
Diary of the Murdered Girl

Tomozuki Hashimoto,a first-year highschool student in an all-girls school was volunteered himself,together with Suzuki Ayumi(the class president)to find out the murderer behind their classmate's death,Aina Chinatsu. Notice:The cover is not mine.I will give the full credits to the right creator/artist.If they wish to take ot down I will gladly do that.

Arisu_Sakayanagi · Realistic
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37 Chs

The Murder

Upon arriving at the canteen,I search up for a comfortable place then sat up after finding one.

I put down the chocolates I received.I opened the book and continue reading the book.Just a quick reminder.'Strangulation Romanticist' is a work by Nisio Isin on 2002,a sequel to his debut work 'The Beheading Cycle'.I learned that he wrote the sequel in three days,which for me is mind-blowing.As the title says,this book talks about a girl was murdered by strangulation and the protagonist,which was called 'Nonsense User' was tasked to find out the murderer.I haven't finish the book,but that's basically the gist of it.

After reading for about thirty minutes,I look around for while to rest my eyes.I noticed that there were no people around here.After resting

I continued again.I think I'm about to finished the book but then suddenly,something strange happen.

Earthquake.And what's more,I strong one.

My body swayed around.In this situation,the best thing to do is to do the "duck,cover and hold".I used the table I'm using as a shield,then wait for the earthquake to stop.

I think it took a minute for it to stop.After confirming it,I stand up from my position,put the novel in my head and walk away.

I decided to left the chocolates to the table.I'm apologize for those who gave those to me.I decided to eat them later but since there is an unexpected thing happen,safety comes first.

Since we do earthquake drill before,I at least know what to do if the real thing comes.I go to an open area,which is the basketball court,just

like what we did in the drill.Upon arriving,I saw Hosokawa-san, Ayumi-san and Kanakura-san,

Hoshino-san,Ichika-san,Takahashi-sensei and the principal.

"It's glad to saw that all of you come here after an earthquake occurs.It seems like you know what you need to do with situations like this.Anyways,where are your other classmates?."

Sensei praise and asked that question to us.And after a minute,Onodera-san and Tachibana-san finally arrived.Then Sensei spoke to them.

"Thank goodness,the two of you are safe."

"So who are still missing?"asked by Ayumi-san

"Reina-san,Chinatsu-san,Yahiro-san and Hi-"

Just when I'm about to finished my sentence,I saw someone running towards to us.It was Hiten-san.When she arrived,she gasped:



All of us got surprised.Hiten-san,who was weak in physical education,ran as far as she could just to report this to us.She must be really worried to her classmates.I remember when I said that she and Yahiro could get along to each other.Maybe that could happened after this.

Anyways,Takahashi-sensei immediately asked:

"Did you saw some injuries from her,Hiten?."

"No.I think she only got dizzy and fell down."

"Thank you.I know that you are not really friendly but when it comes to danger,you can show your soft side,Hiten."

She didn't replied back.Instead she sits in the ground to rest.Since her body is not as great as Tachibana-san,just running away from second floor to this place already drained her energy.

But on the other side,did she perhaps have a weaker stamina than Yahiro-san?.Maybe I will just ask her that later.

"For now,all of you need to stay here for a while,since there still an aftershock.I will get Yahiro from the second floor."

Sensei left after saying that.Meanwhile,when I looked around,I didn't realized that Hoshino-

san and Ichika-san are not here in this basketball court anymore.But when I turned around,they are walking towards here,alongside with Reina-san.

"Where the two of you go?.Sensei said we still need to stay here for while."

The one who asked that is Ayumi-san.For now,since Sensei is not around,she was the one who is in charge here.

"Are you blind?.Didn't you just saw t what we did?.We pick up Tsujinika from the restroom.

Since she is not coming back,we want to check her.We just worried with our friend." explained by Hoshino-san.

"But that is still a wrong decision.What if the aftershock happen when you are walking around then suddenly something fall to you?.Isn't the worst case scenario?."

"Shut up!!!."shouted by Ichika-san.

Meanwhile,I look to Reina-san.Hmmmm.

Something is weird.Come to think of it,she doesn't speak any word since she arrived here.She looks stunned and somehow nervous.

Anyways,since Reina-san already arrived and Sensei is picking up Yahiro-san,the only one left is Chinutsu-san.

"Why are taking so long,Ai-chan."

Hosokawa-san said that to herself,in a soft voice,showing her concern and confusion to her bestfriend.If that's the case,I will take this opportunity to spoke up.

"Hosokawa-san.Is Chinatsu-san is not with you before the eathquake occurs?."

I called her out asked that question


"How about you,Hiten-san?.Is Chinatsu-san is with you?."


"Then Onodera-san,Tachibana-san?

"No,we didn't even see her since morning."

"That's right."

"How about you,Reina-san?."

She didn't answer immediately.It took a minute and she still not answering.I asked again the question,but this time with a stronger tone.

"Reina-san,did you perhaps see Chinatsu-san?."


Finally,my words reach her.There is definitely something wrong with her.

Then lastly.

"How about you,Kanakura-san."

"No since I'm with President."

Just right after asking that,Sensei finally arrived,carrying Yahiro-san in a princess style.

"I will take Yahiro in the spare room.By the way,are we complete now?."

"No.Chinatsu-san is still not arriving."

"I see.How about checking the classroom?.

Maybe she was there.Actually,you can already check it out since there will be no aftershocks anymore.A period of time have already passed so it okay now."

After saying that,Sensei finally left to take Yahiro to the spare room.

Suddenly,Kanakura-san ran over towards the upstairs.What she is doing?.

I and Hosokawa-san followed her while walking.When we arrived at the classroom,the door was already open and we saw that Kanakura-san was vomiting something in the corner.

"What's the matter,Sumi-chan?."

Hosokawa-san immediately assist her when she saw her situation,then Kanakura-san point towards the door.


"What are you saying,Sumi-chan?."

I go towards the door and saw something unbelievable.

"Are you serious....."

"Did you already find Chinatsu-san?."

The one who said that is Ayumi-san,as she just arrived in the scene.

Yes,Ayumi-san.We already found her.Aina Chinatsu was lying in the floor upwards,with a knife buried to her stomach.