
Diary of the Former World’s #1 Raising a Minor Character to the Peak

He never performed well in either middle nor high school, and even after becoming an adult, he never worked. Be it morning, noon or night, he only played an online game. For him, being the world’s number one rank, playing that online game, was his very reason for living. One day, his account was hacked and his character deleted. Restoration was impossible. Nothing that could be done. The number 1 rank that he literally spent his life to attain and to defend was now lost. Filled with despair he was given another chance When he opened his eyes again, there was the online game. No, the world itself looked similar to the game. He had been reborn as the extra character of the premium avatar he created in the past, but left untouched. The former world’s top, was reborn in a world that looked like that online game. That was the beginning of his extraordinary legend.

Manoftrueculture · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
161 Chs

2 Sub-Character

"――Ehh? "

 By the time I noticed, I was in Mobius Online.

 I was in the middle of the main street, Vinceton, right in front of the grocery store 『Icicle』, that I often used.

 These medieval European-styled streets that I've seen so many times. To be honest, I never thought I'd see this scenery spreading before me again, this world of magic and swords. Anyway, no matter how many times I see this, I really love it. It gives me the feeling like I'm home.

 But… Just when did I log back in?

"Hey, you're in the way! Don't just zone out right in front of my store! "

 From behind me, I heard the voice of the poster girl, Ice-chan.

 It's the familiar tone of a famous voice actor… huh? But I've never heard this line before. Was there an update I wasn't aware of?

"Mm...! Eh… Excuse me. Did you need something from my store? "

 When I turned around, surprise could be seen in Ice-chan eyes and her attitude swiftly turned meek.

 Looking closely, her cheeks also were thinly dyed in a slight crimson color.

"Ohh, how cute! "

 I involuntarily spoke my thought aloud. But this is nice. Extremely nice. It wouldn't be an exaggeration to call it a godly update.

"W-wh-what are you talking about, jeez! "

 After that, the blushed Ice-chan turned around looking ashamed and went right inside the store.

 What an incredible behavior! It seems like, in the time since I haven't logged in, some sort of popularity system was implemented. This is a nice addition, stupid developers. It seems that thanks to this, the number of players is increasing, the market seems quite――...


 Just now…

"――――! "

 I saw my reflection in the window of the grocery store.

 Ahh, as expected.

 It's not the same.

It's not 『seven』.

 This is――

"...Second, huh?"

 I muttered as I touched my cheeks, confirming it was my face.

 At the same time I created my main character 『seven』 I created the alt character 『Second』. This one was to serve as a bank character with zero experience, one I never bothered leveling up.

 Unblemished white skin, blueish-black hair and silver colored eyes. A transcendental handsome avatar shaped using the limited-time avatar change billing service was reflected in the window showing a surprised expression.

"I see, so it's like this."

 I then remembered the last time I logged out was in front of this store.

 Since the inventory of my main character got full while buying industrial amounts of mochi rice for the New Year's event, I think I used this guy too and just left him here.


 A fucking huge sigh leaked.

 I was stupid for even considering for a moment that I had recovered seven.

 My seven, the world's rank 1, no longer exists anywhere.

 I went over it over and over again, and just by recalling it I feel like crying.

 It's useless.

 I don't think I can bring myself to start over again in Mobius.

 I'll just log out.




"Huh? "

 I can't log out.

 Or rather, I can't even open the menu screen.

 Is it a bug?

 For now, should I just press the emergency stop button and return to the "real world"――?


 Wait a moment.

"――――Ah, I see."

 So that's it. There is no real world. How did I even forget? That's right. Right. I already.


Hello everyone I hope you are loving the story so far. I am doing all the translations myself so I would love your support on patreon. The more you support the faster I can translate :)


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