
Diary From Another World (Reincarnate to Rule)

Let me tell you straight up, the mc here is ... how should I say it ... INTERESTING. After he was reborn into a world with a game system, our mc thought that the new world he got into is going to be like one of those isekai that he have to kill bosses to level up. But why is this world so different? Where are the other monsters, the bosses that he need to overcome? Is this really just a simple isekai? With a unique style of storytelling from the mc's own diaries and his master's degree in Isekai tropes being useless, how can our mc survive in his new world?

Shyerin · Fantasy
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40 Chs

What's the Point?

Diary 2:

Sorry that I stopped the diary there. I didn't mean to leave you on a cliffhanger... even though that's what I did. There isn't much paper to write so I had to stop right then. If you are curious about where I got the paper from the boss. It dropped it along with hundreds of weapons that it was about to kill me. I wonder why a boss would use paper? Maybe it enjoys writing a diary as well? Anyway, let's continue.

[Are you sure you want to start the game?]

[Are you sure you want to start the game?]

[Are you sure you want to start the game?]...

The sound of the system kept playing by my ears, but I didn't pay attention to it at all. My eyes were focused on the screen. How long have I been replaying the video? I couldn't keep track of it. I just sat there, while there are hundreds of weapons to pick up behind me, but I just sat there, watching, watching, watching. I never thought how much they were important to me until now that I realize that I will never see them again. I kept going back to those precious seconds that showed my parents' faces.

Day 1:

"I am happy to see them."

"They looked tired, probably lost some weight as well."

"I wonder how much it cost for my funeral."

Day 2:

"Why are they crying?"

"I don't want them to cry"

"Mom, dad. Don't cry."

"I am still alive! There is no reason for you to cry at all!"

Day 3:

"Let me see them."

"Let me see them!"


I yelled desperately while punching the floor. Blood was flowing from my fists but there was nothing I could do. I sat there, crying, a lot. I cried too much that I don't think there are any tears left in me. Two more days went by, and I was still there, not moving an inch. I was thinking,

"Why am I here?"

"Why don't you just let me die?"

"Why do you have to make me suffer like this?"

"I don't want to continue."

"What's the point?"

"I lost my parents, my friends, everyone I treasure."

"I am all lonely here by myself in this foreign world."

"I have no one to talk to, no one to share my stories"

"I am going to die alone anyway."

"Let's end this. I will end myself."

"System, I won't let you decide what to do with my life."

[Are you sure you want to start the game?]

[Are you sure you want to start the game?]

[Are you sure you want to start the game?]



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