
Diary of the Murdered Girl

Tomozuki Hashimoto,a first-year highschool student in an all-girls school was volunteered himself,together with Suzuki Ayumi(the class president)to find out the murderer behind their classmate's death,Aina Chinatsu. Notice:The cover is not mine.I will give the full credits to the right creator/artist.If they wish to take ot down I will gladly do that.

Arisu_Sakayanagi · Realistic
Not enough ratings
37 Chs

And Nothing But The Truth

There was dead silence after revealing the real culprit.Takahashi-sensei just smoke for a while.After consuming the cigarette,she pulled out again from the pack,making it as the fourth stick she consume since this conversation started.Then after that,she finally spoke up.

"I have so many questions right now,

Hashimoto.But first of all,tell me how Ayumi did the murder."

"It goes like this.When I questioned her earlier,

she said that she go to the restroom to change uniform since Kanakura-san accidentally pour some paint to it.But in reality,that was the time when she climbs on the ladder towards the fire exit and entered the classroom.She hide first in the teachers table,in front of the blackboard.Then when she noticed that Chintsu-san entered the classroom,she immediately stabbed her in stomach.Then she immediately left the scene,using again the fire exit and the ladder going down.Finally,came back on the hallway like nothing happen."

After saying that,Takahashi-sensei sip first three to four times from the cigarette.Then after that,she spoke up.

"Hmmm.You said that she also escape through the fire exit.But she could just used the door instead right?.I think it was easier to escape in the door than the fire exit."

"You're right.But that's impossible.Yahiro-san is seating in the corridor that time."

"But she eventually enter inside the storage room after some time right?."

"That's right.But that was something she didn't know or predict until we questioned Yahiro-san."

Since Yahiro-san is disabled and doesn't want to talk that much,Ayumi-san believed that she will stay in the corridor for a long time.Of course,she could asked her to go somewhere else,just like what she asked to me.But actually that was blunder.

In my case,there is a reason why she wants me to go somewhere.And that is to suprised us with the decorations inside the classroom.

But in Yahiro-san's case,there is no really reason to make her go somewhere.So at the end,she reject that idea.She doesn't want to be suspicious as least as possible.I mean,she already taking a huge risk by just using the fire exit and she already suspicious when she asked most of our classmates to go somewhere else.

"What's more,Reina-san's testimony of seeing Ayumi-san while going to the restroom will be void since Ayumi-san will come from the staircase instead from the back of the building."

"Ahh.That's right.I forgot that fact.I see.Now that's make sense."

She took a sip from her cigarette then continue.

"Then if that's the case,how did she open the window in the first place?.Like I said earlier,I'm not really familiar with these fire exits in school but as far as I know,it was impossible to open that from the outside."

"That was just simple.She already open it SLIGHTLY before she left the classroom to accompany Kanakura-san in the hallway."

"I see.That make sense."

She took again a sip from her fourth cigarette and continue.

"Well about that explanation.If Ayumi didn't really go to the restroom that time then where did she changed her uniform?."

"Of course inside the classroom.After stabbing Chinatsu-san,she immediately changed her uniform there."

"I see.How about when she stabbed her.We could at least heard a scream from the classroom right?.But I didn't heard anything like that earlier.And it seems like it was also the same case to your other classmates."

"You mean the pain that Chinatsu-san feel after being stabbed?."

"That's right."

"About that,it was a little bit complicated."

I asked Onodera-san about that.But she said she haven't heard anything that time.I didn't ask Tachibana-san but since they are together to each other for the whole time,I'm sure she also didn't heard something.

That's why I came up with this idea.Honestly,

this was something I don't want to think but this is the only way for Ayumi-san to make sure that Chinatsu-san will not scream.

"Well of course,Ayumi-san had to cover mouth right?.But she didn't covered Chinatsu-san's mouth using her another hand since she used it to grabbed her body.But there is still in one more way to cover her mouth.By using her own lips.In short,she kissed her.Specifically,

she gave Chinatsu-san a French kiss."

