
323: Let's go shopping

"The banquet will be held in a few days, and there is a lot we need to prepare. First, we need to get you a dress that fits you. Then, we need to get accessories and other things to match. It is going to be a long and bothersome process."

Grand Duke Lucius's mouth said one thing, but his expression said another. He looked excited at the thought of Sui having to go through all this torture.

Sui did not know how she felt about it all, but she knew she wanted to be treated as an experiment by the Grand Duke.

But that was what it was turning out to be slowly. 

"Can we do all that tomorrow? I am a little tired today-!"

"No way! We don't have enough time, and much is left to do. Please hurry up and follow me out. I will show you all the good places we can get our stuff from."

The grad Duke did not even wait for Sui's answer before he stood up and dragged her up as well.