
Diary of Eliot Collins Grace

Diary of a normal 20-year-old office worker transported to another world.

NoximilienGrimm · Fantasy
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16 Chs

Day 2

Before even opening my eyes I already felt like sh*t. My whole body was in pain. And the moment I opened my eyes everything became even worse.

I was immediately assaulted by strong nausea.

I wanted to hold on but just couldn't. With great effort, I managed to turn on my left side before vomiting. Shockingly the thing that excited my body was black and had a very bad odor.

After this, I immediately felt much better. My body, still in pain became…lighter. I didn't understand what was happening to me, but I finally looked around.

I was on the bed, in a small wooden room. There wasn't much furniture. Only the most basic table and chair.

The only light source in the room was a window in front of the table.

Suddenly I heard steps behind the door and a young girl entered the room. The moment she saw that I was awake, she screamed and run away.

Then I heard some heavier steps and a middle-aged man with a short beard entered the room. He wore simple pants and a shirt. Under it, there were some bandages.

"You're finally awake." – He said with a smile. – "I am John, nice to meet you."

"I'm Eliot..." – As I recollected my last memories I quickly added. – "Thank you for saving me! And sorry for…the mess." – I looked towards the ground near bad where I vomited… It was awkward.

"It's not a problem."

John laughed and spoke. – "How can I be offended with my savior!"

Seeing my confused face, he explained the circumstances in which he found me.

I immediately thought about the fruit that I have eaten. As I was thinking I also asked something else.

"Black…what was it…Black Malakit? What is it?"

John was surprised. – "You're not from here? Black Malakit is a very diffused creature here in Astria."


"So, you are really not from here."

My worst fears suddenly became a harsh reality. As we continued our conversation, I said that I don't remember anything apart from my encounter with Malakit and some information about myself.

Astria was apparently the name of the continent we are located in now. More specifically I was in a small hunter village: Green Herb Village.

Pretty lame name in my opinion but I didn't say it loud.

The village was situated in the Fregas Kingdom...and the reigning family was the Fregas family. Pretty narcissistic I must say.

That bit of information confirmed that I'm not on Earth…

//Under the line, in black ink//

- Who could have expected that. Such a twist…

I said that I'm very tired. – "If you need something, call my daughter, Elisa. As you can see, I'm also somehow hurt hahahaha…" – He pointed at his bandages and left the room.

I am in another world…panic was about to overwhelm me again.

What to do?

What about my old life?

What to do?

How to return?

What to do?

Should I return?

The moment this last question appeared in my mind I slowly calmed down…Somehow, I already thought about this possibility when I first appeared in the forest anyway.

//Above the line in pencil//

- Liar. You are not so smart.

Maybe it's not so bad. I couldn't help but have some expectations. My life on Earth wasn't exactly the best, maybe here…in Astria…I will find something I'm good in?

Everything is better than my work in the office.

Also, from what John has told me, that purple flame was caused by me, and I bet that it's connected to the purple fruit that I ate.

Maybe I will have something useful to survive in this world.

Also, if there are such fruits here, probably there are some sort of supernatural powers in this world! Maybe magic!

Suddenly many expectations appeared in my mind. I felt my stupid dreams of when I was just a little kid, slowly reawaken. I wanted to explore the unknown. Wield powerful magic, fight monsters, become powerful and influential…

It was so unrealistic…but I couldn't help myself.

After indulging a few more moments in my sweet dreams of glory I started thinking about my immediate future.

First, I must familiarize myself with…everything. I will try to live here in the village. Hopefully, I will be able to use the purple flame…magic. John is a hunter here. Senior hunter apparently. I will try to join the hunter team. I don't know how to hunt, but I will have to learn…

Slowly a wave of tiredness overwhelmed me, and I fell asleep while thinking and making plans.

//Above the lines, in pencil//

- Lame plans

//Note at the end of the page//

- Must start recording the information about this world…

- Astria, a very big continent, don't know how big. Must remember to ask John tomorrow. Has many kingdoms.

- Apparently, there is magic and supernatural stuff here.

- Black Malakit, is a variant of Malakit, a very diffused species in Astria. It takes its name from a characteristic black fur that covers its whole body. Has a very developed physique. Normally bigger than an adult man. Has a pair of long twisted ears, sometimes mistaken for horns, which earned it another name: Black Devil. Normally it's a very intelligent creature but it's easily enraged and can become berserk. Its main weapon is the claws, but John told that some old Malakits can even create simple traps.

Malakits like every other species can evolve. I still don't know what this evolution is. Must also ask about it later.


*Elisa Flamewalker POV*

'The man brought by daddy is strange. His clothes are strange, and he is so skinny. He wouldn't able to become a good hunter. And he vomits black stinky stuff. He is probably sick. Hopefully, it's not contagious, or daddy will become sick too.

It would be so good if he stopped vomiting… It's already the third time that I clean the room…

Eh, anyway, he saved daddy, so I will help him if he needs anything!'

The young lady's face shined with determination. In her mind, it was the biggest challenge in her simple life.