
diary of a modern vampire

a dairy of a vampire loosely based on my daily life as it goes on eventually it will gain more and more fictional elements at the end of the year the diary will turn into a real book think of this as notes and Diary of a normal person who has gotten everything a vampire has asked for

Anthony_Bledsoe · Fantasy
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entry 5 the questions

Dear diary, It was March 13th, 9:53 p.m. Since ingesting the blood, my mind is more clear, my thirst is stronger, my hearing is more sensitive, and I'm barely tired. Maybe it could be a new strain of rabies, but the symptoms don't appear to align. I plan to put some of my blood under a microscope and do some tests to see if it could be a virus. On a side note, I've been seeing these red boxes in my vision every so often with weird symbols. Hopefully it's nothing, but as time goes on, I slowly start to question: Is it safe to be around me? What if I'm contagious? On a side note, I found some new books and made some fajitas for dinner. Man, are they good!

what's the red box and what is this affecting Sora is she ok or is it the beginning of a life she never expected

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