
Diary of a Demon Lord: The Rise to Power

This is a promotional flyer crafted by Azazel, who has used it to fiercely undermine the forces of Heaven, deceiving countless souls into Hell. "Hey, Azazel, how's life in Hell?" "Blazing hot—oh, a jest—I know you're not talking about the weather. There are seductive and beautiful succubi, all kinds of strange jellies, daily horror shows, and grand battles every third day. Betrayal, and, well, more betrayal, stratagems and lies that even Hollywood can't match. Hell is quite nice, hey, this isn't a recruitment advert for Hell, but really, Hell is quite nice."

Xia_0745 · Fantasy
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55 Chs

The Beginnings

The old university library was a place seldom tread by foot.

Even couples in love would shy away from this secluded spot.

It was at twilight when he uncovered the dusty tome tucked away in a corner of the timeworn library.

The setting sun streamed through the windows casting amber columns of light, playing with ancient dust motes in the air.

He gently wiped the dust from the cover and opened the book.

It was an extraordinary volume, a book imbued with magical power.

As he turned the pages, he was captivated by a strange, indescribable force. The tome was filled with symbols incomprehensible to him, yet astoundingly, he understood every unseen character.

Right there, in front of the bookshelf, within the pages of this book, a portal to another world abruptly swung open.

He was utterly consumed, unable to escape, irresistibly drawn through the doorway. His world faded into the distance while a new, bizarre realm loomed ahead.


"Look who we have here, what a precious little one!" A young priest beamed down at him, and to his astonishment, he discovered he had become a baby. A newborn infant. "Oooh, my son, my son. Look at these tiny hands, this nose, just like mine."

This was his first encounter with his father, his father in this new world.

"Although his eyes do resemble yours," the father said with a gentle smile, turning toward a beautiful woman with golden hair, "My dearest Susan, childbirth must have exhausted you. Rest well, my love."

She was his mother, Susan.

These were his parents, or rather, the parents of his new world.

In a corner of a city in the Divine Land, a person had vanished.

And he had arrived in this world, reborn as a human being once more.

New parents.

A new life!

"What shall we name him?" The mother's voice, Susan, was tired. "Haven't you thought of it yet?"

"I've had the perfect name in mind," the father declared, "I plan to call him Azazel. What do you think? Azazel, our son."