
Diary of The Dead Wizard

Diary of a Dead Wizard Original Name: 死亡巫师日记 Author: Imrana ( 今奈 ) Language: en --- Saul traveled to a wizard world full of weirdness and crisis. In order to live well, he is determined to become a wizard against all odds. But in this terrible world, both apprentices and full-fledged wizards have to face heavy death crisis. Saul is even a key target of persecution. Fortunately, he obtained a diary that can foretell the future. However, the diary’s predicted future is all: “You bled to death." “You have become a flower fertilizer and are happy with your new form. “You died laughing at yourself. “Three years later, you became someone else’s potion material.

Prisu_Rajput · Fantasy
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230 Chs


Chapter 73 – First Hearing of Career Development Planning

Saul, who had just seen the Death Swing, actually wanted to shake his head, he couldn't figure out how he had suddenly become the meat and potatoes today?

Just how valuable was a soul talent to make both Anze and Rum, who were meeting for the first time, throw out their olive branches?

However, thinking that Pink Da – now he should be called Tower Master Golza – looked at him seemingly also because of the soul talent, Saul calmed down a lot.

Naturally, he wouldn't shift sides easily, not to mention that he had killed Cid, Rum's former right-hand man.

Who knew if he would be cleared of old scores when he had no use for them?

But Rum's invitation seemed much more sincere than Anze's.

When he saw that Saul didn't answer, he reached behind his back and took out a few sheets of paper, staring at the words on them.

"Actually, before Kaz brought you here, I had already checked your information file and asked the person who gave you the test at the time."

With an odd grin, Rum shook the paper in his hand, then pinched it between two long, thin fingers and displayed it in front of Sol.

"The results of your test are very strange."

Saul looked at the text in front of him:

Saul (family unknown, odds are none)

Age: twelve

Spiritual Perception: medium-low (scattered) Suggested Majors: darkness, light

Mental Power: High (exact degree to be further determined)

Magic: probability low (temporarily unable to test due to fainting, considered based on high mental strength, no further testing required)

Overall judgment: medium-low qualification, none (scratched out) has some cultivation value, may be able to perform some special jobs, judgment passed.

Saul took the risk of choosing to overdraw his energy in order to pass the test in the first place, allowing himself to faint.

He didn't know if it worked, but the diary said that he could survive by doing so.

It had been his turn, and he had no time but to make that choice.

He, Thor, hadn't actually been very clear on how exactly he had passed the test.

Now it seemed that the person who had written the judgment for him had not intended to let him pass in the first place, but for some reason, had changed his mind.

Seeing Saul read the words on the paper, pondering, Rum smiled and twisted the paper in his hand.

The paper in front of it fell away, revealing the one behind it.

That paper was the same test evaluation.

And the ... is likewise from Saul:

Saul (family unknown, odds are none)

Age: Ten

Mental Perception: medium-low (scattered) Suggested Majors: light, earth

Mental Power: Medium

Magic power: low

Overall judgment: low qualification, not much cultivation value, judgment not passed. Recommended to be demoted to servant.

Saul's eyes gradually widened as the paper moved away, revealing Rum's large face as he approached.

"So, can you explain why after only two years, a servant's spiritual talent went from medium to high?"

Sol, who was being stared at by Rum, felt something binding his brain, and even thinking became stiff.

He unconsciously opened his mouth and gulped half a day's worth of air before ...

"I don't know."


Having uttered his first words, Saul did feel his mind clearing up.

He shook his head a bit and looked at Rum with an innocent expression.

"Mentor Rum, I really don't know, was it a wrong measurement back then?"

Rum's expression stagnated and he glared at Sol.

Saul said, "Actually, it's like this, I once accidentally offended your apprentice, Senior Sid."

It really was accidentally finding Cid looking for something in the library.

"Beaten to death by him,"

All beaten to death, can it not be beaten to death?

"And then there was a lot of blood coming out of his head."

He's gone.

"Woke up again and couldn't remember much of what had happened before, except some common sense."

