting point and end point . Talent is more important while working hard . "

Then it was our turn for the second debate . This girl was a little nervous . She stood up and said : " Okay , since you said that talent is important , how can I ask Shang Zhongyong to explain it ? He is already a case of failure in life due to talent and not working hard." up . "

As soon as I heard this scalp numbness , people have already said that it is an isolated case , you should find other ways to attack him , but in the end, you went back and made me feel numb .

The second child also felt something was wrong and frowned slightly .

If it weren't for the fact that this girl really didn't know that fat senior Tan , I would have suspected that he was a spy sent by that senior .

Well , the third debate on the opposite side was straightforward : "The second debate on the other side is very interesting . We have already said that it is an individual case , and a small probability event is impossible . Have you never learned this probability theory ? "

I was shocked . The audience in the audience may not feel it . We are only a freshman . I have come to the present by relying on the Marxism I learned in high school. It is also the capital of my madness in the debate competition . , ah ha ha . The other side of this game also understands probability theory , not to say that he shouldn't understand it, but that we are only a freshman , and as far as I know, we only learned it in our sophomore year . It seems that there is an expert pointing out .

I also know that there are other cases , but this is not a temporary question , I don't have time to collect them .

I tidied up my clothes and stood up : " Cough~ The other party has been emphasizing the upper limit . If you only have talent but don't work hard , it is obvious that you will achieve nothing in the end . Just like those who take the Qingbei exam... "

Suddenly a burst of dizziness rushed into my head , and I was stunned : What 's going on ? I was fine after being discharged from the hospital , why did I feel so strong this time ? Almost made me fall , I helped the table , and after a second or two, I managed to resist the dizziness and said : " The people who take the Qingbei exam... all... are talented and hardworking , if... they don't work hard In the end, we may be in the same school as us . Do all of you here admit that your talents are not good ? I think the other four are very smart and talented , but they should not work hard , otherwise they will not be with us. I'm in the same junior college , and I admit I didn't study hard before . But I have talent , and I'm a good example . "

I wanted to say something more , but I was so dizzy that I sat down . The second child came over and said , " What happened to you just now ? Are you okay ? Don't force yourself too much . If you really can't, just compare us and go back to rest . "

I smiled and said , " Really ? You care about me so much . Could it be that you love me ? "

The second child actually didn't refute me this time , looked at me and whispered, " Of course I care about you , you are my roommate . Look at you , your face is pale , and your lips are still a little purple . "

I glanced at her : " What's the matter ? Is it so ugly ? "

Then I squinted and smiled : " So it's my roommate who cares about me . It's rare , but not completely rare . "

The second child suddenly covered his mouth with his hand in a cute way and whispered to me : " I'll tell you a secret after the game is over ! "

Looking at her smiling crescent eyes , I was a little dazed .

The game is still going on .

But I was not in good condition , and my nausea and dizziness improved a lot as I sat down , but my mind was heavy .

Soon to the free debate session . Although I have fought back and forth with the opponent , it is still too reluctant for my team to rely on me alone . Some words just came to my mind , and I was dizzy and disrupted my train of thought .

I stood up : " 30% talent + 70% hard work equals success . If you talk about talent and hard work without success , it doesn't make much sense . "

I know that the debate competition cannot always give examples , there must be a debate point , and success is a very good point . Otherwise, if you keep giving examples, it won't be a meeting of examples ?

After I finished speaking, my eyes were a little erratic , and I didn't know whether the second debate or the third defense stood up to refute me : " For example, the success of two basketball players , if they are of high physical fitness and tall , then it will be easier for them Success . That's the fact that talent is more important than hard work . "

I could no longer stand up and refute . I saw my second child stand up from the side and said in a gentle manner : " As the saying goes , as long as you work hard enough and grind an iron rod into a needle , you don't have to achieve any goal . If you work hard, you will definitely achieve something." Harvest , you can sharpen yourself , and there are many examples of changing fate against the sky in reality . "

The other party also stood up after a debate. This time I saw clearly that it was the one sitting on the outermost side .

He sneered slightly : "The iron pestle also depends on how big the iron pestle is . What kind of iron pestle can you grind into a needle ? How long does it take? It's fine if it is softened... After all... the iron is heated It will be soft too . "

The audience burst into laughter .

I got angry and the consequences were serious .

I naturally heard that he was joking about his second child . The second child is a traditional girl . Although she is usually aloof and playful , when she heard the opposite party being so aggressive, she became anxious for a while , gritted her teeth and didn't know what to say , and then sat down .

I hear this can I bear it ? Just by arguing that sentence to the opposite side , I can give him a beating until he calls me dad , dare to tease the second child ? I dare not say so...

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

HerRoyalHighnesscreators' thoughts