"French kiss between two girls?.It feels like I'm watching a specific scene from a movie."

"You're watching girl's love movies?."

"Not really.But I think I watched one or two a long time ago."

I think huh.Well in my case,I didn't watch/read girl's love movies/books.I simply don't like them.That's all.

"Anyways,how about the witnesses?.I'm sure there are some people who saw her at the back of the building right?."

"You're right.Actually,she has the most number of witnesses among us.But what we only need to concern is about when Hiten-san witness her going to the restroom."

"About Hiten?.But Hashimoto,how about others?.I think there also someone who witness her going out from the restroom for example,the principal right?.Since she DIDN'T really go inside the restroom,she was not also supposed to go out from the restroom in the first place right?."

"Sensei,at the point,it was easier to PRETEND that you go outside from the restroom than going inside."

"Ah.I get it.I get it now."

Since there are few blindspot from Natsume-

san view,the principal(in her case,the window) and Reina-san view(in her case,the boys' restroom),they could just say that Ayumi-san really go outside from the restroom.Well the former just said that she just witness Ayumi-

san at the back of the building while the latter just said she coincidentally meet Ayumi-san when she was about to go inside the restroom to put some make-up.

"Then about Hiten.How could you explain that?."

"Hiten-san said she saw Ayumi-san go inside the restroom.I asked that twice to make sure but she said that was actually what she saw.She could tell that since storage room is in the second floor.She could saw someone there above.But again,Ayumi-san didn't really go inside the restroom and instead,she climbs in the ladder to get access in fire exist.But Hiten-san didn't said that."

"I already figure out that so let's go to the main point."

"Well in short,Ayumi-san is not really the one who she saw that time."

"I see.Then who is the one she really saw that time?."

"Of course the person who go to the restroom before Ayumi-san.And that is-Hosokawa-san."

"Hosokawa huh.But how did Hiten mistook Ayumi to her?."

"I think you are forgot the fact that Hiten-san is nearsighted."

"Ah.Okay,I get it now."

When I questioned her earlier in the interview,

she just said that she rest her eyes by looking at the window and there,she witnessed 'Ayumi-san' going inside the restroom.That's all.It's true that she rested her eyes but that statement lacks something.Actually,what she really did is she removed her glasses,look at the window,to the sky and when she looked down,she saw someone entered the restroom.

Of course,she couldn't really tell who is it because she is not wearing her glasses that time.At the end,she just said it was 'Ayumi-san' but in reality,it was Hosokawa-san she saw there that time.

Removing her glasses is already enough for her to mistook someone.I tried to snatch and wear her glasses earlier.And it was really a high-grade glasses.I bet her life wouldn't be easy if she is not wearing them.

"But Hashimoto,why did she specifically mistook Hosokawa to Ayumi?.I mean she can choose other person right?.For example,Reina who also go to the restroom"

That was actually a good question.

"The answer for why she didn't mistook Hosokawa-san to Reina-san is already obvious.I think I already said earlier but the people who she can only mistook for someone are the ones who go to the restroom BEFORE Ayumi-san.And that fact only applies to Hosokawa-san since Reina-san go towards the restroom AFTER Ayumi-san.I mean,

Ayumi-san herself coincidentally meet Reina-san going to the restroom after she left scene that time right?."


"Well if you still want more proof then I can still give one more.Based on the information a gather from the interview,it was safe to say that Reina-san go to the restroom after Yahiro-san go inside the storage room.So what's the connection of Yahiro-san on this?.Well she said that she and Hiten-san didn't talk to each other.Instead,they just mind their own business.Meaning,she didn't rested her eyes that time.She didn't look at the window.But Reina-san already to the restroom that time.In short,it contradicts the facts,


"Okay,okay,I finally conviced now.How about for Ayumi?."

