
Diary of the Murdered Girl

Tomozuki Hashimoto,a first-year highschool student in an all-girls school was volunteered himself,together with Suzuki Ayumi(the class president)to find out the murderer behind their classmate's death,Aina Chinatsu. Notice:The cover is not mine.I will give the full credits to the right creator/artist.If they wish to take ot down I will gladly do that.

Arisu_Sakayanagi · Realistic
Not enough ratings
37 Chs

Hashimoto Offers Two Solution

After waiting for some time,some of my classmates finally arrived in the classroom-

including Reina-san and her friends,Kanakura-


sensei and Ayumi-san herself.

Ayumi-san sit down in a chair near to me while the others just choose random chairs.

"Where are the others,Ayumi-san?."

"Uhhm,Yahiro-san is taking her time climbing in the stairs.Hiten-san said that she need to finish first something.But she said it will not take time that much.And Hosokawa-san said she need to be alone for another five minutes.

She said she immediately go here after that."

"I see.Thank you very much for your cooperation,Ayumi-san."

Yahiro-san and Hosokawa-san reasons for being late are reasonable.But for Hiten-san,I think she just doesn't want to go here.I think she was probably still mad at me on what I did to her earlier.

Well that was just alright for me.We still have plenty of time to spare.Explaining who is the culprit and how they done it will not take time that much.

Anyways after some time,Yahiro-san and Hosokawa-san finally arrived.The former is the one who greet me first.

"I heard from Ayumi-san you already find out the culprit,Hashimoto-kun?."

"You're right.Are you ready,Yahiro-san?."

"Fufu.To tell you the truth,I'm actually excited.

After a long period of investigation,we finally came to revelation part.This moment reminds me of Hercule Poirot when he is revealing who is the culprit."

Again,she mentioned that name.Also,I don't really know what is exciting with this part.She might ended up the one I choose as a culprit.

But it seems she didn't care afterall.Or should I say,she was confident that she can't be the culprit.

After that,she sit in a vacant chair.

Hosokawa-san is the next one who greet me.

"Thank you for fulfilling my request,Tomocchi."

"There's nothing to thank at me,Hosokawa-


The conversation ended there as she go on a vacant chair.Since the chairs are on the sides,

it feels like what they called a "closed circle of suspects".

Anyways,Hiten-san is the only one who is still not coming.While waiting for her,I looked around to my classmates.

Reina-san and her friend are sitting on the left side of the classroom.They are somehow nervous.Is it because they think they are the most suspicious one among these people.I really don't know exactly.

Yahiro-san was also sitting on the left side.It seems like she didn't care who is sitting behind her.She just smiling at me in a sadistic way.And as expected,she was really excited with this.

Meanwhile,Tachibana-san and Onodera-san are sitting on the right side.The former is looking at me with a serious face while the latter is still the same as ever.

Takahashi-sensei was also sitting in the right side but a little bit near to us.She was sitting crossed arms and legs.

Hosokawa-san was located at the back part,

together with Kanakura-san.The former looks sad while the latter have the same case with Reina-san.

After looking at them,the door opened and finally,the last student that we been waiting finally arrived.

But instead going and sitting on vacant chair,

she go first in front of me and bow her head.

"I'm sorry to the trouble I cause to you earlier,


Ah,that.Actually my plan for that is to apologize to her after this session but it seems like she already take the initiative here.

And that was good to see.

"Okay,I will take your apology but for now,sit down on a chair and listen to what I'm about to say here."

After hearing that,she go back to her normal stand and said to me:"Is that so?".Then after that,she immediately go towards a vacant chair and sat.Specifically,near to Kanakura-

san on the back.

Now that all people are already here,it's time to proceed to conclusion part.

"Thank you very much for waiting,people.The most awaited part will finally happen right now.That is,of course,to tell the identity the of the culprit.But before that,I want to say I came up with two solutions in this murder case."

"Two solutions?."

All of them are surprised including Ayumi-san and Takahashi-sensei but the one said that is Hosokawa-san.Well that was already expected since this was something that I didn't even tell to my assistant.

"That's right.And I will let you which from this two you will choose."

"Wait.I don't understand it,Hashimoto.Are you saying that there are possible two culprit?." suddenly asked by Tachibana-san

"That was something that you will learn later,


After answering her,she gave me a bit more of her serious look.Meanwhile Yahiro-san suddenly spoke,showing her excitement in this case.

