
Diary of The Dead Wizard

Diary of a Dead Wizard Original Name: 死亡巫师日记 Author: Imrana ( 今奈 ) Language: en --- Saul traveled to a wizard world full of weirdness and crisis. In order to live well, he is determined to become a wizard against all odds. But in this terrible world, both apprentices and full-fledged wizards have to face heavy death crisis. Saul is even a key target of persecution. Fortunately, he obtained a diary that can foretell the future. However, the diary’s predicted future is all: “You bled to death." “You have become a flower fertilizer and are happy with your new form. “You died laughing at yourself. “Three years later, you became someone else’s potion material.

Prisu_Rajput · Fantasy
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230 Chs


Chapter 111 – Second Grade!


It was like a huge building was blasted into existence in Sol's mental body, and the entire mental body world trembled!

1st level spell, Soul Asshole, constructed successfully.

Sol slowly stood up, feeling the difference between his transformation from a 1st level apprentice to a 2nd level apprentice ...

But there didn't seem to be much of a difference.

The mentor had said that 1st and 2nd level apprentices were only different in the intensity of their mastery of sorcery, and that there was no qualitative change in the nature of the body and spirit.

But if he felt it carefully, Saul truly felt something different again.

That was the effect of the 1st rank sorcery within his spirit.

This soul assassin, which already didn't know what it would become, was continuously affecting Saul's magic and spirit.

It was still a mild influence, but Saul could feel that it would deepen as he continued to consolidate and strengthen this sorcery in the future.

When this influence became deeper and deeper, Saul would have to find a way to counteract it again, or else both his spirit and body would be in trouble.

But the truly effective method was still to find his own locator, as a way to eliminate and resist the force majeure contamination brought about by sorcery, and to stabilize his mental body.

"Locator." Saul looked over his left shoulder and thought, "How do I convince my diary to move?"

The matter of the locator could still be put off for a while, Saul stood up and turned around only to find that Penny had actually fallen asleep.

He cried and laughed as he shook Penny awake, "Penny, wake up."

But Saul also realized that Penny wasn't really big-hearted enough to fall asleep here.

Rather, the battle he had just fought with Shelly and the subsequent game with the grudge spirits had affected Penny in some way.

Ordinary people were mentally unstable, and sleeping was the best protection for them.

Penny raised her head in a daze, revealing a pair of gray eyes.

Saul pulled Penny up, "I'll walk you out, but you should also be prepared that you and Ada may not be able to continue to settle in this town after you leave here."

Penny stood up in compliance with Saul's strength, her face was fairly composed at the thought of leaving her peaceful abode soon.

"I'll take Ada and leave."

She was rather like Ada's sister.

Saul made a final search of Shelly's belongings, taking what was valuable and leaving what wasn't.

But he never found the tome that could artificially create a grudge.

In the end, he could only topologize all the sorcery spells on the ground and restore the places he had destroyed as he remembered.

Only then did he take Penny and leave the room on the third floor of the tower.

Just as he reached the rotating staircase, Saul heard the wailing of people, cries of pain as well as the sounds of killing coming from outside the tower.

Something has happened!

Saul picked up Penny with one arm and thumped down to the bottom floor.

The entrance door to the tower had been closed by Shelly's sorcery, and he obviously didn't want anyone to disturb his spell.

So much so that when something happened outside, no one else could call out him as a backer.

Saul told Penny to stand close to the wall, and slammed the door open himself.

Outside the door was already a hell on earth.

The ground was covered with the corpses of the residents of Mill Sail Town, and there were barbarians running and chasing the living everywhere.

Diagonally across from the Millsound Fruit Field, the fences had all been knocked down, and the inside was a mess, and occasionally you could still see people's hands and feet resting on the rocks, not knowing if they were dead or alive.

And at this point the real battlefield had grown to the other side of the town fence.

The barbarians were trying to climb over the wall which was not too high for them, while the soldiers were trying their best to knock down the barbarians who climbed up the wall.

While Saul was observing the situation outside, two of the barbarians spotted him as well.

The barbarians on the other side didn't care about Saul's shock, they raised their swords and immediately slashed at him.

