
Diary Of A Psychopath: Descent To Madness

Author's Notes: Hello everyone, I'm sorry to disappoint but I can't take it anymore, I'm going through too many things that's messing up my mental health, I'm going to finally end it. This is my final work. Although, even as a ghost, you will still feel like as if I'm still there for you, entertaining all of you. This entire book was my cry for help, and a silent voice that needed to be heard by the world. Thank you, everyone. ARC I “In the world of darkness that is obscured by human society, there is a vampire who has psychic abilities that are so powerful, his mind cannot bear it, to the point it drives him insane. He is in a political cold war between two clans of centuries long-fought of his own kind, given the legacy to dominate and take down the Vampire Council. His alias goes by the name of Voltaire, who was once human, a brilliant prodigy who fought his childhood traumas, only to lead him to life with the undead.” ARC II "Realizing everything was none but a delusion, he became a serial killer after sacrificing his most loved one to the Great Old One, Nyarlathotep, whom a dead god that he appeases with blood and gore. He kills people and leaves bodies behind, in order to be an anonymous and infamous serial killer, just so he can be inspired to write books 'based on true events' of his crimes." ARC III "His mental illnesses cured, realizing it was caused by some sort of cyber-psychosis that was implanted into his brain. Finally realizing that the reality he lives in is not what he actually thought. Indeed however, the reality he lives in is not some urban modern era. But a dystopian future, full of technology beyond his comprehension. He is now in a cyberpunk era of his world. Full of mysteries, conspiracy theories, and more insanity that will be unveiled." ARC IV "Coming soon..."

KleiNightwriter · Eastern
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31 Chs

Obsessive Intrusive Pt. 2

It is about sunrise in New York right now. 5:44 AM for my master, and 5:44 PM for me. Since my vampire doppelganger that I control, only if I am unconscious in my mundane form, I can at least feel everything that my doppleganger does and feel into my own mundane form.

Quite an extraordinary feat, I must say. I've done this before, but I was in just an astral form, but I usually keep myself invisible to the eyes of mortals who know about me in this part of town to avoid suspicion of my nighttime activities. Usually, I can only do this by using an item I enchanted with so much creativity and my psychic abilities mixed together that created such, let's say not so extraordinary novels but some of my whereabouts that took a wild turn.

The best thing about my doppelganger is that no matter how many this body dies, I can just reform it a new one from my own mundane self, but it could be a bit traumatising to feel my own death, over and over again, and it could cost a lot of my blood to make a new astral self that is physical in the material world of mankind.

The only way to kill me and stop reforming more new vampiric doubles of myself is to kill the host itself, which is the weak mundane host that is my main body. However, no one can easily figure out where I am, I am very isolated with the shittiest internet signal.

The fact that my house is covered around my pet bats that could turn into gargoyles could easily protect me, and since I am a prince, of course, I have a lot of connections that I could rely on.

But usually I would just do everything myself instead of sacrificing more pawns, unlike the cowards of the political bloodsuckers that used to be the Vampire Council that forces everyone to do their dirty work to gain more power, promising this and that, even if they do, they only do it out of pity because of your efforts, so they will not be convinced to move to the other side of the war.

But that was before, I've only learned these through visions and never experienced such.

My mundane body may be weak, and more fragile than a human, literally, but my vampiric doubles are where my sources of power are, but once they die, they come back to me, but at the price of my own blood in order to recreate them again.

So as a prince, I am that one piece that must be protected at all costs, having the rest of my doubles to be my pawns on the frontline to do all the work, while the rest of the vampires in our clan just do what they are told by other princes and I am here, doing my solo work to save time for the others.

Not because I am generous, but also because I am flexible to my capabilities that I could do such things, so they can do the rest of the jobs they are assigned to do.

"The Vampire Council is gone, what happens now?" you may ask?

That's a simple answer, we rebuild what the war destroyed. That is none of my concern now, I am only a prince of this country's vampiric society.

But the others hold grudges because of the people who were sacrificed during the cold war between clans, and there are plenty of other clans that work like organised factions that deal with their own problems, and their own wars with other covens. Having our main issue resolved by a simple job by me, because of my persuasion skills, and not to be arrogant… my charisma.

But the thing is, I feel like the Pride bloodline that courses through my veins is replacing The Hidden One bloodline I used to be. I was told I was a hybrid of the two bloodlines.

Let me break it down for you. There are 7 archetypes of vampires and 7 prototypes. The 7 archetypes are the seven deadly sins that incarnated as vampires from different mythologies.