Well I didn't really need to say that second proof but I just want to make sure that she was satisfied with my deductions.

"About that,it was a little bit complicated.Or should I say,the answer relies on pyschological factor."

"Psychological factor?."

"For example,I bet the first one she saw when she arrived at school is Ayumi-san.The one who visits her first in the storage room is also her.Lastly,when I asked her who is the one she saw in the window,the only girl present that time is Ayumi-san."

"So it feels like she was forced to choose her."

"Not really.It's more like she got influenced by her."

Of course,Ayumi-san and Hosokawa-san doesn't really look similiar to each other that much.Their body propotions are also totally different.But at least,they have the same hair color and height.

Well if I will pick who is the closest to Hosokawa-san in physical aspects,then it should be Onodera-san.Although there is a huge difference between their personality.

But again,that pyschological factor really plays a huge role to Ayumi-san's witness.If Hiten-san really saw her climbing on the ladder then the plan would definitely ruined.

But just like I said earlier,she took this high risk and when she succeded,it payoffs really big.

"Okay.I'm finally conviced now,Hashimoto.The way how Ayumi committed the crime and your statements about her witness,you really explained it in detailed.You also answers some of my questions very well.But let's go back to the third question you asked to me earlier.Tell me now the reason 'why the murder happen today,in Valentines Day'.No,since it serves like her motive,let me change the question.'What is her motive on killing Chinatsu?'."

"Motive?.I think I already told it in the meeting earlier.She wants to rid off Chinatsu-san for her friend Kanakura-san,who is jealous to the victim."

"I didn't know that you could also tell a good joke,Hashimoto."

"Is that so?."

I tried to sell her a bluff but it seems like she will not buy it.

"But joke aside,Ayumi will not take this huge risk on killing Chinatsu just because of that reason right?."

"Of course."

"Well,my guess is it's more like personal reason although I couldn't think of anything that will make her to commit this murder.

However,I feel like this was something that only you will come up,Hashimoto."

"You're right."

After saying that,Takahashi-sensei noticed that she already consume the cigarette she was holding.She pulled out again one from the pack and lit it.After taking one sip,I spoke up.

"Anyways,finding out her motive is the hardest one to do while solving this case.So it feel like I'm just like you,Sensei.I couldn't also think something about it.But after some time,that third question:'Why the murder happen today,

in Valentines Day' pop out in my mind.To you,

it seems like it was something that is not really necessary on this case but to me,it's quite bothering me.For example,if Kanakura-

san is the culprit,with her motive of being jealous to Chinatsu-san,then she could just killed her a long time ago.She doesn't need to wait Valentines Day.Then after that,I tried to recall the events yesterday.As far as I know

there are two major event happen to me.First is when Chinatsu-san confessed to me and second is when I confort her.Also because of that,I remember the love letters I been receiving since February.I compared the first thirteen love letters and the one that I received yesterday.And when I look carefully,there are some difference.In the former,the sender wrote my name 'Hashimoto-san'.But the the latter wrote my name 'Hashimoto-kun'.So what's the point?.Yes,probably first thirteen letters and the love letter I received yesterday was written by two different people.I'm sure that the the love letter I received yesterday came from Chinatsu-san since it was written there to come in the rooftop,which is eventually result to her confession.But the other letters I received may only came from four people.Specifically,those who called me 'Hashimoto-san'.First is Onodera-san.Second and third are Hoshino-san and Ichika-san.But we already ruled them out from this case right?.But there is still one more.That is of course-Ayumi-san."

After saying that long explanation,Takahashi-

sensei took several sips from her cigarette.

And after some time,she finally spoke up.

"I didn't know that you been receiving love letters from someone,Hashimoto."

"I really don't know if I should be happy about that or not."

"Anyways,that means Ayumi also like you."

"Not really.It's more like she was OBSESS to me.Liking someone and being obsess to someone are two different things."

"Is that so?."

The former is a good thing to hear while the latter feels uncomfortable.