"Two solutions heh.Fufu.I didn't expect that kind of conclusion from you,Hashimoto-kun."

"Well this murder case was supposed to be have a one single solution only but I really can't denied the existence of this second solution."

"Then go ahead and tell us already your conclusion."

The conversation ended there as I prepare myself to arrange all the facts and evidence I memorized in my mind.After that,I finally spoke up.

"Actually this murder case is very easy to solve.The culprit and the way how they done it is very easy to figure out,to the point that I don't even need to questioned you on what you done before the earthquake.But thanks to that interview,things got complicated.The theory that I came up before even asking all of your alibi turned into dust.Right now,I realized that it was better if I didn't dig more information from some of you."

I stopped for a bit to recover my breath.My classmate couldn't comprehend what I'm saying right now,showing their puzzled look.

After resting,I continue.

"Well first of all,I want to remind to all of you that the murder happen in this classroom.

Since it is impossible to enter here through windows because of the way how it was created,the only way for culprit to enter here is through that door.Additionally,Hosokawa-san said that Chinatsu-san go here in the classroom to get some color pencil but she never came out again in this classroom since no one confirm it.If that's the case there is only one meaning for that-the murder happen that time.And with that fact alone,it was easy to reduced the possible suspects here."

I said that as I take a glance in the door near to me.Meanowhile,some of my classmates looks confuse,some looks relaxed and some seems didn't care at all.They are probably thinking who might be those possible suspect I'm talking about.

"For example,Hosokawa-san.You said you only stayed in the spare room snd just take s break on restroom for the whole time before the earthquake right?."

"Yes.Well I'm supposed to go here to check Ai-chan but the earthquake happens immediately that time."

"That's right.And since no one here witness or said that Hosokawa-san go towards in the classroom that time,then she was not the culprit."

After saying that,I looked to Hosokawa-san.

She was somehow relieved after hearing that.

Meanwhile,Takahashi-sensei suddenly spoke up.

"Then if that's the case,then it was also impossible for me to kill Chinatsu since I only stayed in the teacher's office for the whole time isn't it?.Additionally,my proof for that is the prinicipal herself."

"You're right."

After hearing that,Takahashi-sensei just smile a little bit.

"Next is Yahiro-san.Well she was the only one in the corridor of second floor but it was impossible for her to kill Chinatsu-san because of her condition so I immediately ruled her out from being the culprit.

Another one is Hiten-san.Well of course she in the second floor,in the storage room.But Yahiro-san said that she never came out there from the whole time even though she is in the outside on the corridor until she enter the storage room.So she was also out.

Ichika-san and Hoshino-san also out from suspicion since they never go towards the second floor."

Ayumi-san cannot be also the culprit.Yes,she go towards the classroom to get some an extra uniform but that happen before Chinatsu-san go here.It was proven by Onodera-san and Tachibana-san right?."

I looked around at those two as I asked that question.

"You're right." said by Tachibana-san while Onodera-san nodded in agreement.

"Also that time,she changed clothes in the restroom while Chinatsu-san go inside the classroom which was also proven Kanakura-san,right?."

I turned my head to Kanakura-san to confirm it.

"That's right.President is also with me for the whole time before the earthquake happens."

"You're right.And since we came to you,you are also out from being the culprit,

Kanakura-san since you never go in the second floor like Hoshino-san and Ichika-san."

I paused a bit and then said.

"That's it.Those are the people who can't be the culprit for this murder.Now let's go to those ones I didn't mention."

After saying that,I looked to those people.

Reina-san is wearing a nervous look, Tachibana-san have serious face and Onodera-san just yawned.

"You're joking right,Hashimoto.Are you telling me that one among the three of us is the one who killed Chinatsu?." asked by Reina-san

"You're right.Well I mean you also go in the second floor,Reina-san.After Yahiro-san lend to you her chair,she go inside the storage room.Also that time,Chinatsu-san was already inside the classroom.The opportunity for you to kill Chinatsu-san is already there.But before that,let's also talk about the other possible culprit."

As I looked around to those two,one of them,

specifically Tachibana-san stood up from her chair and go towards my direction.She slammed the table with her right hand and put her head closer to mine.

"Hashimoto.I thought we already cleared from this murder case."

She said in a low voice,but I can feel the intensity with that statement.

