
Diary of The Dead Wizard

Diary of a Dead Wizard Original Name: 死亡巫师日记 Author: Imrana ( 今奈 ) Language: en --- Saul traveled to a wizard world full of weirdness and crisis. In order to live well, he is determined to become a wizard against all odds. But in this terrible world, both apprentices and full-fledged wizards have to face heavy death crisis. Saul is even a key target of persecution. Fortunately, he obtained a diary that can foretell the future. However, the diary’s predicted future is all: “You bled to death." “You have become a flower fertilizer and are happy with your new form. “You died laughing at yourself. “Three years later, you became someone else’s potion material.

Prisu_Rajput · Fantasy
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230 Chs


Chapter 191 Rules

Disliked by Saul, Victor smiled instead, "Don't worry, brother will help you find the treasure even if he's stuck in this hellhole forever."

Sol resisted the desire to roll his eyes and drilled into the next room.

The moment he pushed the door in, his eyes suddenly became wide open.

Sunlight flooded the entire room, the windows were wide open, and the gauze curtains were blown high by the wind.

There were three people in the room, a woman and two men.

They were all cowering in the corner of the room with frightened faces.

When Saul pushed the door in, one of them actually subconsciously pulled the trigger of the crossbow in his hand at him.


"Swish ... click!"

Without waiting for Sol to react, a black tentacle appeared like lightning, opening its pitch-black mouth and grabbing the arrow in one bite.

Algae suddenly appeared, three or two mouths will shoot the arrow bites and swallowed, and in the next second "blah blah blah" spit out.

Although the tip of the arrow spat out by it had been deformed, a dark green halo could still be seen on the metal.


Thor looked down raising his eyes to stare at the three men.

And the three people on the other side looked at Saul with a look of despair, two of them ran directly to the open window, the remaining woman was even more exaggerated, even to the bottom of the bed.

Did she think that Saul was too bloated to chase her in?

Saul skimmed the woman's exposed feet and went to the window first to look at the two men who jumped down.

He hadn't heard the landing after they jumped.

This was the second floor, and looking at the two men's costumes they should have been adventurers, it was only right that this height would be no difficulty for them.

Saul pressed one hand on the windowsill and looked down.

Outside the window was a garden bathed in dazzling sunlight, and directly below was a neatly constructed, lush green lawn.

But there was no one on the lawn.

With Saul's hearing, even if the two men had gotten into another room in mid-air, he would have heard something, not this eerie silence, as if the two men had never existed.

"Could they have traveled through time and space as well?"

Saul stopped by the window for a moment, "It shouldn't be that simple. If time and space were so simple to travel through, a tower master who could instantly move wouldn't be a feared top second-ranked sorcerer."

Saul walked back from the window and began to scrutinize everything in the room, trying to find the breaks and unlock the secrets of the time and space shifting here.

As he looked, he saw at once a foot cowering at the bottom of the bed.

Oh, it was the confused woman.

Saul went over, took hold of the slender ankle, and jerked it outward.

Surprisingly, however, he drew nothing out but the ankle.

The woman who had burrowed under the bed disappeared, leaving a severed foot with an untidy cut.

Like it had been eaten by something.

His brow furrowed as he casually threw away the foot, still dripping blood.

"Jumping from the window will disappear, as will drilling under the bed. Are they so determined to jump from the window and drill under the bed, are they afraid of me, or have they already mastered the laws of time travel?"

Saul crouched down and looked under the bed, then swept the window side, and finally chose ... to exit through the door.

Outside the door was still a spacious porch, but because of the light coming in from the balcony across the street, the place seemed much brighter, and there wasn't that eerie atmosphere when it was raining.

It was as if the world had been torn in half on this.

Half of the world was a rainy world of dark clouds and lightning;

Half was a sunny world with bright sunshine and a fresh breeze.

"The first time I traveled through different worlds of rainy and sunny days, it seemed like the same thing. The first time I went through a door, I came to the sunny world. The second time I went through that door, I was still in the Sunny Sky World, and I saw the knight who had just come in. But when I went through that door a third time, I was back in the rainy day world."

Through his physical eyes as well as his mental body's perception, Saul still didn't find any breaks here.

It was likely that the power of the rules here was stronger than Sol's strength.

I'm afraid that trying to break through by brute force would be exceptionally difficult.