Maybe that was the main reason why she volunteer herself to become my assistant to this murder case.Maybe she just want to be with me.Maybe she didn't really care about this case.

"All that said,what's the difference if she was obsess to you?.I mean,I know that she was jealous to Chinatsu because she also like you but didn't you reject her?.Meaning,there's no more reason to become jealous."

"Are you truly listening to what I been saying here,Sensei?."

"Of course I'm listening.Why?.Did I skip something?."

"Yes.And that is the fact I comfort her after I reject her."


"Ayumi-san witness that scene yesterday."

"Ah.Okay,I get it now."

I'm glad she finally understand it now.Is she perhaps a good joker like me?.

Anyways,comforting her that time is almost the same as accepting her confession.

Unfortunately,Ayumi-san witness that scene since she was the only student remains in the school aside from me and Chinatsu-san.Come to think of it,I remember yesterday that she was looking at the sky,saying that she likes watching rain.That time,I guess she didn't really mean that and instead,she was just thinking of a plan to kill Chinatsu-san.

"How about the evidence?.You must have at least one to prove that she the culprit right,


Hmmm.Since she asked that question,it seems like she haven't checked her phone

"I can't really show you the real thing but can you look at your phone for a bit?.Remember when I borrowed your phone earlier to take a photo of something."

After hearing that,she immediately pulled out her phone and go to the gallery.Then after looking at it,she opened her eyes widely.

"This is...."

That's right.It was a photo of Ayumi-san's stained uniform.I took that when I asked her to watch my classmate outside on the classroom.

The color of the paint that stained her uniform is blue.But there also some red stain from it.I'm sure that is Chinatsu-san' blood.

"Kanakura-san said that she ACCIDENTALLY poured some paints to Ayumi-san's uniform.

But I think she INTENTIONALLY let that

happen to give her a way to go in the restroom.Or should I say,to give her an opportunity to kill Chinatsu-san."

"I see.But when did she get this blood?."

"The time when she stabbed Chinatsu-san.I'm sure there are some blood go to her hand after doing that.She ended up wiping it using her stained uniform.Of course,she could she just wash it in the restroom.But maybe the reason why she didn't do that is because she don't want to stained the fire exit while escaping.If there are some blood stick to that,it will be obvious where the culprit enter the classroom.

Lastly,doing the crime as quick as possible is also a factor."

Of course,you might be thinking that maybe I I'm trying to frame her by putting some red paint to her uniform but that's impossible since I don't have the reason to that.

"Another thing is that remember when I said earlier that the reason why Chinatsu-san go in the classroom is to get an extra colored pencil because the one in the spare room is missing?.I'm sure Ayumi-san stole that yesterday in order to make Chinatsu-san go towards classroom that time."

Well it is not really an evidence but it would make sense for Ayumi-san's case since she was stayed for a while in the school yesterday when I left.

"Basing on the informations you gave to me up until now,it seems like she already planned all of it yesterday.She thoroughly think this plan no,Hashimoto?."

"That's right."

And it was scary thing to think.

Takahashi-sensei pulled out again another stick from the pack.She was really hardcore smoker,isn't?.

"And for the last question.Well it was first thing asked you since this conversation started but to think it was the last question you will answer,how ironic.Anyways,why did you hide the truth from your classamates?.

Why did you bother yourself creating those two solutions?.Especially to the part when she committed the suicide because her parent died.You really don't have to said that right?."

"Actually,it was the opposite.The culprit- Ayumi-san wants to conclude this case as suicide."


I think this is the first time she got surprised since this conversation started.Well it was already expected since no one will be gonna be able to think that.

"My proof for that is also in your phone.Can you check it again,Sensei.If I remember,I also took a photo of the classroom from there."

Takahashi-sensei checked again her phone after hearing that.

"You're right.So how about it?."

"Look carefully in the fire exit."

She probably zoom the photo from her phone.

