
Diary of the Former World’s #1 Raising a Minor Character to the Peak

He never performed well in either middle nor high school, and even after becoming an adult, he never worked. Be it morning, noon or night, he only played an online game. For him, being the world’s number one rank, playing that online game, was his very reason for living. One day, his account was hacked and his character deleted. Restoration was impossible. Nothing that could be done. The number 1 rank that he literally spent his life to attain and to defend was now lost. Filled with despair he was given another chance When he opened his eyes again, there was the online game. No, the world itself looked similar to the game. He had been reborn as the extra character of the premium avatar he created in the past, but left untouched. The former world’s top, was reborn in a world that looked like that online game. That was the beginning of his extraordinary legend.

Manoftrueculture · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
161 Chs

140 Don’t hold her hand!

"Daikoku-style? "

I was curious about the words that came out of Akaneko's mouth.

Daikoku-style. As I recall, the three samurai I met when I first came to this island also called themselves members of the Daikoku-style.

"The Daikoku-style dojo is run by master Toukichirou, Headmaster of the Daikoku-style school. It is the largest school in the Land of the Eight Swords."

"If it's the biggest, does that mean that this Toukichirou is a very powerful man? "

"No. Toukichirou only thinks about money. By opening their doors wide, they attract many students and collect money in a rather religious way."

"So, Sword-drawing is just a tool of the trade."

"Indeed. Master is just a courtesy title. He's a money-grubber."

"Then I don't know what to expect."

"...Rest assured. There are some relatively good ones there under his roof."

"Ohh! "

I felt relieved. Akaneko said "relatively good", so they are probably "quite decent". I'm looking forward to it.

"By the way. For the record, how many schools are there on this island? "

On the way, I had some free time, so I asked Akaneko what was on my mind.

Well, maybe it is eight.

"You don't even know that. I am utterly astonished. Eight, of course."

"It's the Land of the Eight Swords, after all."

"Indeed. But the original was five."


"The Nankyoku school was separated into the Tennan and Jyurou schools, and the Hiroku and Benzai schools were newly created. And so, it came to be what it is today... However, since there are no more heirs to the Hiroku school, there are in fact seven."

I don't understand.

"Then why leave it?"

"It must be left behind. It's an island tradition."

"A tradition, huh? What kind? "

"...I'll continue later. We're arriving."

"Oh? "

It appears we have arrived at the Daikoku-style dojo.

...However, the wall is too wide, so I don't really know. Anyway, all I know is that it is "huge".

Looking around, I spotted a large gate about 100 meters away. Do you enter from there?

"Wait, hey! Don't we go in through the gate? "

I just couldn't help but speak up.

Because Akaneko was trying to sneak over the wall.

"L-...Let's just take a quick peek and go back."

"No. We're going in through the front door."

"Eh, that! Let go! "

She must be embarrassed by the way she is dressed. Akaneko apparently intended to leave early after peeking inside from the top of the wall.

But that's not what I came here for. I squeezed Akaneko's hand and forced her to go to the front gate.

"Anyone here!? Who is the strongest person here? "

Standing in front of the main gate, I yell out the first thing that comes to mind.

At that moment, a large number of samurai who were wielding wooden swords in the vast grounds of the temple, all of whom appeared to be Daikoku-style students, turned their attention to us at once.

"P-Please stop..."

I felt an unusual heat from Akaneko's hand as I held it. She must have been so embarrassed that she couldn't stand it.

But I'm not the kind of guy to simply let go now. If Akaneko escapes, I will have no one to borrow a katana from. I would like to avoid that.

"Ah, you! "

"Isn't he the outsider? "

"Why are you here? "

A few seconds later, three of those people approached us. If you look closely, they were the three samurai I met at the harbor.

"Shut your mouth. I have no business with small fry. Give me someone stronger."

"WHAT! "

"Who the hell do you think you are? "

"I won't tolerate it! "

They got angry.

To the samurais' "Who the hell do you think you are? ", Akaneko mumbled to herself "Seriously", in response. I have to agree with her on that.

"――Calm down, there's no need to make such a fuss."