The sharp weapons made sharp whistles in the air as they slashed at Saul left and right.

The savages' large mouths excitedly exhaled white air, as if they had already seen Saul turning into several pieces.

However, before their long knives fell, one of the barbarians suddenly had his body twisted, and his hands and feet were twisted together as if they were tightly clutched by a palm.

The soft flesh and blood surrendered first, twisting and tensing with the invisible force.

The barbarian's hard skeleton remained stubborn, so much so that it was finally broken by a click, piercing the skin texture and poking out black and red bone spikes.

The other, likewise, had to stop his attack. A stream of black smoke came out from the barbarian's seven orifices, and then a piece of charred black marks began to appear on the barbarian's exposed skin.

Finally there were red tongues of fire, poking out of the skin, poking out of the ears, curling the eyes, and blazing the hair ...

If the first barbarian's death was quite painful, it was only in a gruesome form.

The second one would have to suffer much longer.

He wailed and ran with what strength he had left towards where he came from, but only a few more steps before his carbonized feet were unable to support his burly body and he collapsed to the ground with a loud thud, raising a cloud of black and gray dust.

Saul looked in the direction the barbarian had fled, and happened to lock eyes with a skinny barbarian.

That barbarian was covered in unknown oils and riding on another tall barbarian.

This group of barbarians even had a priest?

It wasn't a small invasion then.

But the sorcerer's apprentice in this place just died because he couldn't think straight.

Saul stepped toward the priest and raised his hand.

The mental body began to become active, and the 1st order sorcery model engraved within it was instantly awakened, ready to spark at any moment.

A transparent soul moth silhouette appeared in Sol's palm and began to slowly wriggle around his palm.

At the sight, the barbarian priest narrowed his eyes and said in a single word, "New, sorcerer apprentice."

He had never seen Saul before, but recognized that he was not from Mill Sail Town.

This priest stared at Saul dead in the face, as if he was considering whether or not to confront him.

He suddenly opened his mouth wide and broke off two teeth with a hard hand.

Two streams of blood flowed out along the corners of his mouth as he called for the two nearest barbarians.

"Eat and block, wizard."

The two barbarians took the priest's teeth and swallowed them very obediently.

Eating the priest's teeth, the two barbarians suddenly hissed out in pain and struck their chests hard with their hands.

Their skin quickly rose from dark to blood red, their skin transmitting an abnormal luster, as if it would explode if they poked it.

But their expressions grew more and more excited, and one ran towards Sol with a flailing fist.

The barbarian priest, however, did not stay where he was and wait, he raised his wooden staff and struck the barbarian underneath him hard on the head.

"Attack! Sharpen the sails!"

With the exception of the two red barbarians who ran towards Sol, all the others dropped the prey in their hands and followed their priest as he surged towards the already precarious walls of Mill Sail.

Saul glanced over at Mill Sails, but saw two familiar people in a house close by.

Surprisingly, it was Ada and Jayce!

They hadn't fled back to the town, but had been hiding in the empty house, risking their lives waiting for the time to rescue Penny.

They were currently staring daggers at Saul, not even realizing that they had been exposed.

Luckily, the other barbarians had been summoned over to the town, which allowed them to escape.

At this moment, the two red barbarians had almost rushed to Saul's eyes.

Sol revealed a sneering smile, "Compared to Jaycee, I'm really despicable."

As soon as he raised his hand, the two red barbarians immediately slipped on their feet, one after the other, and they all fell to the ground.

They were still struggling to try and get up, grabbing down a large chunk of the ground as soon as they could. But because the ground was full of grease, their hands and feet would instead sink into the land as they struggled to adjust their center of gravity.

Sol then cast Scorching Breath.

Fires immediately sprang up on the two barbarians, and a wave of heat greeted them.

However, Saul soon realized that the two barbarians had never collapsed in the flames even though they were burned to the point of wailing, and the skin on their bodies was slightly charred.

"Did that priest's teeth enhance their magic resistance?"

Saul suddenly flung his hand, and two soul moths flew onto the red-skinned barbarians.

"Then let me see the power of this ... variant 1st rank sorcery."

Work is stepping into regularity, only two more shifts for now, sorry.

(End of chapter)