
Diary Of My Life In Highschool

The start of highschool is a new beginning for me and I can't wait to take the first step. Many highschool graduates have told me stories about highschool, one of them being that highschool is a place where crushes are made where we experience first love and of course love fight, be it struggle for one girl of struggle for one boy. Well mum had once told me that highschool is a place where irrelevant posts are given such as school belle, school hottie, queen bee and so on. That was the thought that brought me out of my room and couldn't help but think of how my own highschool story will be, but then in all of that I don't wish for any heart break, I mean my heart is way too weak to love someone and then suffer a heart break afterwards well I...      "Happy first day in highschool sweetie" mum said as she headed towards me with her protruded stomach.     "Thanks mum, can't help but feel nervous of what today holds" I said as I hugged her     "Oh don't be dear, I know it will be fun filled"    "Thanks mum" I said and was about to sit and have my break fast when dad came towards me while holding my ear pod and said     "You forgot this"    "Dad were you in my music room again?" I asked while collecting the ear pod    "Um I don't think that's a proper way of saying thank you"    "Dad the last time you were in my music room you broke my guitar"       "And I fixed it"     "Come on hun say thank you" mum intervened     "Fine thank you"    "You're welcome"

P8nk3ng3l · Teen
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29 Chs

chapter six(6)

'Ma'am see what's on the internet" Janet Mae's manager called out

    "Let me have a look"Mae said and collected the phone from her. It was a picture of her laying in the arms of Francis

   "What's this?" Mae asked almost angry

   "Scroll down you will see the headline" Janet said  but before Mae could move a mussel Janet collected the phone and read out the headlines

   "Music star Jessy Jonas has finally found love but then is she going to introduce the general public? Maybe she will reveal him together with her face" Janet read

     "But, but that's not true, dad will kill me for sure" Mae cried out

     "Your reputation is at stake we gave only one option here" Janet who seemed to only be concerned about Mae's career said

    "Janet I know what you are thinking, to make it official but there is nothing to make official, we are not dating, goodness, my dad will find out about this soon and he will kill me"

    "Now am, short of ideas" Janet says

    "Dad can even seize my guitar or my piano or even lock up my music room, God can't stop thinking of the possibility of that happening" as Mae went on and on her phone rang she picked up the call and the following conversation ensued between her and the caller  who happened to be her best friend(male) Junior 

Junior: hello Mae what's this I see in the internet 

Mae: can we please have a proper greeting 

Junior: just explain to me what you have to say about the news, and then we can have a proper greeting 

Mae: honestly I don't know, we are not dating 

Junior: but you were in his arms

Mae: yes that was when I needed support 

Junior: and? 

Mae: and his just a friend from school

Mr Jonas: Mae the school you just started today? 

Mae: dad? 

     Mae hung up the phone out of confusion on what to do but then it started ringing non stop but Mae being as strong headed as she can be refused to receive any of the calls 

        "Mam just pick your call" janet pleaded

    "No I won't pick any of those calls, what do they take me for? Can I call people that don't trust me my family, am going to see mum, if you want you can pick the call or else follow me. Janet chose to pick the call and tell her(Mae) dad that she wasn't with her phone and that she was with the rest of the family, only then did the calls stopped coming in, and Janet was happy  to have helped the situation.

        Meanwhile, while all these were going on Francis had gone back to his house when he saw the news and couldn't help but be happy for one of many of his plans have worked. While at the other side of the city  two siblings were  grinning  from ear to ear on seeing the news on the internet 

     "Mm Francis has finally succeeded" Gideon blurted out 

   "Succeeded in what?" Rachel asked

    "Huh, oh taking a pics with his idol duh"

    "Mmm? Does Francis crush on Jonas Jessy?"

     "How would I know that?"

      "While I was away during the holiday, which was when she became his idol, you guys were together"

       "I seriously don't know" 

      "You know you can't lie to me"

    "Fine, you got me I was lying and yes he has s crush on her"

      "And I thought he had a crush on the new girl"

     "Yeah, I noticed how he looks at her"

     "Well its not a crime to crush on two girls"

     "What ever"



     "Francis what's this?" Olivia Melvin Francis' sister asked when she saw something on her phone during dinner

      "How many times have I told you to stop operating you phone on my dinning table" Mrs Melvin asked

      "Mum take a look" before passing the phone to her mother 

     "Oh my boy has grown up, and its no ordinary girl"

    "Come on I want to see it too" Mr Melvin said. Mrs Melvin handed the phone over to him and he said after he saw the picture 

      "Hmm, Jonas Jessy, nice one, guess you know who she is now, so tell us who is she"

       "Sorry but can't tell, am full" Francis says and leaves for his room"