As I was arguing with the trio, a single samurai appeared through the crowd. He was a fresh-looking man in his early twenties or so, with a tall stature and a beautifully face.

"Kanbei-dono! "

"This man is an outsider! "

"Besides, he is a dojo-breaker! "

The trio immediately snitched.

"Oh, an outsider. Moreover, a dojo-breaker. I se――"

The man called Kanbei turned to me and was about to say, "I see," when he stopped moving.

The man's eyes stared next to me. Landing on Akaneko.

"...A, a, Akaneko-san. T, th, those clothes."

"Don't look. I will have to kill you later."

"I-I'm sorry! "

Kanbei blushed and turned his face away from Akaneko, who glared at him.

But even as he said this, his eyes were glancing at Akaneko's thighs.

Akaneko let out a single, loud sigh.

"Is he the strongest in the Daikoku-style? "

When I asked Akaneko about it, she nodded her head after a moment of silence.

I thought so. That man Kanbei, his behavior was clearly different from those around him.

"What are you secretly talking about? "If you are a dojo-breaker, this Kanbei will be your opponent――"

Kanbei looked at me and was about to speak when he stopped again.

Then he pointed at me, wincing and shaking, and opened his mouth.

"W-W-Wh-!? Ba-Bastard! What's with that hand? Why are you holding hands with Akaneko-san? "

You're just now realizing that? This guy was looking at her thighs too much.

...I know, he can't help it, that's true.

"We're good friends."

"Nonsense! What are you saying? "

You don't have to go that far to deny it...


Oops, perhaps I provoked him too much.

"Akaneko, lend me your katana."

"What are you trying to do?"

"Just give it to me."

I snatched the katana from Akaneko's waist and quickly equipped it.

"Shiii――n!! "

――In an instant, Kanbei's "Knight Sword-drawing" closed in on me.

Hey, hey, hey... Is this guy for real?

"Kanbei, you! Attacking by surprise!! "

Immediately afterward, Akaneko became infuriated.

She didn't seem to like the surprise attack. What's that, is there no surprise attack in Akaneko's Tobatsu-style? Well, sure, the word "fair and square" couldn't be more appropriate for this woman...

"――Eh! "

Kanbei and I passed each other as we both unfolded our skills.

"Knight Sword-drawing" is a skill to draw a sword with a large movement. An instantaneous closing of the gap, akin to a shrinking ground, along the sharp draw of the sword. It is indeed a skill suitable for a surprise attack.

...But also has a significant weakness.

"You! Where were you cut? Show me! "

Akaneko pulled a potion from her pocket and rushed over to me. It is like her to be worried about me even though she claims otherwise.

"I thought I almost killed you."

But she's worrying about the wrong person.

I ignored Akaneko and smiled at Kanbei.

"What? What are you saying...?"

Akaneko widened her eyes at me and then slowly followed my gaze.

"...Haa...Haa...Haaa...! "

There was Kanbei, eyes wide open and breathing hard, clutching his katana. His forehead was covered in profuse cold sweat.

Slide. Kanbei's kimono came loose. I cut the obi, so I guess that's no surprise.

"Wh...What did you do...What did you do?! "

Kanbei glared and yelled at me, leaving the front of his kimono unfastened.

You don't even know what I've done... Outrageous.

"Knight Sword-drawing is a combination of moving and drawing the sword, so there is a large gap at the moment both movements are completed. Hence, if you miss it, it's over. That's pretty basic stuff."

The basics of basics. I don't know how many times I've said those words to the people of this world.

"The fastest Sword-drawing technique is the Silver Sword-drawing, in which the sword is released without charging. This way, even if it's not powerful, you can easily land a blow by passing by after you dodge."

"Such a petty trick! "

"You have to win with everything you've got, regardless of how small a move it is."

"That is...! "

"It's your fault for attacking with a weak Knight Sword-drawing attack that could be avoided. You should reflect on that."


"Let's go, Akaneko. I have no business here anymore."

I pulled Akaneko's hand and turned my back on the Daikoku-style samurai.

As I stepped out of the main gate, a voice called out to my back.

