
Chapter 2

In a Kingdom faraway, a King is sitting down while looking at the person in front of him.

"2 months ago, I've told you about what I saw." He said to the person in front of him.

The person opened his eyes in surprise as he remembered the King's words 2 months ago.

'A young hero will appear alongside someone who has already carved a legend. Although the young hero is still a young man who's hands wasn't stained by blood yet, in the future, he will be the brightest star in the sky. I want you to find them and convince them to join us. The 7 knights who will protect the Kingdom from danger, that young hero will be the spear who'll pierce those who will harm the land.'

"What about it?" The man finally asked after reminiscing.

"It is time for you to find them. I hope you can convince them to come to Liones." The King said.

"I'll do my best, King Bartra." The man bowed down to the King before standing up as he walked out of the throne room but before he left, he turned around and King Bartra felt something will happen.

"I'll find them... after Merlin returns~. Since Merlin is still finding the others, I'll drink to my heart's content~ nishishishi~" The man said as he chuckled before running away causing King Bartra to stand up while raging.

"You...! Meliodas!! Get back here!!" King Bartra roared while the royal guards had wry smiles on their faces. They were already used to seeing this scene. Meliodas even came sometimes with booze, he would always bail out when King Bartra has a task for him.

Although Meliodas said he would drink all the time, King Bartra knows that he will complete his request. He was just waiting for that mage, Merlin, to find out the whereabouts of those knights in his dream. He heaved a sigh after thinking of the upcoming calamity that will struck the Kingdom of Liones.


Inside a forest, two figures appeared. A young man with valiant features was thrown out of the portal, he then stood up by using the wooden spear as a cane. Meanwhile the armored figure lightly stepped out of the portal. The portal then closed up after the two of people got out.

"That was a rough travel. Ow, my butt still hurts." Nevan said while rubbing his ass. The armored figure started looking around in amusement.

The armored figure then looked at Nevan while thinking of something.

"Since you've revived me, I'll be able to enjoy the beauty of the world once more. I'll thank you for that. Of course I'm not that ungrateful, I owe you one." The armored figure said as it walked while he followed. and Nevan was silenced by the words that the armored figure said. After thinking for a little while, Nevan started talking.

"I'd like to use up that favor." Nevan said while looking seriously towards the armored figure. The armored figure then stopped as it looked at Nevan with curiosity.

"Yone said you're my servant." Nevan said and the air around them cooled down and cold sweat started appearing in Nevan's back.

"Yes." the armored figure said coldly while staring at Nevan, the previous curiousity was replaced by coldness.

"To be honest, I don't like the idea of master-servant pact." Nevan said making the atmosphere ease up a little.

"Why?" The armored figure asked.

"Who doesn't?" Nevan asked her a question instead of answering her question.

"Then why?" The armored figure asked.

"Instead of a master-servant type of relationship, I'd like to form a deal... teach me everything for 3 years. After that, you're free to explore and go wherever you want to go. Teach me how to remove this thing after 3 years." Nevan said as he showed her the 5 magatamas forming a circle while feeling nervous. In a deal, both sides must offer something of equivalent. Truthfully, 3 years was Nevan's upper limit while a year is the bottomline. Lower than that and Nevan would be in a disadvantage.

"Sure, 3 years it is." The armored figure said as it turned around and stared at Nevan.

Nevan finally saw the entirety of the armored figure. The silver and blue armor covering every single part of the person. The helmet that resembles a lion head with its mane. He could feel the aura it is exuding. Confidence, pride, maturity, and calmness. Those are the only aura that Nevan could pinpoint.

"Do you know how to escape this forest?" The Armored figure asked.

"No. Not yet at least. There's just too little information." Nevan calmly said. He would sometimes go on a hunt with his father and they would offer a part of what they hunted to the Gods.

"Hmmm." The armored figure looked around as if looking for traces.

"Let's go towards the North. I spotted some tracks." The armored figure pointed at the space but in Nevan's vision, he could not see it.

"Huh? Where?" Nevan asked while scratching the back of his head.

"Follow me." The armored figure said as she walked to the north. Nevan didn't say anything and just followed the armored figure.

After an hour of continuous walking, the duo got out of the forest and was able to see a town.

Nevan and the armored figure tried to enter the town but was blocked by the guards.

"Halt." The guard said as he tilted his hand and the halberd in his hand blocked the way for us.

'Hm? I can understand him?' Nevan thought to himself. His otaku friend said that he always find it ridiculous for those transported to another world to instantly learn their language as if there's no language barrier. Nevan thought about it and found it logical but now, his logic was shattered after hearing the guard's words. Seeing the two not answering, the guard frowned and Nevan immediately acted, he hopes that they could understand him too.

"I apologize, we're tried and weary from our journey. We were robbed by bandits and managed to escape due to our running speed." Nevan said. They didn't have money to pay for meals and safe space.

'Good he can understand me.' Nevan concluded after seeing the facial expression of the guard as he was listening to him intently.

"Hm? Bandits? But your companion is a holy knight, why would you run from bandits?" The guard asked and Nevan felt the pressure. Meanwhile the armored figure felt amused and was intaking the information it just received.

'Holy knight? What was that? Argh, I lack huge amounts of information of this world.' Nevan thought to himself.

"N-no, they are pretty strong and we're outnumbered, we've got no choice but to run or be surrounded and die." Nevan quickly spun his mind to make up a logical lie.

"Hmmm. I see. Your armor looks good, how about you sell it to me? You guys were robbed right? Which means you don't have money right now." The guard asked the armored figure.

The armored figure was about to summon the lance but a hand stopped the armored figure from summoning the lance. Nevan shook his head slightly indicating to hold up. The armored figure had never felt humiliated in its entire life, a mere guard wanted to covet the armor? His life wouldn't be enough but he decided to let Nevan clear the situation.

"Its okay. We're just going to contact my friend and we can borrow some money to go back." Nevan lied through his teeth to make the guard open the path.

Hearing that the man has a friend inside, he immediately let them go inside, with a holy knight as a companion, the guard felt like the man is surely not something he could block from entering nor extorting for money.

Nevan heaved a sigh of relief as he glanced at the armored figure walking side by side with him. The armor that his companion was wearing, almost botched their chance to enter the town.

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