
80: The conspiracy

'W-What should I do now? Looking at the princess directly in the eye makes me feel shy. S-Should I say something to the princess?'

Sui opened her mouth to speak to the princess, only for the princess to open the door fully and walk out into the corridor.

The night was dark enough for the moonlight to fully engulf the princess's face and make it look paler than before.

Most people would have described this reflection of light on the princess's face as beautiful, but to Sui, it looked haunting and lonely at the same time.

"What are you doing here in the middle of the night? Did you miss me?"

The princess asked in a low voice. The tone of her voice caused Sui to shiver and take a step back.

She was not afraid of the princess.

Sui knew that she had no reason to be afraid of the princess. But every time she tried to open her mouth and speak, her body froze.