Then she opened her eyes widely.

"The window handle is locked."

"That's right."

"How she did manage to locked it after she left?.I mean it was impossible to lock the handle from outside right?."

"Yes.But the answer for that is very simple.

She simply just locked it inside.She do that when the meeting ended after we found out. Chinatasu-san's dead body.If I remember correctly,she immediately go to the classroom that time to examine the corpse.That was the time she locked the window handle.

Unfortunately,I took that photo after that happens."

I also forgot to check the window part when I arrive on the crime scene since I was also too stunned when I saw Chinatsu-san's corpse.

But at the end of the day,I still manage to figure it out.Well it was easy to find out if you just look again carefully at the circumtances.

Additionally,maybe that was her another reason why she volunteer herself to be my assistant.Just to locked that fire exit,aside from wanting to be alone with me.

"But the question 'how did she locked it?' is not really necessary here.Instead,the more important question is 'why did she locked it?."

"Hmmm.What did you mean?."

"There's no reason to locked it anymore if you already have witness and created alibi.Unless if you have another ulterior reason."

"So are you saying that she have one?."

"Yes and that is of course,to turn this murder case into a locked room mystery."

"Ah,okay.I get it now.So that's the reason why you asked me to look to the photo of the classroom."

What I mean is real life locked-room murder mysteries always conclude where the victim commits suicide in most cases.

Of course,Ayumi-san could just also frame someone but actually,it will just makes et more suspicious and sometimes,that decision will just end up being an evidence against the culprit.

"To end this case,the reason why I hide the truth that answer for that is simple.I want to protect my classmates."

"Protect your classmates?."

"If I revealed to them that Ayumi-san is the culprit,she will KILL all of us."

"Huh?.What do you mean?."

"Ayumi-san is a madman,Sensei.Of course,I'm not sure whether she already killed someone in the past but I can definitely feel the aura around her.And her eyes.Those eyes looks innocent but they are actually eyes of a serial killer."

I remember when I arrived at the classroom after doing a second interview from some of my classmates.Ayumi-san was already there inside the classroom.My guess is that she already waiting for me to tell her the truth.If I said she was the culprit and laid the evidence,

she will eventually kill me and my other classmates.Well I couldn't guranteed that she will be able to kill all of us but as long as she killed two or three from us,that still okay.

There's nothing for her to do if she find out as a culprit unless she caused a commotion.Or should I say,a massacre.

I remember the time when we shook hands.I looked to her eyes.I could see her celebration.

Not because the murder case finally solved but instead,it was because her plan succeded.

But I'm sorry,Ayumi-san.If you think that you already escape from your crime,you are wrong.Afterall,I made a promise to Hosokawa-

san and Chinatsu-san.

So at the end,Hoshino-san's theory is right afterall.

"So you tag along to her plan,Hashimoto.You made them to believe that Chinatsu committed suicide.

"Well telling them that directly will not convinced them immediately.I need to force them to accept that fake solution.And that's where the first solution came up-accusing one of them as murderer and the rest as the accomplices.Of course,I don't really need to accused everyone,that's why Hiten-san was not included.But at the same time,I needed to include Ayumi-san as a accomplice,for her to not become suspicious about my real plan."

"So that's the reason."

Honestly,thinking all of that solutions really makes me tired.Right now,I just want to take. a rest.

"But seriously,to think that she will also kill the person she obsess to,what kind of girl is she?."

"Well aside from being a madman,she was also what they called a 'yandere type'."

"Two of the worst trait combined in one person.She was definitely a monster,isn't?."


"If only she was not very obsess to you,you can conquer all the girls here.How should I put,I typically boy would do in a all-school highschool.Something like that"

I get what she mean but I think that's impossible.Afterall,there are also some people who hate me like Reina-san,her friends and Hiten-san.

"I will not do that,Sensei.In the first place,I didn't came here to seek for a love comedy life.What's more,to solve a murder mystery.

