
Diary Of A Serial Killer

An indie author commits real life crime scenes in order to inspire himself to write novels based on true events.

KleiNightwriter · Horror
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I still could not move on from Angela. It's been ten years since we dated and I still can't move on from her. The fact that I am with someone who has an unrequited love for me, Bella, is madly obsessed with me and had been stalking me for a few weeks now. I've had my toothbrushes and pens missing everywhere in my house, but I've caught her breaking in and just stood aghast there.

She had been staring at me in my sleep every single night. She also knows what is under the basement, and beyond that is a torture dungeon, that I've set up for quite a while. She admitted that she admires my work, and I was quite relieved she wouldn't be the type to snitch on me, for the terrible actions I've done.

Although, she is to me like how I am towards Nyarlathotep. A devoted worshipper, whose have a compulsive attachment to the Great Old One. The dead God that had been forgotten throughout the ages in the tides of time, as its waves of millennia passed through the lands of Gaia.

Dragging all of the Great Old Ones along under the ocean, washing away every first gods on the soil of Earth, trapping them under the depths of the seven seas and the four oceans beyond the horizon of the land. Now the gods are dead. The evil one could have easily broken out through the barriers of reality from the permafrost from the Arctic to Antarctica. Swiftly destroying the world in half, if he wanted to.

But instead, he wanted to let the humans suffer after killing their god and usurp his throne, using science, trying to surpass him. Perhaps even, he has a different reason that is beyond our basic, human understanding.

About Bella, though. She was about to tell the police, as within the beginning, I was clueless that she was, in fact, in love with me. She manipulated me onto offering me a deal with her.

It was a bargain with the devil, that once signed with blood through the pact contract. It is already too late. Her condition was to keep my vile actions as a secret, but with a price of having to be in a relationship with her.

I know she has no ability to tell the cops, for she was in love with me. Even if it was already too late. As for telling the cops on her break-ins, such as using the tape-hammer method on my glass doors. She knows what I've been up to, and has sheer evidence of such crimes.

It was fair, no one will snitch on the other. However, I am a man of my word, and could find her useful. So, instead of giving her love, I do the hot and cold technique, where I love-bomb her. Then turn that off for a while, then come back to her doing the same all over again and again every day.

This will keep her craving for more, and the longer I do so, the more she wants me. With so much devotion towards me, I could find her worth my time into helping me with the corpses that had been lying around.

Such as making her my housemaid into doing most of the "cleaning" around the basement. She would be suitable for cooking as well. The best way to a man's heart is through the stomach.

I told her that line to keep her reminded that I have an intense palette for food. I am a picky-eater and I am a businessman with perfect charisma. I do my daily grind-set. Invest my money into marketable assets, and do my daily work as a blogger and a journalist.

I do this often now as my full-time job, professional about it and wearing the right outfit for formality, as I dress to impress. However, in the night, I climb up the walls of buildings, scour through the city skylines. Scouting ahead, finding the right and perfect time to strike as the apex predator of society The vampire in the night that lurks behind the shadows, giving terror in the hearts of the boldest men.

I track my prey through footsteps, and keep a keen eye and ear in the quietest night. To the point that my presence gives forests a dread of silence other than the chirping birds.

Writer by day, killer by night.