
Diaries of Mr. Han’s Sweet Marriage

Gao Xiaoxiao, a secretary and single mom, struggles to support herself and her young son. When her rakishly handsome boss, Han Zhen, offers her a proposal she can’t refuse, she agrees to enter into a marriage contract with him. For him, it is simply to fend off pressures from his prominent family to settle down while keeping up his playboy lifestyle. Forced to live together, the two soon learn that perhaps there is more than just a bogus marriage between them. The enigmatic Han Zhen is generous and affectionate one minute, cold and aloof the next. Unaware of her own growing feelings for him, Xiaoxiao resists his flirtatious overtures as she navigates their strange marriage. Meanwhile, pressures—from emotional blackmail to direct ultimatums—are mounting from the Han family for the couple to produce an heir. Her own son is growing up fast and asking questions about the father he has never met. Her step-sister threatens to turn her world upside down by exposing her dark secret. A lover from the past shows up unexpectedly. How will Xiaoxiao salvage the situation? Is divorce the only way to get out of the mess she finds herself in?

Su Zihuan · Urban
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40 Chs

I'm Not Coming Home to Sleep Tonight (2)

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

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"Xiaobai, when is summer break starting in kindergarten?"

In the supermarket, Gao Xiaoxiao stood beside the shelf and compared two brands of sliced bread in her hands as she asked.

Gao Xiaobai was not sitting in the cart like an ordinary child. He was at her feet, pushing the cart like a little adult. "At the end of this month."

"Oh." Gao Xiaoxiao put a pack of sliced bread in the cart and the two of them strolled along the shelves.

After the summer break, Xiaobai would be attending kindergarten senior class. Time passed really quickly…

Her phone suddenly rang. Gao Xiaoxiao took it out and saw that it was Han Zhen.

She frowned but put it to her ear. "Hello."

"Wife, I'm not coming home to sleep tonight."

"Alright." There was a hint of joy in her voice.

The man on the other end of the phone could tell that too. He asked in a low voice, with a hint of annoyance, "Why do you seem… very happy?"

"… No, I don't." Gao Xiaoxiao smiled.

There was a pause.

"Is there anything else? If there's nothing else, I'll hang up. I'm watching TV," Gao Xiaoxiao lied, but she was already planning her activities after dinner. Should she bring Xiaobai to a movie or go swimming?

"Bam!" Han Zhen hung up.

Gao Xiaoxiao covered her ears and pouted.

"What a difficult young master to please!" she thought.

• • •

After buying a huge bag of grain, Gao Xiaoxiao took Xiaobai to Pizza Hut for a big meal. Then they went to the cinema to watch a 3D blockbuster, Interstellar, and spent the night happily.

The next afternoon, Gao Xiaobai took a nap while Gao Xiaoxiao went to the cafe where she had arranged to meet Gu Liqing alone.

The appointment time was 2:00 pm, but it was not until 3:00 pm that Gu Liqing arrived like a great miss. Gao Xiaoxiao had almost finished her coffee.

She held a white Chanel handbag and sat opposite Gao Xiaoxiao elegantly. Her exquisite makeup and elegant chiffon dress made her look seductive.

After taking a look at Gao Xiaoxiao's clothes, Gu Liqing smiled. "Where are the glasses? Why aren't you wearing them?"

Gao Xiaoxiao smiled. "I was afraid that you wouldn't recognize me again, so I didn't wear it."

Gu Liqing thought about how intimate Gao Xiaoxiao and Han Zhen were yesterday and could not help but feel jealous. She said sarcastically, "That's true. I really didn't recognize you clearly in the past. You're so young, but you're actually so unscrupulous. You charmed my uncle five years ago, and now you've hooked up with Young Master Han. Tsk, tsk, tsk. Your ability to seduce men is really improving at lightning speed!"

Gao Xiaoxiao was not angry. She picked up her coffee and took a sip. "Let's make a deal."

"Tch!" Gu Liqing sneered. "Deal? What right do you have to negotiate a deal with me?"

"Don't you like Han Zhen?" Gao Xiaoxiao threw out the bait calmly.

As expected, Gu Liqing narrowed her eyes. "You agree to break up with him?"

Gao Xiaoxiao smiled and deliberately said nothing.

Gu Liqing panicked and said impatiently, "As long as you agree to break up with him, I won't tell him that you gave birth at 18 years old. How about that? This is a very good deal, right?"

Gao Xiaoxiao frowned. After a long while, she sighed and said, "That's true. Getting a breakup fee now is better than getting exposed later and not getting a single cent."

Gu Liqing smiled smugly. "At least you're sensible. However, I have another request."

Gao Xiaoxiao frowned inwardly. She realized that Gu Liqing was really pushing her luck.