"What is your name?! "

I turned around to see Kanbei gritting his teeth, his eyes bloodshot, and his fists clenched as he shouted.

...It's a look I've seen many times before, and I love it. The expression on the face of a person who has suffered the cruelest defeat in their life, and is in the initial stage of deciding to climb the cliff with a desperate resolve out of sheer frustration. I know several players who showed this face in front of large crowds and became title challengers a few years later.

"Second Firstest. It's worth remembering."

See you in the Bishamon battle in the not-too-distant future.

With that thought in mind, I smiled again at Kanbei.

* * *

Second Firstest.

I finally learned this guy's name. What a fancy name.

...Well, that's okay.

I was surprised. His Sword-drawing.

Even I could not see through it. Although it was sudden and unexpected, it was a defeat, nonetheless.

A fluke? No, it is the real thing, judging from Kanbei's reaction and the person in question's words. If so, I still do not have a clear grasp of his abilities, but I think that Second's talent may be comparable to that of my father. I hate to admit it, but a katana just doesn't lie. When it comes down to it, I really don't recognize this man anymore.

But I still don't understand how big a deal this was... for Second to demoralize Kanbei, the leading member of that Daikoku-style, with just a single strike.

Kanbei is indeed a skilled samurai, but he is not far behind me. Of course, to my father as well.

Nevertheless, he is the most distinguished samurai in the Daikoku-style. Many people will not overlook the fact that he has been defeated.

At last, the demons of the rivers and mountains will start to move.

My father and the other heads of the schools will not remain silent...

"Sadly, he learned the wrong school. Your place would be a good bet, wouldn't it? "

"Fumu. That assessment, I think, is quite to the point. Indeed, Kanbei is letting his talent rot."

"Why don't you teach him? He probably likes you."

"...I hated hearing that even more. I am the heir to the Tobatsu-style. I don't have time to be distracted by love."

"You don't like older people? "

No, I would rather have... What are you making me say?! "

"Now, where are you going to take me next? "

"Seriously, this guy..."

I don't know what on earth he is thinking.

"Wait here for a moment. I'm going to the washroom."

"Washroom? "

"...The restroom, the privy."

"So? "

"I'm telling you I'm going to go do my business! "

"Ah, ahhh, sorry, that's what you meant..."


* * *

Akaneko went to the restroom in a fit of anger, muttering, "Seriously, this guy". The departing thighs were truly glamorous.

I was bored, so I decided to summon Angolmois for a chat.

"Fumu, ohh! My oh my."

As soon as I summoned him, Angolmois smiled slyly and brought his face close to mine. It seems like he sensed something useless with the shared senses.

"My Second. I can now see your taste in women, huh? "

"What do you mean?"

"That katana woman looks a lot like the bow woman, doesn't she?"

"...Ah, now that you mention it, certainly."

"Fuhahahaha! You pretend to be oblivious. You want to hold her? Right? "

"No way. She's the type that's easy to talk to, which works for me."

"Do not lie to me."

"I'm sorry."

If I could hold her, I would, of course.

"...However, how to say it. You're getting more and more like an old man."

"My Second. There are some things you can say and some things you can't."

"See, I know you can't argue with that, eh? "

"Let me ask you a question in response. If I were to speak like a maiden, what would you think of me, my Second? "

"Well, okay, that'd be kinda gross."

"What kind of language is that to speak to the Great Spirit King? Outrageous! Even if you're my master, I can't forgive you! "

"Haa...You can't just shut up, huh?"

"Don't sigh! Aren't I the Great Spirit King!? I am the great king who rules the spirit world! "

"That's kind of the point."

"Say, aren't you also a fool, My Second! All you do is chase women's asses! It's totally inexcusable! "

"You bastard! What are you saying to the world's number one? How rude! I won't allow it! "



"They say great men have a great fondness for the sensual pleasures. Good, good."

"What the heck, so you can say very Great King-like stuff too."

"Fuhahaha! "

"Hahahaha! "

"I'm just back from the washroom and you're already acting weird... Seriously, my head hurts."

Hello everyone I hope you are loving the story so far. I am doing all the translations myself so I would love your support on patreon. The more you support the faster I can translate :)


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