"I think you get the wrong idea,Tachibana-san.

When did I say that?.If I remember correctly,I haven't said something like that up until now."

She probably talking about the time when I talked to them earlier in the staircase.But again,I didn't say they are already out for being the culprit.

After hearing that,she immediately grabbed my collar AGAIN.She didn't say nothing and just starred on me.As if she wants to kill me right now.

On the other hand,my classmates are quite shocked with sudden events.I glanced to Onodera-san.It seems she doesn't have intention to stopped her bestfriend here.

But after that,Takahashi-sensei suddenly stood up,go towards my direction and grabbed Tachibana-san's left shoulder.

"I know why you got angry,Tachibana.But can you please relax first?.This is not the time to attack the person who tries to solve this case."

"Relax you say.Don't tell that to me,Sensei.

You can only said that to me because this person don't accused you as a culprit!!."

She shouted to Takahashi-sensei.All of us, except Onodera-san was shocked with that.

On the other hand,Tachibana-san immediately realized what she done and bow her head.

"I'm sorry.Sorry for that,Sensei."

She immediately apologize to her.Well it was already expected since she just shouted to a teacher for no reason.

"Well that was just okay for me but in exchange,please let go Hashimoto first."

After hearing that,Onodera-san immediately followed her instruction.Then Takahashi-

sensei suddenly patted her head and said.

"I know that you are very concern to Onodera,

that's why you got mad and immediately attack this pretend detective.But it's not like you are the only one who got accused right?.

Reina is also got accused.But unlike you,she didn't do what you just did right now.That's why for starters,go back to your chair and let your bestfriend comfort you.I can't comfort you like this forever.What's more,Hashimoto still not finish explaining everything right?."

She turned her head to me confirm what she just said.

"She's right,Tachibana-san."

After hearing that,she finally go back to her chair.After she sit down,Onodera-san hug her again,just like what I witness earlier in the staircase.Tachibana-san is actually a crybaby isn't?.

Meanwhile,Takahashi-sensei also go back to her chair.

"Going back,Reina-san,Tachibana-san and Onodera-san.One among the three of you is the culprit.I already explain about Reina-san but Onodera-san and Tachibana-san stayed in the staircase near in the classroom for the whole time before the earthquake happens.If you will think about,they have more opportunity to kill Chinatsu-san than Reina-

san right?.But putting that aside the real question is who is the real culprit?.To answer that,I think again.Think and think and think until I came up with an idea.If you stabbed the victim pretty heavily,there was at least some blood that will flow to their hands right?.Then as a culprit,what you will do rid them?.

Honestly,the best answer for that is to go to the restroom and wash your hands.If that's the case,then the one who go towards the restroom among those three is the culprit.That's right."

I looked to Reina-san.After doing that,she immediately asked an obvious question

"Huh?.Are you telling that I'm the culprit,


"Isn't it obvious?."

After that,all of my classmates turn their head to Reina-san.Yes,she was the culprit.

"Isn't it a little bit unfair,Hashimoto-san?.

You're reasoning is somehow lacking." asked by Hoshino-san,depending her friend

"I'm being fair,Hoshino-san.Wait,don't tell me are you still believing with that theory you said earlier in the interview?."

"You sh*thead...."

She said in a somehow angry tone.She was probably pissed off that I make fun of her about her theory that I'm the culprit and I came here to kill all of the people here.Honestly that was ridiculous idea.

"As I thought,you didn't manage to solve this case,Hashimoto-san." said by Ichika-san also depending her friend.

"What are you talking about,I already find out the culprit and it was your own friend,Ichika-



She just gave me that reaction after that statement.


Suddenly,Reina-san spoke up while in the middle of her confusion.

"Motive.I don't havea reason to kill Chinatsu,


"You're wrong.You once got pissed off to Chinatsu-san when she tried to protect Hosokawa-san when you are bullying her in the restroom right?."

"How.Ho-how did you know that?."

"Hosokawa-san told me when I talked to her earlier."

Reina-san looked to Hosokawa-san.The latter name nodded on agreement,admitting that she really told me that story.

"How about the knife?.That was not me.I didn't bring that."

"Well maybe you asked your two friends to bring that.Anyways,the murder weapon is not really important here."

"No,no,Hashimoto.I admitted that I got once pissed off to Chinatsu but that is not enough reason to kill her right?.What's more,you don't have evidence to against me."