He crossed over.

"So I really ... don't know."

It was the truth.

Saul's sincere tone left Rum in deep thought.

He wondered, could it be true that the human brain could complete its self-evolution after an injury? Regarding this point, was there a need to verify it through experiments?

While Saul stared with innocent eyes, he was also pondering in his heart, "Is the surge in mental power because of my crossing over?" "There was an explanation when I used to read novels. It said that the soul of a traveler would become quite strong after experiencing time-space travel. So is spiritual strength actually related to the soul?"

In the afterglow, the red hardcover book slowly floated on Sol's shoulder.

"Or is the diary to blame?"

Saul hadn't illuminated this knowledge blind spot yet, and could only give up on continuing to speculate.

Across the street, Rum didn't know if he wanted to get through it or not, and threw the last piece of paper in his hand to the ground as well.

"Well, this one doesn't really matter." Rum leaned back and rested his hands on his large belly.

Wiggle, wiggle.

"Judging by the two test sheets, the attribute you really should be majoring in is actually light." Rum pointed a finger at his own chest, "And it is water and light that I specialize in sorcery."

It turned out that the element he perceived the most was light.

Saul then realized that the "light" that the other senior had seemingly casually written down during the test was actually the elemental attribute that he perceived the most.

But ... Saul clenched his left fist.

After the transformation of the witch body, he was able to utilize the skin made of plastic bone on his left hand to expand his perception of dark attribute particles.

If he did the test again now, it was estimated that the dark attribute perception was also the strongest.

He, for one, was already on the path.

Rum seemed to see Saul's concern and hesitation, and his fingertips tapped Saul's left hand.

"I can see that after doing the witch body transformation, your perception of dark attributes is much stronger."

Sol lowered his head and looked at his light gray fingertips.

The fingertips trembled a bit and retracted into the cuffs.

Rum, on the other hand, continued, "There is naturally no problem with you continuing to major in dark attribute elements now, but there is one thing you need to understand. The major attribute that a sorcerer chooses not only determines the type of sorcery that is primarily studied, but also relates to the direction of future study and research."

"If you choose darkness, you will spend a long time in the future with corpses, ghosts and monsters, and if you choose light, you will study more about energy and spirits."

"You are only a first level apprentice now, the most introductory and elementary stage on the path of a sorcerer. There's no need to rush into making decisions that will concern your whole life because of what you've accomplished now."

"Just make your decision before you choose your locator. Of course, there are wizards who change their major element at other stages, and it only gets tougher."

Rum's exhaustive persuasion like this touched Saul greatly, and there was even a hint of relief in his heart.

However, Saul then heard the "locator".

Looseness changed to firmness.

With the existence of the Death Wizard's Diary, how could he choose something else as his locator?

The attribute of the Death Wizard's Diary, without even thinking about it, was definitely dark!

However, Saul didn't immediately show his thoughts, but asked Mentor Rum with a tangled face, "Why did you ... didn't you just blame me for killing your assistant?"

Rum revealed a bit of an icy smile.

"Because the vast majority of wizards, value more than relationships and feelings."

"Saul, you have passed my test, and can even be said to have exceeded my expectations. This is much more important than revenge or simply getting out of anger."

Sol looked at Mentor Rum, and the other looked back calmly.

He shouldn't have, or didn't have to lie to himself.

"Mentor Rum, can I ask what exactly a locator is?"

"Locator?" Rum's slender hands were folded over his chest, his five fingers facing each other, as if he was thinking about how to answer.

"Locator was originally a knowledge that only second level apprentices could access. But seeing as your mental power is already sufficient, I'll give you an example and briefly explain it then."

Rum stretched out a finger and pointed it remotely to the other side of the room.

Sol looked back and realized that Instructor Rum was pointing at the only window in this "room".

The sunlight was still there, quiet and warm.

"You're quite excited to see the sunlight of the outside world. It's true that first level apprentices rarely have the opportunity to go outside, so let's take advantage of it while we can."

(End of chapter)