Come to think of it,I now remember one fact-

that romantic comedy and detective-fiction are the two genres that shouldn't blend in one story.Because it would just result to a tragedy."

"I guess you're right."

That's why those two genre are seperate to each other.Most people enjoy romantic comedy stories while some appreciate the beauty of detective-fiction.Well in my case,I do enjoy both genres.

I wouldn't say I'm really a hardcore fan of detective-fiction works since I haven't read any western and classic books like Agatha Christie but I read some Japanese mystery books like Nisio Isin.His murder tricks may not be mindblowing but the way how he blend mystery to other aspects of genre and settings make his works special.I really do enjoy reading his books.

On the other hand,I more like a huge fan of romantic comedy stories than mystery stories.Maybe because of the fact that romcoms had been dominating the light novel industry in the past few years,it influence me.

And my favorite among them is a story about stepsiblings.This one has a decisive title but after reading the series itself,I can say that it was actually a wholesome romance between the male and female main character.The perfect balance of romance,comedy and drama is just so good that you couldn't help but to read immediately the next volume.

Now that we come to this,I think I will read again that series just to forget this incident.

This murder case gave me a trauma so I need some happiness for now.Yeah,I guess I will just do that.I was supposed to read the books that Yahiro-san recommended to me but I guess I will refrain from that for a while.

"Do you have any questions,Sensei?."

"Ah.I think you already gave all the information I needed,Hashimoto."

"If that's the case,then I will leave the rest on you,former police-inspector Kaede Takahashi-san."

"Woah,how did you know that?."

"The conversation between you and former chief inspector Hikari Natsume-san from your phone."

"You shouldn't interfer on someone's privacy,

Hashimoto.Not that I didn't trust you though."

"I'm sorry.It was hard to beat human's curiousity."

Well without knowing their conversation,I might still ended with the same conclusion because of this whole meeting here.I think she already know from the start who is the culprit and how they did the murder.Maybe she was just testing my detective skills so she pretend on not knowing anything.

Another one is when she immediately agreed when i said the part 'Ayumi-san wants to turn this murder into a lock-room mystery' without even saying the circumtances about it.If she is just a normal teacher,she will ask that.But if she once a chief-inspector who have already an experience to murder cases then there's no need to ask that anymore.

"But why you didn't volunteer yourself on solving this case from the start,Sensei?.You really don't have to trust this case to a mere student like me right?."

"That's because I saw your determination whe you said you will definitely find out the one who killed Chinatsu.That time,you gave a feeling 'Ah I know this boy will be able to solve this crime' something like that.At then end it seems like my hunch was correct afterall."

"Is that so?."

"What's more,I ended up having a different culprit than you.In my case,the culprit is Reina.Specifically,my conlusion I came up is like the first solution you said earlier.The only difference is the involvement of multiple accomplices."


For the first time since this conversation starts,I got surpised.I didn't expect that.I thought she already knew that Ayumi-san is the culprit.I see.So maybe that is the reason why she was asking so many questions here.

"Thank you very much for taking and solving this case,Hashimoto.Since you already told me the whole truth,you can go back to your home now."

"No problem.But take actions now as soon as possible.I know I manage to hide the truth from her to the best of my ability but if she manage find out something,she might go crazy."

"Don't worry.We will immediately go to her house after this."

After that conversation,our long discussion finally ended there.We both left the rooftop to mind our own businesses.And when we are about to part ways,Takahashi-sensei suddenly called me out.


"Hmmm.I thought you don't have any questions about the case,Sensei."

"Well it's about Chinatsu's parents dying from an accident.That was just really a lie right?."

Ah about that.Well I only just said that to conviced my classmates that Chinatsu-san committed suicide.To tag along with Ayumi-san's real intention.In short,a lie to protect my classmates from her madness.

Takahashi-sensei probably forget that so maybe I will just have to remind her again that answer.

"Who knows."