"Evidence?.Did we really need that if you look pale and nervous after going out from the restroom back then?.As if you are concern about something,it's like you are afraid that someone find out that you are the culprit?."

"Huuuuh!?.Just like I said,I was look like that because of I'm af-'

She immediately stopped finishing her sentence.That's right.She can't tell about her secret of having nyctophobia.But honestly,it just makes her more suspicious.

"So that's it,Hashimoto.So Reina-san is the culprit afterall.Okay let's settle this now on the po-"


While Takahashi-sensei is already wrapping up this meeting,Reina-san suddenly shouted to stop Takahashi-sensei.

"Hey,Hashimoto.I think you still don't get what I'm trying to say.If I'm really the one who killed Chinatsu then I would not chose this way to kill her.If I really want to kill her then I would definitely choose a different way and not this one.Also,don't you find it strange?.That when I came to the second floor to get some chairs,

Chinatsu was also in the classroom.Isn't too much for coincidence?.There's no way I could predict something like that!!."

Boom.The question that I been waiting from Reina-san has been finally asked.Honestly,I'm attacking her continously earlier just to reach to that point.

"You have a point,Reina-san.No,you are absolute right."

"Wait,what is the meaning of this?.I thought this case was already done,Hashimoto-san?." asked by Ayumi-san

"Didn't I tell you earlier that this case was very easy to solve but it's just there is something that is bothering to me.And that something is if Reina-san is the one who killed Chinatsu-

san,why does it feel like everything go smoothly in her favor?."

"So you're telling that she was not really the culprit?."

"Not really.I still believe that she was the culprit.But I also agreed to the part when she said she will definitely choose a different method to kill Chinatsu-san.But at the end,she stil choose this way and there is a reason for that.And there is also a reason why Chinatsu-san was already here in the classroom when Reina-san go towards the second and how she manage to escape the crime scene smoothly.Yes,there only one reason for that."

"I really don't have an idea what are you talking about,Hashimoto-san."

I didn't replied anymore to Ayumi-san but instead,I just look to some specific people.

Then after that,I declared something.

"Except to Hiten-san,Takahashi-sensei and me,all of you are ACCOMPLICES to Reina-san on this murder case."

All of people here except me drop their jaws with that revelation.Even Hiten-san and Takahashi-sensei do the same.Yahiro-san's sadistic smile,which is something she is showing up until now,turned into a disappointing one.Onodera-san,who doesn't care about this case and just comforting her bestfriend suddenly gave me a serious look.

"All of us are accomplices?.Wha-What are you..talking about,Tomocchi?."

The first one who spoke after that shocking truth is Hosokawa-san

"I'm talking about that to make this murder case go smoothly,Reina-san must have an accomplices.That's all there is to it,


"But why did you not include me as an accomplice,Tomozuki-san?." suddenly asked by Hiten-san

"That's because you don't have motive.Well even if I try to discover one,i think I will not be able to came up at the end.You also said that you don't leave the storage room for the whole time before the earthquake happen.And there is also a matter about Yahiro-san which I will gonna explain later."

"Is that so?." she said in somehow relieved voice.

"So you're telling that except from the names you mention earlier,all of the people here have motive to become Reina-san's accomplice.I mean,they will not become accomplice for no reason right,Hashimoto?." suddenly asked by Takahashi-sensei

"Yes of course.But let's talk about that later.

"Then if that's the case,you have an explanation for this,Hashimoto-kun" interject by Ayumi-san

"Of course.Honestly,if we follow this solution it all make sense now.To start it,all of the accomplice are of course,participate or help Reina-sa to do the crime smoothly.For example,the real reason why you asked everyone to stay outside is because you want to set up the crime scene right,Ayumi-san?."

"No.You're wrong.I haven't thought of that,



I ignored her decline and continue on my explanation.

"Well anyways,the answer for your question earlier,Reina-san.Remember when Hoshino-san search Ayumi-san to asked permission to get some chairs from the classroom?.Actualky,that was the time when Hosokawa-san,who was in the spare room,gave signal to Hoshino-san through the window,that she will send Chinatsu-san in the classroom.When Hoshino-san came back to Reina-san,she reported it to her.Then that was the time when she go towards the classroom,

killed Chinatsu-san and left the crime scene."