"Can I travel through different worlds by going through the door? If I don't go through the same room door for the third time and choose to enter another room instead, can I still return to the Rainy Day World?" The Rainy Day World, with that mysterious Victor.

Saul was uncertain of the other party's strength and purpose, and for the time being, he did not intend to go back and reunite with his "brother".

He simply continued along the corridor.

He didn't go into the rooms that he met on the way, and it was unlikely that what Saul was looking for was in those places anyway.

All the time he came to the end of the corridor, he stopped and looked at the staircase that hovered in front of him.

The staircase here was not connected to the one Saul had just come up. But it also had downward passages that seemed to lead to other areas on the first floor.

Ralph's castle wasn't too majestic, probably four stories, and the tallest tower was probably capped at six.

Saul stood on the stairs, debating whether to go up or down.

"Better ask someone with experience."

Saul hung his head, calling out to his diary in his mind.

"Old Diary, please bring out Lord Morton."

The diary flew out and flipped directly to the black pages at the very back.

After the diary had absorbed the consciousness of Morton, a second-ranked sorcerer, Saul would occasionally ask him about some unimportant common sense.

Instead, he didn't dare to ask questions that were too specialized, fearing that over-the-top knowledge would lead to over-the-top risks.

Instead, Bill's consciousness gave Saul quite a bit of guidance in his daily studies.

It's just that whether it's Bill or Herman from Land Row, they are only third level apprentices and their consciousness is consumed too quickly.

While Saul was desperately conducting experiments, both of their handwriting was already as thin as a hair.

This made Saul not dare to ask them again for fear of accidentally destroying a black page.

Only Morton's conscious energy was still sufficient, but unfortunately Morton had become an evil spirit for many years and much of his knowledge had been forgotten.

"Lord Morton, have you heard of the Bloodthorn Family?"

[Bloodthorn? I've never heard of it, but I've heard of the Blood Rose family, who were also loyal subjects who followed me in the battle for the Valley of the Drooping Hand in the beginning. By the way, the Bloodthorn seems to be a side branch of the Blood Rose.]

"Conquering the Drooping Hand Valley? There's no need to inquire, it must have been completely wiped out. Maybe the decline of the Bloodthorn family is because the Blood Rose withered away. Lord Morton, then do you know how the Bloodthorn family flourished?"

A family that could pass down a death wizard's diary-even if they hadn't figured out the diary's true secret by the end of the day-shouldn't be as silent as Morton thought.

[How could I possibly pay attention to something as trivial as that? But Bloodthorn ... seems to be famous for the blood and flesh spells in the dark element. Tsk, can't remember. Am I really getting old, why can't I remember many things? I wasn't like this before, even if it's a very small thing, I can remember it clearly].

Saul was very much like telling Morton that he wasn't old, he was dead.

But Saul had never told them in the diary that in reality they were actually dead. There was no need, and Saul was afraid that their consciousness would collapse if they learned of their deaths.

"What is flesh and blood magic?"

[Heh, just the hairy history of a bandit. Devouring one's own kind, extracting the essence, and gaining a boost of energy. But this kind of sorcery has a lot of hidden dangers. You can't devour a foreigner, or else, heh, it's likely that you'll forget that you were originally a human being."]

This one doesn't sound like it has anything to do with the Diary of a Death Witch.

Since flesh and blood magic is bandit logic, then the Death Wizard Diary may not be the inheritance of the Bloodthorn family.

Maybe they robbed someone else's inheritance.

"In that case, Lord Morton, if you were to analyze it, where would the Bloodthorn family's most important laboratory be built in their residence?"

[Flesh and blood sorcery, hey, that's a dark attribute, so of course it's best to be underground.]

"Underground?" Sol mused.

This castle was time-distorted, but the location of the rooms never seemed to change.

Ralph's lab was most likely still underground!

Saul headed down to the bottom of the lower staircase, where there was also a small living room, and beyond the line of sight, other rooms and passages might exist.

Just as Saul pondered what to do next, a hand suddenly pressed on his shoulder.

"Saul, so there you are."

Saul's whole body stiffened, and he hurriedly turned around to see Victor, who was standing on the upper floor of the staircase, poking his head down.

"Brother ... you also came to the Sunny Day World?"

Can I cha some guaranteed monthly votes**

(End of chapter)