"But just like I said earlier,Ai-chan go to the classroom in her own accord,Tomocchi!!." interjected by Hosokawa-san.

"That's not true,Hosokawa-san.You FORCED her to go in the classroom.Or should I say,no matter what happen,you need to send her in the classroom since that was the time when the murder will be happen,since you already gave the signal Hoshino-san."

"No...no way.You are not making sense,

Tomocchi." said by Hosokawa-san

"No,this was the only to execute this murder smoothly."

I finally ignored her and continue again in my explanation.

"As for Yahiro-san,there's a real reason why she entered inside the storage room.It's not just some random actions.It is to guard Hiten-san on going in the classroom.It will ruin their plan if she go here while the murder is happening."

"I'm really disappointed with this conclusion,

Hashimoto-kun." said by Yahiro-san.I ignored her reaction and continue.

"Well for Onodera-san and Tachibana-san,their role is to guard the classroom from someone,specifically from me and Sensei, through the staircase.It also the same with Hoshino-san and Ichika-san but on the other staircase."

"You are really the most idiot person I meet,

Hashimoto-san." intejected by Onodera-san.

"This solution you came up is worst than my theory I told you earlier." teased by Hoshino-


Again,I ignored the words they threw to me and just continue on explaining.

"And lastly,for Kanakura-san.Well she doesn't really have a significant role in this murder but I'm sure she was the one who suggested it.She has strongest motive to kill Chinatsu-san.Ah,that's right.Motive,motive.

This is what you are waiting for right,Sensei?."

I turned my head to Takahashi-sensei as I asked that question.

"Yes.I agreed to Kanakura's motive but how about the others?.I can't think of something from the others that will gave them a reason to participate in this murder plan. "

"Well I talked to some of them this afternoon.

And I learn new things.Like how Tachibana-

san,Onodera-san and Kanakura-san are actually classmate and become friend back in middle school.Another fact is when Reina-san and her friends once got pissed off to Chinatsu-san because she tried to protect Hosokawa-san from them.Well I already said that earlier buy actually,that event also caused Chinatsu-san and Hosokawa to argued each other.Did you know all of that,Sensei?."

"No.That was the first time hearing those things."

"Is that so?.Well anyways those facts I said are their motives.As for Ayumi-san,well since Kanakura-san is her close friend,she participate in this plan to help her to rid off Chinatsu-san,whom she jealous of.And for Yahiro-san,well we already talk about that in the storahre room right?."

I turned my head to Yahiro-san to confirm it.At first,she looked confuse but after some time,she finally realized it.

"Are you serious?." she said with a disappointing look in her face.

"Wait,is that enough reason to kill-"

Takahashi-sensei was about to say something but she immediately stopped.Anyways,I know what she was going to ask.

"You're right,Sensei.That was not enough to kill someone but those motives are already enough to participate and help Reina-san to kill Chinatsu-san."

Aftet saying that,a silence fell inside the classroom.Maybe they are still digesting the things I said just now.But it seems like they are forgetting something.

"All of you looks depressed but I want to remind all of you that is was just my first solution."

"Ah.You're right,Hashimoto-san.I'm almost forgot that."

The first one to react is Ayumi-san.My classmates were also got a little bit suprised.

Maybe because of the things I said earlier that they almost forgot the second solution.

"To tell you the truth,I really don't like this one.

It was the least answer that I would come up with this case.But after some thinking,I realized that this makes a lot of sense than the previous one."

In short,it was an ugly conclusion.

"Well in this solution,I will gonna disregard the idea of all of you being the accomplice.

Remember when I asked each of you of these two questions:'How are the chances of yourself being the murderer?' and 'How did you feel now that Chinatsu-san is not alive anymore?'.Of course,most of you answered 'There's no way I would kill Chinatsu-san' and 'I'm sad that she was already gone now' respectively.Okay,I believed to what you said earlier and how you feel.But if that's the case,of all of us are declining for being the culprit.Then who is the murderer?."

I stopped there for a bit to asked that question to everyone.

"Huh?.Isn't it your job to find out the culprit?.

Don't tell me you really don't know who is the real culprit?." said by Hiten-san

"But I already offer the the first solution right? But it seems like most of them didn't agreed to it so that's why I'm offering this second solution."

Well I already anticipated that so I prepare an alternative solution for this case.

"Anyways,let's combine all the facts that have been laid from the start.The murder happen here in this classroom.The only way for the culprit to enter and escape here is the door itself.But if what all of you said to me are true, and if you really swear that you don't kill Chinatsu-san then who is the murderer?.To answer that,let's change the quetion.'Who is the one who killed Chinatsu-san?.Yes,there's one more person who can kill her,without using the door to commit the murder and without being noticed by other people.That is of course-Chinatsu-san herself."


The most obvious one to react first is Hosokawa-san,her bestfriend.Actually,it was a mixed reaction from my classmates.Some looks relieved like Reina-san and her friends.

Some looks more disappointed like Yahiro-san

And some are looks confused like Ayumi-san and of course,Chinatsu-san's betfriend.

"So are you telling that the victim herself commit suicide?." asked by Takahashi-sensei.

"That's right,Sensei."

"So it was not a murder afterall,Hashimoto-

san?." interjected by Ayumi-san

"Well she was not murdered.But she killed herself."

Again in short,suicide.

"Well if it is a suicide then there's nothing to explain here right?.Basically,she bring that knife and stabbed herself.Of course she was planning to kill herself today.She just waiting for an opportunity.And that opportunity came when she go inside here to get that extra pencil.The way how the suicide was done is easy to explain.But of course,you will ask the most obvious question:'Why would she commit suicide?.What's more,why in the school?.'About that,don't worry.I already have an answer for that."

I stopped for a bit to gather my breath.I looked to Hosokawa-san.She was really confused.

She couldn't say anything about that.After some rest,I continue on my explanation.

"Before that,I liked to reveal one thing about me.Chinatsu-san actually confessed her feelings to me yesterday.But I rejected her.It must be heartbreaking moment for her.Of course,Hosokawa-san also knows that."

"Hmmm.Is that so?.Well I been already expecting that since I already noticed it last year." asked by Kanakura-san

Wait,what did she mean about last year?.I thought that Hosokawa-san and me are the only one who knows that Chinatsu-san already have feelings for me before the confession happen.

"Being rejected in a love confession is sad.But are you saying that was the reason why she commit suicide?.If that's the case,that was too childish."

The one who said that is Onodera-san,

speaking for the first time since this gathering starts.

"One of the reasons,Onodera-san."

"One?.So there is still some?."

"Well another one is when she got teased by Reina-san and her friends."

"Wait,isn't those reason are too light?.I mean there's no way that she will commit suicide because of that right,Hashimoto?."

Takahashi-sensei suddenly joined the conversation.It seems like she was also have the same opinion as Onodera-san.

"Your right,Sensei.So there must be something more to this.For example,there

should be a tragic event happen to her life.So I think again.And after some time of thinking,I came to a conclusion;what if there is something bad happen to her family?.To make it more tragic,what if her parents DIED in an accident?."


Again,the one who immediately react to that revelation is Hosokawa-san.

"Died in an accident?.Honestly,I really don't know where this meeting going anymore,

Hashimoto." said by Takahashi-sensei,losing her interest on the solution I laid.

"That idea was totally off the mark,

Hashimoto-kun." interject by Kanakura-san

"You're right,Kanakura-san.But that was the only possible reason for her to commit suicide.Of course this was something I can't totally prove but I can at least give some ideas to support this."

"No.You cannot prove that,Tomocchi.I thought that you accomplish my selfish request but I guess I was wrong." said by Hosokawa-san,

showing her disappointment

"I may not be a professional detective but again,I can at least give some points to that theory.First of all,Chinatsu-san is always bringing her own lunch everyday since the school year started.As her bestfriend,you must already know that right,Hosokawa-san?."

"That's right."

"But yesterday,she didn't bring one.Of course,

you asked her why is that.Then she just said that her parent was busy that they forgot to create one.Of course,you told me that story.But we just ignored that.But did you already aware that she also didn't bring one TODAY?."


She immediately look around specifically,to Chinatsu-san's chair.But just as expected,she didn't saw a lunchbox there.

"Of course,don't assume that I stole or hide her lunchbox.That was a stupid thing to do.Well anyways,another clue is when I comfort her after rejecting her yesterday.That time,I said to her some lines like 'when you have something that is bothering you,don't hesistate to rely on me'.After that,she cried in front of me.At first,I thought that she cried because I rejected her.But actually,she cried because she want to show the burden that she was carrying after her parent's death."


"And lastly,her diary.You said that she have one right?.If her parents died the other day,she would at least wrote about their death there. Although we will only be able confirm it after reading the diary itself."

I finally ended my explanation there.This long, long discussion finally meet its conclusion.

"Now that I already laid down the two solutions I came up,it's up to all of you right now which one you will choose.The first solution or the second solution?."

I looked around my classmates.Some of them looks relieved.Some are disappointed and some are confused.But I can tell from their faces which one they will choose.

"If there is someone who want to choose the first solution,raise your hand."

After a long time of silence,Takahashi-sensei suggested that idea.I see.majority vote huh.But no one raise their hand.

"Then if you want to choose the second solution,raise your hand."

She asked again.But this time all of our classmates except Hosokawa-san and Yahiro-san raised their hand.

"I know the circumtances about Hosokawa but why did you not choose between those two solutions,Yahiro?." asked by Takahashi-sensei

"I don't approved this conclusion or should I say,I'm disappointed.Additionally,I didn't expect that Hashimoto-kun will also choose the second solution.That's all."

She said that since she saw me raisng my hand in second solution.Well the first solution is also possible.But it is quite unrealisitic.

What's more,it lacks a solid evidence to each accomplice.And if you removed the idea of multiple accomplice then it will just make the case more confusing.On the other hand,the second solution is just simple yet supports a solid evidence.They will know the truth if they visited Chinatsu-san's house and read her diary.That's why I chose the latter.

"Well since it was a majority vote then we will go to the one who got most votes-and that is the second solution.And with that,this meeting finally ended.Since it was already five o'clock in the afternoon,you can go home now.

I and principal will take the rest.Maybe we will have a one-week break from classes.Well I will just call your parents to annouce what will happen tomorrow.That's it.Goodbye and I hope for your safety going home."

After Takahashi-sensei said that,some people prepared their things to go home.

"I really don't know how to feel about it but honestly I'm glad that we came to a conclusion.Your reasoning on first solution is good but I believe that this second solution was really the right answer for this case.Of course,I was also surprised when you reveal that Chinatsu-san parents died but when you provide those clues to support,I couldn't help but to agreed to it."

Ayumi-san showed her overall assessment in this case.I'm actually agreed to every words she said.

"That said,I'm wondering if I was able to you help as an assistant."

"Ah.About that,I want to thank you,Ayumi-san.

For helping me to solve this case.Again,thank

you very much for your hardwork."

"I see.Then that's good to hear.To end my role my assistant,let's do at least a handshake."

"You're right."

After saying that,we do a handshake.Then she grabbed her things from her chair and gave a farewell to me.

"Well goodbye and probably see you next week,Hashimoto-san."

She finally left after saying that.Meanwhile,I'm still sitting on my chair.Suddenly,Yahiro-san came to my place and said something.

"You break the taboo,Hashimoto-kun.Murder mysteries shouldn't end in suicide."

"That only applies in detective-fictions.Don't compare a fiction story to a real thing."

"Is that so?.Actually,I'm already glad when you said that Reina-san is the murderer but I never thought that you still have something up your sleeve."

"I already said from the start that I have two solutions to offer right?."

"You're right.But those two solutions are crapped.At the end,I realized that you don't have the talent to become a detective,


"That's okay.I don't have an intention to become a detective in the first place.What's more,almost everyone agreed to the second solution so my role was already done."

Yahiro-san didn't replied anymore and just left the scene.She must be really disappointed with the results.

As I looked around,I didn't noticed that all of my classmate already left.The ones who remained inside the classroom are me and Takahashi-sensei.

"Why are you still here,Sensei?."

"That's my question,Hashimoto.It seems like you still have something to say about this case."

"I guess you're right."

"That was a perfect timing.I also want to ask some questions from you.But let's talk about it in different place.How about in the rooftop?."

"I'm okay with that."

After that conversation,we both stood up from our sit and proceed to designated area.

Honestly,that was a good choice since rooftop is an open area.Meaning,it was windy there.And I need a fresh air right now sicne the eletricity is still not coming back resulting into a very high temperature inside the classroom.Additionally,it was also an illegal place to smoke so it was a win-win situation for both us.

Anyways,this case is actually not over yet.All I did earlier is told my two solutions and let them to choose between them.But I haven't yet tell the WHOLE TRUTH.Yes,the whole truth behind this murder case.